Train Smarter for Gaelic Games

September 08, 2014

Train Smarter for Gaelic Games - Are you living in Dublin but playing at home?

The National Athlete Development Academy are delighted to offer Training Programs specifically for those of you who live in Dublin and play Gaelic Games for your club at home.

So if you're tired of making the journey home and back during the week, we will build a specific individualised 12 week program for you (and your team-mates) that works around your current training and match schedule at home with your club.

We offer an innovative approach to training - building on a solid athletic foundation while staying focused on each player's individual goals. NADA will have the added bonus of a weekly Pitch Session available as well as Gym sessions in NADA HQ.

Our unique program includes coaching in movement skills, injury reduction and rehabilitation, linear and lateral speed techniques, foot speed and agility, explosive power development, proper functional strength training and energy system conditioning. Athletes are closely supervised as the coach takes them through an intense workout with attention always being paid to proper technique and safety.

As a Senior NADA Athlete/Player you will be encouraged to tackle your fitness and health goals in a much more holistic manner than at an average gym.Our Philosophy is that Movement Skill, Body Awareness and Technique come first. Followed by Building a Strong Strength Base. And finally Conditioning that will Challenge each of the Energy Systems in your body - off the gym floor NADA staff are always on hand to give you advice on Lifestyle and Nutrition. For those athletes who want more in-depth advice in these areas NADA have a team of Highly Qualified Consultants based in NADA HQ.

Bottom line: Every time you train at NADA, it is not just about having a great workout or "getting fitter".It is about experiencing a place which is solely focused on helping you meet your performance goals as an athlete and sports person. At NADA we give our athletes and players a space where all they have to do is enjoy challenging themselves and each other. Our top quality coaches take care of all the planning and programming that will get you to where you want and need to be.

Join us and Start Your Journey. We guarantee it will be the best and most enjoyable that you have ever undertaken.


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