Meath Forum

Underage Reality check

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Replying To AthboyCelt:  "Your points are valid, at underage level the club should be thinking that the ultimate goal is to keep players interested and get as many to senior level as possible. Unfortunately many clubs, and I include my local club of this, they don't think of the bigger picture they play the best team all the time and alienate the rest so they get frustrated siting on the line all the time and jack it in. So any chance of a nabbing a late developer is gone because they have left and started playing some other sport instead. Nemo Rangers in Cork is the best example of giving all players a chance, they win next to nothing at underage but look at the success they have at senior level, most local clubs haven't the brains to think of the bigger picture, I call it short term gain long term pain."
This sounds excellent in theory but if you do this you can turn off some better players to other sports as people are obviously competitive and want to win. It's striking a balance but all fun let people participate isn't the answer either

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1509 - 28/06/2017 21:20:08    2007126


Replying To AthboyCelt:  "Your points are valid, at underage level the club should be thinking that the ultimate goal is to keep players interested and get as many to senior level as possible. Unfortunately many clubs, and I include my local club of this, they don't think of the bigger picture they play the best team all the time and alienate the rest so they get frustrated siting on the line all the time and jack it in. So any chance of a nabbing a late developer is gone because they have left and started playing some other sport instead. Nemo Rangers in Cork is the best example of giving all players a chance, they win next to nothing at underage but look at the success they have at senior level, most local clubs haven't the brains to think of the bigger picture, I call it short term gain long term pain."
This sounds excellent in theory but if you do this you can turn off some better players to other sports as people are obviously competitive and want to win. It's striking a balance but all fun let people participate isn't the answer either

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1509 - 29/06/2017 00:06:26    2007201
