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Dublin v Meath

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County: Meath
Posts: 1636

County: Donegal
Posts: 2724

Dublin will win this at a canter.

Any team that tries to take Dublin on in an open game is going to be fed to the lions & Meath are next on the menu.

You mean any team that tries to play football???


Are you trying to tell me that there is only one way to play football?

Where have you been for the last 20 years?

20 years??? There are plenty of ways to play football, with emphasise on the words "play football"

Richieq (Meath) - Posts: 3734 - 30/06/2014 14:43:06    1611594


Ziggy - current odds :-

Dublin v Meath

1/7 11/2

14/1 Draw.

With meath playing so well and Dublin only playing for 35mins in games, I can see the bookies being taken to the cleaners with this game.
Could be a lot of people taking them odds...

Even Jim Gavin is talking meath up....

It is in the bag for meath.
Dubs to hit the road this year after all... :o)

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3758 - 30/06/2014 14:52:56    1611601


a lot of Dublin supporters are going to be saying about all talent on the Dublin team and the players being superior to meaths with more strength in dept, of course everyone knows this has a lot of truth in it however one of the main factors is going to come down to hunger, now obviously Dublin have so many players trying to get on the starting team so they will be wanting to impress but in terms of actually winning the Delaney cup Dublin have little respect for winning it, they've won it so many times and their main aim is to retain sam, I havnt seen meath look so hungry in a long time those players really want the Delaney cup and somehow I cant see them being beaten by Dublin three years in a row, its going to come down to who wants it more and I think that is meath.

meathalltheway (Meath) - Posts: 789 - 30/06/2014 14:56:42    1611606


Nothing to see here - move along quickly - Dublin by 10+.

Naysayer (Antrim) - Posts: 2071 - 30/06/2014 15:09:16    1611617


This is about the only game that dublin could call a game i leinster. Despite there being a gulf in class between the teams, there is nothing like a leinster final, especially v dublin that throws the form book out the window when it comes to a meath performance coming out of the blue. I think that this year, meath have been unlucky with injuries. If they can keep it tight with 10 minutes left on the clock, and dont fall into the trap of going for goals every time they go up the pitch, then you never know. I hope this is going to be the case, as another game that involves dublin without being tested is not what this competition needs.

The only way to beat dublin is defensively. There is nothing to be gained by going toe to toe with firepower. Ali would not have won so many fights in his career if he went toe to toe. Meath might have to lie against the ropes for long periods of this game, if that is what it takes.

Donegalman (None) - Posts: 3830 - 30/06/2014 15:23:01    1611627


County: Meath
Posts: 1638

20 years??? There are plenty of ways to play football, with emphasise on the words "play football"

Sorry richie,

I have to admit you have me here. I haven't got the faintest idea what you're talking about

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 30/06/2014 15:53:11    1611657


I would give a full strength Meath team a chance in this, albeit a small one.

However with their injury list there can only be one outcome.

Dubs by 10+

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 30/06/2014 15:55:00    1611658


County: Dublin
Posts: 518

In my opinion Meath will need another 5 goal blitz to beat Dublin, if it's a hot day I think it strengthens Dublin's hand even further , I just don't know how you can defensively prepare to face Dublin when for a start you don't know for sure who you will marking then if you do a good job on the player you're marking Gavin will send on a different forward who will be just as good if not better and have a range of different attributes coupled with a full tank of gas.

Of course every team is beatable but it ain't just a team it's a squad who's managed by a very astute and tactically aware man in Gavin.

No harm to you, but our club team doesn't defend as you describe let alone any county team worth it's salt. Defending at it's best is a bit more nuanced than what you are making out

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 30/06/2014 15:59:02    1611660


After watching them, this Meath team are capable of getting goals against us but they'll need a lot of them!

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8611 - 30/06/2014 16:27:10    1611679


Jinxs there was talk a few weeks back that the replay would be in Semple.

OLLIE (Louth) - Posts: 12224 - 30/06/2014 16:37:12    1611683


Jinxs there was talk a few weeks back that the replay would be in Semple.

OLLIE (Louth) - Posts: 12224 - 30/06/2014 16:47:04    1611691


I think it'll be close. I know a lot is made of the whole Meath vs Dublin thing and a lot of it is nostalgic crap, but they genuinely seem to up their game. I remember Meath lads standing toe-to-toe with our lads last year, Stephen Bray having a nice word or 2 in ROCs ear. Leinster final against Dublin is what Meath players live for.

Meath like to go for goals and we leave a lot of goal chances, for Meath to have a real opportunity to win they'll probably need 3 or 4 goals like Kerry last year because I can't see their defence shutting us out or our forwards (hopefully not anyway) being as wasteful as they have the first 2 games. Hopefully they're more clinical like v Derry league final.

