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Jimmy's not winning holidays

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I know that guys uncle he assures me its closer to five million (or was that billion)!

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2191 - 29/09/2015 20:05:26    1793898


Henry hill 16. . 4 million? They bringing half of Dublin with them!

Terrible from the county board for the commitment the players give.. odd forum Jim McG used mind

AthCliath87 (Dublin) - Posts: 345 - 29/09/2015 21:28:07    1793960


I thought it was an immature enough shot that although McGuinness has given the county many good days, he has also reaped countless rewards. I doubt very much he would be in the job he is currently in without Donegal GAA. It is unfortunate he feels the need to tarnish the great memories that were built. This should have been done behind closed doors.
I do understand his frustration if County Board have went back on their word, I don't know the circumstances but I don't think it was something that needed aired in a National paper.

Elvisahaha (Mayo) - Posts: 36 - 30/09/2015 08:24:09    1794003


It may be a bit of a rant from Jim Mc, but does he not have a point.
if it known that certain individuals cant go on a holiday what big deal was it to give those ppl a voucher instead.

Donegal CB would not have got half the cash given to him without Jim Mc bringing success and more importantly footballing respect to Donegal.

Even if it cost thw CB a few extra bob in the long run it prob would have been worth it

woops (Kerry) - Posts: 2073 - 30/09/2015 12:42:15    1794179


Lads, the point is that in the past 2012 etc anyone that couldn't go on the holiday was given a voucher for the same amount.

JMcG states that Paddy Mc Grath couldn't make the holiday because he had used up all his leave by attending training matches. How is it then fair to say, if you can't go, Tough!!

Everybody entitled to go, should go or be compensated.

donegaldouble (Donegal) - Posts: 313 - 30/09/2015 13:31:42    1794218


It seems mean-spirited not to give the 7 individuals a voucher. There were valid reasons they could not travel on the team holiday. How much money have the county board got since JMcG took over, selling shirts, sponsorship, etc.? I am sure it is a lot more than the 7k it would cost to compensate the individuals who couldn't travel.

JimTheLegend (Donegal) - Posts: 247 - 30/09/2015 14:16:42    1794244


I agree completely with the sentiment and I agree the players should have been subsidised, but I disagree with Jim doing it in this manner. He is a legend not only in the county but the country and I would have assumed that with his power and contacts (GPA, McEniff etc) he could have pushed this harder behind closed doors.

Jim created something in Donegal that every other county in Ireland, I include Dublin in this, would have gave anything for. Not possibly the most talented bunch to win an All Ireland but you knew you were going to war if you met them. Every other county looked at their system and admired. There was a bond that couldnt be broken.

That's why I don't like to see some in house griping between several different parties now. Do it behind closed doors.

Elvisahaha (Mayo) - Posts: 36 - 30/09/2015 16:04:23    1794345


A source from CP has told me that Jimmy had done his homework before going public on this. Apparently his wife (who is a solicitor) has been looking into this and CP have told her anyone who didn't travel on the team holiday should of received a voucher.

Donegal_D (Donegal) - Posts: 61 - 30/09/2015 21:14:19    1794467


I have mixed feelings about this. It is a team holiday, not an individual holiday that the players are rewarded with, and it should be kept that way as much as possible. But some players may not be able to commit to this due to the amount of time that they have taken off work during the year before. So it does make sense that they have to skip the perk of the holiday, not out of choice but rather out of holding down a job! So yeah they should get a reward for their efforts.

Not sure the Irish newspapers is the best place to do this, but where is a good place to do it? The next step would be court, and that would be most unfortunate.

Donegalman (None) - Posts: 3846 - 30/09/2015 21:28:28    1794476


What did the Donegal County Board do with the money they got from Croke Park for these 7 people's holidays?

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13777 - 01/10/2015 08:18:29    1794497



JMcG states that Paddy Mc Grath couldn't make the holiday because he had used up all his leave by attending training matches. How is it then fair to say, if you can't go, Tough!!Everybody entitled to go, should go or be compensated.

Yeah I have changed my mind on this after listening to Parkinson talk on newstalk last night. Now I know he is a mate of Jim McG but after listening to his comments on the GPA etc, it looks like an ex Manager is campaigning on behalf of his former players, not himself, so I say fair play to him on that. The players gave up a lot and everyone deserves to be treated the same.

slayer (Limerick) - Posts: 6480 - 01/10/2015 09:19:19    1794513


County: Limerick
Posts: 5654

Since we got a new County Treasurer a few years ago the purse strings have been tightened. As far as I know he changed caterers and bus suppliers because of costs. Now I agree with cutting unnecessary costs etc but I really feel that anyone who couldn't make it on the holiday, for whatever reason, should be compensated.

donegaldouble (Donegal) - Posts: 313 - 01/10/2015 10:30:30    1794555


Mes - yes I wonder that myself .

We have without doubt the most incompetent county board in Ireland .

TheRightStuff (Donegal) - Posts: 1688 - 01/10/2015 11:19:13    1794583


Bad form DL CB. JMcG went cap in hand around Donegal raising money for these people never mind the success he brought. Then he's blanked for a holiday and strung along for over a year - no wonder he's p****d off.

Floops (Dublin) - Posts: 1623 - 01/10/2015 11:26:24    1794587


County: Donegal
Posts: 933

Mes - yes I wonder that myself .

We have without doubt the most incompetent county board in Ireland .

There's a lot of competition for that title from what I can see. Every county board in Ireland could have been nominated at some point in time.

It's obviously been spent in some way, hence why they won't just give these guys the voucher.

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13777 - 01/10/2015 12:14:49    1794629
