New York hurlers to strike 100,000 shots in two hours for charity

May 26, 2020

A view of the New York crest at Gaelic Park.

On Sunday June 6, 50 New York Hurlers will be attempting 100,000 strikes in two hours collectively to raise funds for Slàinte 2020.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic across New York state, it has left many individuals, including GAA families without any source of income. Five long-established Irish organizations came together to provide financial relief for those adversely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Aisling Irish Center, Emerald Isle Immigration Center, New York Irish Center, United Irish Counties and New York GAA. This collective fundraising effort formed on the basis of togetherness within the Irish community, was entitled Sláinte 2020.

From this the New York Hurling community have decided to ‘Strike for Sláinte’. From Senior, Junior, Development Squad Hurlers to some of the U18s and World Games winners, they will come together to help out their community.

The 50 hurlers will each have to get 2,000 strikes off a wall.

You can donate here:

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