Harte calls for GAA World Series

November 17, 2006
Tyrone manager Mickey Harte has urged the GAA to abandon the International Rules series and replace it with a GAA World Series for winners of the senior, intermediate and junior All-Ireland club championships. "We need to begin to generate an international dimension to Gaelic games," Harte said at a debate in DCU about the future of the International Rules series on Thursday night, November 16. "Let's not forget inter-county football started with the clubs. Clubs represented their counties in the first instance. Clubs can also represent our country at junior, intermediate and senior. "We have teams in virtually every part of the world and there are certainly teams who could meet that standard. We could begin by having a World Series at club level." He added: "It might take time, but so what? Certainly Gaelic football is being played elsewhere."

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