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Tyrone v Down

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I don't agree that Morgans was a red. He didn't kick him!! If he had kicked him then yes a red but it was a collision of thighs that brought him down, therefore a trip / block and that is a black card.

The more I think about this game the more I don't know what to think. If Down had played anything in the first half would they have won?, Was Morgans dismissal nearly Tyrones downfall, did Tyrone take the foot off after scoring the second goal.

The facts are that Tyrone dominated most of the game and had they taken their chances in the first half then it would certainly have been game over. I'm still not convinced on them though and Down looked fairly lacking in confidence in the first half. If they have belief now and in Newry on Saturday they could win but it will mean playing for 70 and not just 20!!

Tir Conaill Abu (Donegal) - Posts: 1671 - 19/05/2014 10:38:15    1589790


Fair play Offside Rule. Yourself and myself will keep banging this drum until the penny drops. They can have any rules they like but they need good and consistent refereeing to improve our games.

Allegedly we have 7 in-game match officials, actually a referee, 2 linesmen and 4 umpires. Is there any other field sport with so many officials? I know the NFL has a few referees on the pitch.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7413 - 19/05/2014 10:40:59    1589793


Can't argue with a draw, both teams will feel that they should have won but equally could have lost. Just glad to be still in it which didn't look likely at h/t or when goal 2 went in.

On a separate note, Oisin McConville is far and away the best pundit in Ireland (and I'm a Down man)... no nonsense, no bias, a spade is a spade no matter who the county or the player is. C O'Rourke said Down were the worst team in D.2 before completely writing off their chances! Boring, uninsightful and has a huge dislike for Down since 1991. I enjoy Brolly but he is only there for the shock value. O'Se was good yesterday from what I seen.

rostrevor (Down) - Posts: 26 - 19/05/2014 10:41:16    1589794


If Down play the way they did in the second half then they have a great chance. First half was dreadful and that was mostly due to how Down had set up. The changes McCartan made might look inspired but in truth he had no option as Down were heading for certain defeat if they kept that up. By attacking Tyrone they exposed what is a pretty dodgy backline and it is difficult to see how it will improve. Tyrone in fairness put the emphasis on attack so I don't imagine they will come to Newry with a defensive mind set. Should be interesting.

hurlingdub (Dublin) - Posts: 6978 - 19/05/2014 10:56:06    1589807


Tyrone missed Morgan's kickouts when he went off.Down totally dominated around the middle in the last 15 mins,McKernan was very influential when moved there and will probably start there for the replay.I have no doubt Down will be better on Saturday but I also think Tyrone will improve too.Hopefully we see Ronan O'Neill this time,he's a real scoring threat and would do well against that Down full back line.All to play for,really looking forward to it.

orange and blue (Tyrone) - Posts: 1080 - 19/05/2014 11:04:45    1589817


I think Tyrone will win with a few to spare on Saturday

benjyyy (Donegal) - Posts: 1423 - 19/05/2014 11:11:50    1589830


Aye GreenandRed - its a joke. Getting referees to apply the rules was always a problem going back God knows how long and its just been made worse now with this black card. What happens in games is that the ref turns a blind eye to fouls which might mean they will have to give a black card. Fouls which would have been given in previous years and may have been ticked or given a yellow card for on occasion but importantly given as a foul. Whereas now you see guys pulling guys back etc and the game continuing.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 19/05/2014 11:23:09    1589839


Problem is, if its confusing for us the spectator, and clearly Sidebottom was more than a bit flummoxed yesterday, then what must it be like for those on the field of play? If Coldrick is ranked as one of Irelands top referees then we really are in for a summer of discontent on and off the field.

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 19/05/2014 11:36:45    1589851


It is rather amusing to see posters complain about a lack of consistency from referees, and yet in the Morgan incident alone yesterday you have some posters claim it should have been a red card, more claiming the referee was correct to issue a black card, and some claiming there should have been no card at all! To criticise a referee who is doing a very difficult job - not helped by players diving, on a day when a 21 yard free almost in front of the goal was put wide, shows you what a thankless job refereeing is and why so few a number of people do it, which inevitably leads to a poorer standard across the board.

Soma (UK) - Posts: 2630 - 19/05/2014 12:00:30    1589877


A few tyrone lads would want to take another look at the game. If you think it was down who were exposed for being cynical you are crazy. Cavanagh dived. Laverty didnt strike cavanagh, he went to hit the ball. Morgan was making no attempt for the ball.

They where as bad as one another in my view man.

