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The chant for Dermo

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Look away from wether yee genuinely think Diarmuid is being hung out to dry or whatever, which is nearly getting embarrassing at this stage as he is clearly not, please do not do this. Away from everything else it would be genuinely disgusting and would make a mockery of something done from a serious tragedy, I would nearly rather him be let play and him to score the winner than for this to happen.

Mayofc (Mayo) - Posts: 95 - 04/09/2015 15:21:00    1782191


Disgusting, disgraceful, immoral and wrong
Also wont happen
If anyone near me tried that they'd get a belt
Dont worry Mayo lads, we will make sure this doesnt happen


Liamwalkinstown (Dublin) - Posts: 8166 - 04/09/2015 15:28:21    1782199


Thankfully due to some not so pleasant feedback they got about it it has (rightly) been deleted. Ridiculous idea and would have been very disrespectful after the recent tragedies that have been honoured in Croke Park. I personally would not have participated in it.

CroiGorm (Dublin) - Posts: 1547 - 04/09/2015 15:29:41    1782204


I usually back the dubs on this site.

Not sure what to think. If we kept every minutes applause we do in a match for only one person it would soon run out but at the same time it is a bit close to last weeks event.

Im 60/40 thinking this isnt offencive but im sure the only people who can decide that are the lads family.

Freedom of speech yes! Offending people on puropse no! Im not sure this does

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 04/09/2015 15:32:09    1782210


Whats this about?

Jackeen (Dublin) - Posts: 4097 - 04/09/2015 15:39:26    1782217


I don't think any of the Dubs on this site will be joining or condoning it, they are real GAA people.. We argue back and over but we all know what's right and we are all the one GAA family.. If this does go ahead, there will be a riot.. Respect is part of the ethos of the GAA..

goinwellintrain (Mayo) - Posts: 96 - 04/09/2015 15:41:18    1782223


Agree with above posts , very very poorly timed effort at solidarity , losing a player for a game and someone losing their life heaven help us if you cant tell the difference .

Damothedub (Dublin) - Posts: 5193 - 04/09/2015 15:45:37    1782225


Check the main headline jackeen, some idiot on a fb fanpage decided everybody should spend the 12th minute shouting for Diarmuid because it's such a tragedy with the hashtag #doitfor dermo. Don't need to tell you what it is taking the piss out of!

goinwellintrain (Mayo) - Posts: 96 - 04/09/2015 15:46:33    1782229


Jackeen, see this link:

CroiGorm (Dublin) - Posts: 1547 - 04/09/2015 15:47:57    1782230


Maybe if didn't report this it would've just gone away without any incident or comment necessary?

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 04/09/2015 15:55:19    1782233


County: Longford
Posts: 2497

1782233 Maybe if didn't report this it would've just gone away without any incident or comment necessary?

Nsil on head. We all know this wasnt a real gaa fan, might not even be a dublin fan for all we know. Hoganstand just creating more ill feelings between the two counties by making a story of this.

ConnollyDub (Dublin) - Posts: 2007 - 04/09/2015 16:03:04    1782238


Ignore the clowns (both sides and every county have them) on facebook.

yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11248 - 04/09/2015 16:11:12    1782243


Disgraceful idea,there really is some morans out there.

superbluedub (Dublin) - Posts: 2839 - 04/09/2015 16:23:13    1782252


ya this is bad form on the part of HS admins
Shitstirring lads

Liamwalkinstown (Dublin) - Posts: 8166 - 04/09/2015 16:37:12    1782263


For what it's worth I do think he is being hung out to dry and treated differently to others on this one but as regards that shi*e I know most people will ignore it and wouldn't be interested in the slightest. I don't bother with FB and only heard of this earlier and glad I don't considering the crap that seems to do the rounds on it.Minority of idiots will always draw attention.

SLLY (Dublin) - Posts: 463 - 04/09/2015 16:41:39    1782266


Jesus wept :/

Jackeen (Dublin) - Posts: 4097 - 04/09/2015 16:48:46    1782274


As someone says,losing your live and been suspended for a game is no contest as such,to make it worse you would swear it was the unjustice of the century!

ziggy32001 (Meath) - Posts: 8354 - 04/09/2015 17:09:57    1782293


Disgusted when someone told me about this but I'm glad to see the Dublin posters here condemning it. No matter what anyone thinks of the whole Connolly situation, it is completely disrespectful and classless and would make a mockery of what happened a week before.

wee_yo (Mayo) - Posts: 63 - 04/09/2015 17:34:53    1782314


Silly idea that was promptly ridiculed and taken down.
A couple of idiots lost the run of themselves and Dublin Gaels and the broader Gaelic world stepped up and nipped it in the bud.

That's why I like the GAA. Sometimes things can get heated in Croker (and on HS!) but when it comes to the crunch we're not a bad bunch and we're able to self-regulate.

Hopefully this story doesn't get too much more oxygen - it was a bad idea but its been sorted now.

Cherno_Samba (Louth) - Posts: 632 - 04/09/2015 17:43:07    1782319


Daft stuff,you would have to ask though why it is being given oxygen on HS in the first place.
I think Connolly is getting singled out when you consider recent ruling but let's just go out and take them on and if we can pull it off it will make it all the sweeter.

Dubh_linn (Dublin) - Posts: 2312 - 04/09/2015 17:46:15    1782320
