National Forum

McGeeney gets 3 month ban!

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Replying To SaffronDon:  "The Antrim board provided the players name verbally, he was then cleared at a hearing. The county board then sent it in writing and didnt provide the player with any representation for his appeal. These players bust their gut for months on end for their county and adk for little in return and this is the treatment they receive from their own board for their efforts? its a disgrace and it wouldnt be tolerated anywhere else either.

For some reason the cccc decided to enforce the suspension the second time round. This is another inconsistency. Why does the player first get cleared when identified verbally and then when a follow up identification arrives in writing, they decide to enforce the suspension? what part of the rule book differnciates verbal and written communication?

I have to take issue with you brandishing GAA players as thugs. Yes, there are many unsavoury incidents that happen on a football field in the heat of battle. Is it right? no. But it is present in every field sport in the world and has been since time immemorial. Pressure and tensions are always at fever pitch and it is only natural that it boils over from time to time. It does not mean that our players are spiteful and malicious when they get caught up in these incidents. If you dont understand that then you've probably never played the game."
Firstly I gave no knowledge of the incident at the Antrim game so I couldn't say weather that was thuggish behavior or not. I take ur point about my use of language. I doesn't apply to the vast majority of incidents which may merit looking at but in reality aren't that bad IE Donnacha Walsh, Philly McMahon, James McCarthy incidents. Handbags would probably be more appropriate.

I was more referring to the off the ball incidents that happen from time to time that leave players with broken jaws, or elbow to the face that have similar effect...... Which in fairness is rare but also the horrendous verbal abuse u hear at games which unfortunately has become the norm.

Out of interest why was the Antrim player cleared? Was it because evidence wasn't provided in writing IE a technicality? I don't believe they Co board have a duty to cover up wrong doing. I think there duty is to provide any evidence they have honestly and key cards fall where they fall.

Mayonman (Galway) - Posts: 1881 - 27/04/2017 22:32:35    1983248