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13650 - 19/05/2014 12:11:50    1589888


Not a decent enough reason to be an apologist for the bad decisions Soma. Referees are there to get the decisions right, we who watch them aren't.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 19/05/2014 12:14:24    1589890


Offside, yes referees get things wrong, they do in professional sports where the result of getting it wrong could have a massive financial impact on the team involved. Why do they get it wrong - I don't think you would understand that unless you refereed yourself. I could only hazard a guess that the ref yesterday had a brain freeze and actually forgot to give the player a black card. Was it that the first player to him was the Tyrone lad complaining he didn't give advantage and therefore he felt he had to justify that first and forgot to give the card - who knows as even if the black card didn't exist he would have given a yellow. Asking why the wold cannot be perfect is pointless when humans are involved, if you want to understand why its that way take up refereeing - its an educational experience.

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1814 - 19/05/2014 12:34:41    1589908


Just a typical ulster championship game turning one way then the next. Tyrone and Down seem to bring the best out of each other and it is hard to believe this was the fourth draw between them in the ulster championship since 1997. The reply will also be tight but one would hope Tyrone would learn that it is a waste to play Mattie Donnelly at CHB and he should join Ronan O'Neill in the starting line up of forwards.

Byanthon (Tyrone) - Posts: 1781 - 19/05/2014 12:38:27    1589915


Surprised at how easy Down cut through Tyrone in the second half - even allowing for Tyrone's poor defensive record in division 1.
Down quite frankly showed Tyrone too much respect in the first half and only went on the attack when we had nothing to lose, exposing a fairly average Tyrone backline in the process.
Down know the template now, run at Tyrone and attack in numbers.

artisan (Down) - Posts: 1794 - 19/05/2014 12:40:25    1589920


I think both sides were equally cynical to an extent, althoughit wasn't that bad really, but I would appreciate brends angle that a lot of Down fans are hypocritical in their high horsing about playing the game "the way it's meant to be played"

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12133 - 19/05/2014 12:40:30    1589922


Great fightback from Down yesterday.They really went through the gears
yesterday in the second half and deserved to win in the end up.Tyrone
were consistent but the brilliance and skill yesterday was from Down.

It was the same as the game in Celtic Park last year.Down started
slow but suddenly clicked and scored a host of goals and points.
Tyrone didnt know what had hit them.They were like a boxer grabbing
on to the ropes and clinging on with a little help from the referee
and a soft-ish free.

But there was no knock out blow landed.Hope Down are the ones to
deliver it at a "rocking" Newry on Saturday night.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1628 - 19/05/2014 12:41:06    1589924


Problem is, if its confusing for us the spectator, and clearly Sidebottom was more than a bit flummoxed yesterday, then what must it be like for those on the field of play? If Coldrick is ranked as one of Irelands top referees then we really are in for a summer of discontent on and off the field.



waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13650 - 19/05/2014 12:41:07    1589925


County: Down
Posts: 435

No harm to you lad but Down threw it away. Everything was going for you, our keeper was gone, replaced by a novice who delivered 5 kick outs to Down players. We were rocked and there for the taking, two points up with a few minutes to go and ye couldnt seal it. Missed the boat big time, failed to take a victory that was staring you in the face.

cacsmckilly (Tyrone) - Posts: 1294 - 19/05/2014 12:51:46    1589936


IrishNews on Cavanagh "exploited every ounce of his considerable football acumen when he engineered the free kick which earned Tyrone a draw".
What a noble way to describe a dive ! Give me Joe Brolly's straight talking all day long over this contrived journalistic BS.

artisan (Down) - Posts: 1794 - 19/05/2014 12:51:55    1589938


I dont know what to take from this game re either team, or where we are at for that mater.

Down beat us very well in newry in the league, but were very poor on the road, and came into this game lacking serious form.

Despite this, they turned on something of a shock second half display, showing great character and should have won, no other way to put it. The second last tyrone point came from a dive. the equalizing point was their own fault, and was superbly put over. They missed a 20 metre free before this. It is hard to take, but despite this, I can still see them going and giving tyrone their fill of it in newry next weekend.

However, life on the road aftrer this is going to be tough for both teams. Monaghan wait, and although I fancy either team to give them a game, I cant see them having the legs to get beyond Cavan (whom I fancy), and then either Donegal or Derry.

It is a great add for the championship in ulster. There would only be a short 6 week competition if it were not only for it.

Donegalman (None) - Posts: 3831 - 19/05/2014 13:01:03    1589951
