Duleek send out warning

August 06, 2003
All other sides with hopes of winning the intermediate championship must be worried after Duleek handd out 20-point beating to Carnaross. Duleek 5-13 Carnaross 1-5 There was nothing but pride at stake as both teams had already qualified in first and second place respectively. Duleek were out of the blocks the quickest and after ten minutes were 1-04 up before Carnaross scored their first point. Duleek's goal came from Damien O'Halloran with points from Conall McGinley (2), Karl McDonnell and Peter Curran. Before Carnaross could register their second point on 19 mins Duleek had added on a further 1-2. Again McGinley and Curran getting the points and McDonnell scoring the goal. The game was as good as over at this stage but Duleek still weren't finished for the half, three more points Curran (2) and McDonnell gave Duleek a 13 point lead at the break. Half time Carnaross 0-02 Duleek 2-09     Carnaross came out fighting and gave themselves some hope with a goal after two-minutes. However, the come back was quickly snubbed out in a bizarre ten minute spell. Curran pointed for Duleek and then Bryan Cudden hit the first of a nine minute hat trick. His second came 8 minutes later and third followed a minute after that. A solitary Carnaross point interrupted his impressive scoring sequence. That left the score 5-10 to 1-03 with 13 minutes left. Michael Johnson added two points before Carnaross replied with two of their own. Robbie O'Neill who was moved from goals had the last say with a fine point on the run. Duleek - Robbie O'Neill (0-1), Mark Cudden, Colin Crosby, Aodhghan Byrne, David Cosby, Paul Martin, Gordon Hynes, Karl McDonnell (1-2), Anthony Johnson, Peter Curran (0-5), Daire Ferguson, Bryan Cudden (3-0), Damien O'Halloran (1-0), Michael Johnson (0-2), Conall McGinley (0-3). Subs - Stephen Murphy for K. McDonnell, Adrian Joyce for P. Curran

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