National Forum

Maybe Dublin should have taken part in the Goal match

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In a world were Goal do a lot of good work in troubled areas especially in Syria, it's sad to see the Dubs to skip the charity match. It's not just the money that is raised at the gate, it's also the exposure that they get from the event.. Here's hoping a precedent has not been set.

Farney (Monaghan) - Posts: 802 - 24/09/2015 20:18:16    1792056


Is that true and is there a reason for it? Have other teams missed it before, I know it's a bit of a tradition. Won't win Dublin many friends though.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9780 - 24/09/2015 20:24:08    1792061


Kerry didnt play Goal match last year either

Gael85 (Dublin) - Posts: 1433 - 24/09/2015 20:24:47    1792062


I'd be more worried about the drinking culture being promoted by the team over the last few days along with the needless Bavaria sponsorship. And the unknown former player caught drink driving.

Jimin10 (Meath) - Posts: 783 - 24/09/2015 20:29:55    1792065


The former Dublin player was named in the media yesterday.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9780 - 24/09/2015 20:49:22    1792083


Stupid thing to do

He should be rightly punished

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20681 - 24/09/2015 20:51:06    1792086


Players released back to clubs

Full details on main page news feed

Tis a pity.. was great fun in 95, 11, 13

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20681 - 24/09/2015 20:57:31    1792089


Wont be first or last to do it. Very stupid of him. Wonder will he lose his job?

Jackeen (Dublin) - Posts: 4097 - 24/09/2015 21:03:13    1792093



Will be interesting to see the spike in drinking culture

I mean you mentioned you were worried about it

Drinking 0% beer is dangerous alright

Hopefully you'll be able to sleep tonight with the worry

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20681 - 24/09/2015 21:19:34    1792108


Didn't Kerry players skip this match last year? I have to say the lads have been immense in visiting the children in hospitals the last few days and in adopting young Molly as their mascot. Bernard had her with him in the mansion house the other night and at the heart of the celebrations there. I've no problem with the lads going on the tear this week. They've been living like monks for the past 12 months, back training 2 weeks after the Donegal defeat, so a week long session is the least they deserve. Haters gonna hate though!

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4734 - 25/09/2015 08:42:35    1792150


Have Dublin GAA said somewhere that no charity match will be taking place at all? I don't think they have. They've said that the usual match that takes place in the week following the All Ireland win is not going ahead due to club commitments. They haven't said it's not going to take place at all. But of course, any excuse for another Dub bashing thread.

CroiGorm (Dublin) - Posts: 1547 - 25/09/2015 08:54:29    1792154


County: Meath
Posts: 575

I'd be more worried about the drinking culture being promoted by the team over the last few days along with the needless Bavaria sponsorship. And the unknown former player caught drink driving.

Shame on them! How dare a bunch of young lads that have sacrificed their weekends/lives for the past 6 months (if not longer) go out and have a few drinks after winning an All Ireland. Awful behaviour altogether!!!

Haha Jimin10, I think I'm going to enjoy reading your bitter, anti-dub tripe here!! Keep it coming :)

CroiGorm (Dublin) - Posts: 1547 - 25/09/2015 08:57:48    1792155


What a pathetic post from Jim10. Those lads probably had about 5 nights out since last November.

Several of them don't drink and I am sure a good few drink very very little. Lads like Philly McMahon (I am sure you love him) don't touch the demon drink and publicly say that too.

Last time I checked alcohol was still legal also.

That Meath must be too tight around the brain there.

26plus6equals1 (Tyrone) - Posts: 430 - 25/09/2015 09:15:10    1792163


GOAL match hasn't taken place in either 2013 or 2014.
2013 Dubs played a match for Joe Brolly's organ transplant awareness campaign/charity. As far as I am aware Kerry didn't play in it last year.

Players are back with their clubs for championship.
A lot have hurling champo this weekend and nearly all have football next week.

Regarding the drink, ahh brighten up and have a pint will yiz.

Making a thread out of thin air here, well done

GAAHattrick (Dublin) - Posts: 278 - 25/09/2015 09:21:27    1792164


Saying that Bavaria is a beer is like saying McDonalds are Michelin star restaurants. Down here in the country we like a nice can of Dutch Gold over ice with our prawn sandwiches.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7572 - 25/09/2015 09:54:52    1792182


Posters have short memories; who was the team that went up north last year to play a charity match in the off season for the former Antrim player that is sick?

clondalkindub (Dublin) - Posts: 9926 - 25/09/2015 10:37:40    1792209


Clondalkin, Ulsterman prefers to concentrate on details regarding counties other than his own

Gavvygavgav (Dublin) - Posts: 383 - 25/09/2015 10:48:08    1792215


How dare the dirty dubs celebrate with a few well earned beers after a hard years training...bold bold boys.

Dubsfan28 (Dublin) - Posts: 2509 - 25/09/2015 10:52:46    1792217


Amateur sportsmen letting their hair down and celebrating winning the ultimate prize in Irish sport, imagine that eh!

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 25/09/2015 11:01:52    1792220


County: Dublin
Posts: 101

Clondalkin, Ulsterman prefers to concentrate on details regarding counties other than his own

Will we get a response from UM or just see tumble weed? I bet tumble weed.

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4734 - 25/09/2015 11:03:23    1792221
