Cavan Forum

Championship 2021

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First things first, very disappointing performance. It was as expected and probably worse if we are being honest. I had a slight glimmer of hope coming into the game that we might just see a performance like we seen back in 2018 against them. I was proud after that night because lads died with their boots on. That was a much better Tyrone team who eventually got to an all Ireland final. Win lose or draw you just want a team who make you proud.
We didn't even get that . We got a real flat and characterless performance. I wouldn't even read much into the first 20 minutes. It's easy to look good early on when the pattern of a game has not yet developed. Once Tyrone went up a gear before and after HT they had their work done for the night. They didn't even need to go to third gear.
So that brings to and end the worst year in our history. Can mickey turn this around ? I don't think so. I'm looking to next year and I'm looking at going down to Wexford and Sligo .. Them teams won't fear us. We could easily get turned over in a few games in division 4 .. that is a scary to see how far we have regressed in a general sense under him..One of adhoc championship performances is not a Hallmark for long term sustainable sucess..
If he stays he needs a better quality back ground team. We didn't even look fit yesterday . In addition, under 20 players should not be fast forwarded to senior unless it's the next David Clifford . Both under 20s who played last night look like they have a long way to go and this is also to the detriment of our under 20s.

blueskies (Cavan) - Posts: 194 - 11/07/2021 11:03:04    2358506


Replying To BreffniGuide:  "Tyrone away was always going to be a big ask. We have good players and they don't become bad overnight. Something is amiss this year.
What I don't understand is how, when management knew the draw, they didn't put more emphasis on the League and promotion to Division 2.
We're now facing into six months of waiting for Division 4 where we've gone full cycle from boom to bust.
My fear is a lot of players will step away. It's a long road now back to the higher Divisions."
Even to get back to Division inside 2 years there would be a lot of players 30 or over. Gerry Smith, Ciaran Brady, Killian Clarke are 28 or will be this year
Martin Reilly, Ray Galligan are 34.. Gearoid McKiernan and Nially Murray 31 this year.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2792 - 11/07/2021 11:10:07    2358509


Replying To Cavan_Shambles:  "Everyone in Cavan is playing GAA. There is literally no other sport for Gaelic Football to compete with in any meaningful sense, no rugby, no soccer, no hurling. Gaelic footbal has a vitrual monopoly on sport in Cavan, and that is not a good thing. Here's why.

The problem with Cavan GAA is that they have had it too good for too long when it comes to a playing pool. If we encourage youngsters to play other sports to the detriment of football, it might finally spur those responsible into taking the necessary structural measures needed to produce good teams.

I have said it before, and I'll keep saying it, if you want to look at the reality of Cavan football, look at the results of our clubs in the Ulster club championship. The truth is the standard in the county is very poor. We have buried our heads in the sand for decades and hoped that something might happen, which it did in 2020, but that was a flash in the pan, and normal service has resumed."
Is that down to a spread in good players around the clubs tho?

In the last 8 years, we've had Crosserlough, Kingscourt, Cavan Gaels, Ballinagh, castlerahan and Ramor all win senior championships.

We don't have a dominant team like Cross in Armagh or Galls in Antrim who can tailor their entire season to the ulster club.

In 2016, we played Tyrone in a division 2 final and our 21 players who played that day came from 20 different clubs.

Call last year a flash on the pan all you want, but 2019 proves it wasn't. Of Mickey's 3 ulster campaigns, this year is the outlier.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5115 - 11/07/2021 11:19:35    2358510


i am much more dissappointed over the loss to Wicklow than I am with the loss to Tyrone.
Let's face it we were never going to beat Tyrone so the very least that we should have aimed for was consolidation in div 3

s goldrick (Cavan) - Posts: 5520 - 11/07/2021 11:51:39    2358525


Replying To Cavan_Shambles:  "Everyone in Cavan is playing GAA. There is literally no other sport for Gaelic Football to compete with in any meaningful sense, no rugby, no soccer, no hurling. Gaelic footbal has a vitrual monopoly on sport in Cavan, and that is not a good thing. Here's why.