Dublin win in a tight affair hopefully. I'm a bit sick of seeing us hammer teams in 2nd gear in Leinster (not trying to be arrogant, but we didn't look like we were trying against Wexford). Bring on the competition!

CaisleanCnucha (Dublin) - Posts: 1379 - 30/06/2014 17:01:39    1611698


I felt one of the main reasons Meath done so well yesterday was because the Meath backs done so well on the Kildare forwards. That was because Mick O'Dowd go his match-ups spot on.

It's obvious now but Kevin Reilly on the big man (Brophy or Fogarty) on the edge of the square and Keoghan on a player who likes to solo (Niall Kelly) were inspired moves. Donnacha Tobin kept McNally very quiet and Hurley wasn't in it at all (Menton). Harnan had his fulls with Callaghan and Harro was probably the odd one out and he got the only man left available (Fogarty). After 20 minutes he got to grips with him.

So it's vital that Meath get that spot on again. I would imagine Keoghan will get one of the Brogans (I'd favour Alan), Kevin Reilly will probably be on the edge of the square on Rock or O'Gara, Brogan if neither play. Harrington will probably get Mannion, maybe Brogan.

Flynn did a lot of damage last year on Menton so I think Tobin will start on him and Menton might get Connolly leaving Harnan with whoever is left over. Harnan might suit McMenamin anyway.

Former_Poster (Meath) - Posts: 394 - 30/06/2014 18:19:39    1611746


This game is going to make the Dublin v Kerry semi last year look like a borefest. This is going to be high intensity stuff Meath are going to come out of the blocks like a purebred race horse, Goals ,Goals, Goals both teams going at it, blow for blow, but then eventually the Meath lads will be just about hanging on, some of them reckoning they must be approaching injury time by now their cant be much more left, but then there is the loud clang of the clock showing only 50 mins played ,they look at each other WTF still 20 to go and then the Meath lads will be like Cinderella trying to scurry home from the ball, they will be looking to the line to MOD for a breather , please MOD take us off , but he will have used all his subs ...... then just like the Alamo they brace themselves for what is about to come next .............. to be continued :-)

AthCliath (Dublin) - Posts: 4347 - 30/06/2014 18:35:50    1611756


Micky Burke to come up and raid a goal in the dying minutes a la kevin foley in 91.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1793 - 30/06/2014 19:47:29    1611798


Happy with the performance against Kildare but we're still quite a long distance behind the top teams particularly Dublin. We're going in the right direction but Mick O'Dowd needs another couple of years with the team before they can compete for silverware. To have any chance we would need Dublin to be complacent and unfortunately I don't think that will happen. Dublin will be more focused on this game than the previous two rounds and I think will be careful not to let us have a good start like last year.

In relation to people's suggestion that we should play a defence game, I'm not sure we'd be capable of implementing that type of game plan particularly in the wide open spaces of Croke Park. Teams like Donegal and Monaghan are better placed to use this tactic than us as they have the experience and physical conditioning.

I would like to see Dublin meet Monaghan or Donegal at some point in the championship to see how their defensive systems hold up against the Dublin attack.

Personally I think Meath's objective this year will be to hopefully improve on last year's display against Dublin and then make it to the Quarterfinals at least.

HighKings (Meath) - Posts: 271 - 30/06/2014 20:34:09    1611833


Ah the old enemy, really looking forward to this already, the next three weeks there'll be nothing but Leinster final talk around county, especially with the amount of 'them' livin here. In 2012 it was 3pts last year it was 7 so this year it has to be 10+ for the Dubs but sure look it we'll turn up and have a day out anyway, I wonder will the Dubs bother bringing the Delaney cup with them, just seems like extra hassle now!

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 01/07/2014 09:07:05    1611938


Obvioulsy Dublin have a stronger team than Meath and on paper should win comfortably enough but
what gives Meath the greatest chance of winning this game is actually one of Dublin's players, Rory O'Carroll. We are always
in with a chance of getting a few goals with him at full back. I'm sure Mick O'Dowd
will have a plan to expose this very weak spot and hopefully Bray and Co can hit the back of the net a
few times to give us a chance

GreenGael (Meath) - Posts: 108 - 01/07/2014 09:10:19    1611940


Goals goals goals, it's the only way for us to beat Dublin, other teams might have different plans but with us I reckon it's goals, how sweet would another '5 past Cluxton' be :-) The only thing is though that this Dublin team is so bloody good you might knock 5 past them and still lose, that's the reality!

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 01/07/2014 09:50:33    1611970



yeah your right if its a draw the replay is fixed for thurles or the gaelic grounds because of garth crooks concerts

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 01/07/2014 10:27:23    1611991
