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Dublin v Mayo

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Dunno if anyone else copped it (the ref didn't anyway!) but McMenamin hopped the ball twice before setting up the pass for Brogan's goal.

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 16/03/2015 21:16:29    1703625


Pat Holmes was asked after the game was there anything said at half time by the players, Pat Holmes reply 'whatever is said in the dressingroom stays in the dressingroom'. On that answer I feel there is trouble in the Mayo camp, all he had to say is that some spoke up and said we need to up our game in 2nd half and the public wouldn't have taken any notice but his answer looks like trouble brewing

riverboys (Mayo) - Posts: 1389 - 16/03/2015 21:20:20    1703629


Yeah right keeper7 next thing you'll be telling us he took 20 steps in the '11 final before he score his goal.

clondalkindub (Dublin) - Posts: 9926 - 16/03/2015 21:23:39    1703631



I think everyone bar the ref and Marty Morrissey copped that :D

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8613 - 16/03/2015 21:50:55    1703651


County: Mayo
Posts: 192

Pat Holmes was asked after the game was there anything said at half time by the players, Pat Holmes reply 'whatever is said in the dressingroom stays in the dressingroom'. On that answer I feel there is trouble in the Mayo camp, all he had to say is that some spoke up and said we need to up our game in 2nd half and the public wouldn't have taken any notice but his answer looks like trouble brewing

Because of that answer there is trouble in the Mayo camp is hilarious. Keep up the one man stand up riverboy.

AthCliath (Dublin) - Posts: 4347 - 17/03/2015 20:09:42    1703881
