Red Hands to appeal McKenna Cup decision

March 15, 2007

Mickey Harte
The Tyrone county board is expected to appeal the Ulster Council's decision to strip them of the McKenna Cup. The provincial body made the ruling at a meeting on Tuesday night after the Red Hands had breached the Council's rules by fielding two college players in the McKenna Cup final victory over Donegal last month. Both Damien McCaul (UUJ) and Cathal McCarron (St. Mary's) had been registered with their respective colleges, but they were in the Tyrone starting line-up for the February 17 tie. Not surprisingly, Tyrone manager Mickey Harte has reacted angrily to the decision which denies the Red Hands their fourth McKenna Cup success on the trot. "I think it's a bit sad that this has happened following the contribution we have made to the McKenna Cup over the past five years," he said. "The breath of life which we breathed into the competition since 2003, and the energy and effort which we always attributed to it, if that's the thanks we get, then it's a bit sad." Harte has urged his county board to make an immediate appeal to the GAA's Central Appeals Committee in a bid to have the decision overturned. "I would expect them to appeal this as far as it can be appealed. I believe they will be determined to do that as well," he added.

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