The problem with Cavan GAA is that they have had it too good for too long when it comes to a playing pool. If we encourage youngsters to play other sports to the detriment of football, it might finally spur those responsible into taking the necessary structural measures needed to produce good teams.

I have said it before, and I'll keep saying it, if you want to look at the reality of Cavan football, look at the results of our clubs in the Ulster club championship. The truth is the standard in the county is very poor. We have buried our heads in the sand for decades and hoped that something might happen, which it did in 2020, but that was a flash in the pan, and normal service has resumed."
I'm not sure where you've been for the last few years, kids nowadays have more choices with other sports than they've ever had, as an underage coach for 10 years, I've seen it first hand. Basketball, soccer, rugby, athletics, swimming & golf are all now competing with GAA, I've seen kids missing training sessions and matches to attend other sports, the emergence of the underage soccer in particular has taken away lads who came from predominantly gaa backgrounds, you now have airtricity underage teams from u13 upwards and kids are walking away from GAA to join these teams. On your other point, I agree, Cavan GAA have their heads in the sand and it's been that way for a long long time. The underage structure needs a complete review and overhaul, too much emphasis put on these development squads whilst fringe players are left in the cold and then they walk away never to be seen again.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 11/07/2021 11:53:27    2358526


Bringing back a player, who struggled for pace at this level 2 years ago and has been away from the game since, for me is inexcusable. How can you appeal to young lads to
commit when you are prepared to be as clumsy as that? Definitely the worst piece of decision-making I have seen for a while.

ondforty (Cavan) - Posts: 461 - 11/07/2021 11:53:53    2358527


Galls haven't been dominant in Antrim the last 5 or 6 years.

Cavan made the Ulster final in 19 on the back of playing Division 1 that year. They beat Monaghan who were later hammered by Armagh. Drew with Armagh when it was a poor display for long spells, and probably best display was the replay.
Ulster final was really poor as was the

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2792 - 11/07/2021 12:41:51    2358537


Replying To Cavan_Shambles:  "Everyone in Cavan is playing GAA. There is literally no other sport for Gaelic Football to compete with in any meaningful sense, no rugby, no soccer, no hurling. Gaelic footbal has a vitrual monopoly on sport in Cavan, and that is not a good thing. Here's why.

The problem with Cavan GAA is that they have had it too good for too long when it comes to a playing pool. If we encourage youngsters to play other sports to the detriment of football, it might finally spur those responsible into taking the necessary structural measures needed to produce good teams.

I have said it before, and I'll keep saying it, if you want to look at the reality of Cavan football, look at the results of our clubs in the Ulster club championship. The truth is the standard in the county is very poor. We have buried our heads in the sand for decades and hoped that something might happen, which it did in 2020, but that was a flash in the pan, and normal service has resumed."
Sad thing Cavan_Shambles when one makes these points they are ridiculed for being upfront. For example you are only a runner in what would you know about Cavan football ect. I have seen enough in my day's here in Cavan near 50 years to know what is wrong but you dare not say it out loud for one might upset the the know all's or those that don't want the truth up front. Cavan supporters should really have a long constructive meeting and discussion to set the facts straight and then maybe the game might improve. I could write a list as long as my arm as to whats wrong BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THE FACTS..

Why not form an independent group and discuss the issues and present them to the County Board in the hope someone will listen. There is a good chairman in position right now I know he will listen to the issues and who knows maybe progress might be made.
Regardless of the fact we are now a Division 4 team no if's or but's its a fact we are a Division 4 team with nothing to play for this year. Next season promotion is a must and the following year as well. Get back to at least Division 2 where we will be competing with the stronger teams.
Let the Ulster Championship play second fiddle to this priority as well as the McKenna cup.
Getting promotion gets people in the right frame off mind and who knows maybe we will not have to wait another 23 years to win the Anglo Celt Cup once again.

Think positive.

I say leave Micky Graham where he is remove the rest of the back room clique for who wants to take over Cavan now. Keep BUT a fresh back room team will freshen up the whole attitude of player's.

I know the usual pen pushers will be barking at me but I don't mind. I have been around long enough to speak my mind knowing the truth upsets many.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 11/07/2021 12:46:33    2358540


Replying To cavanman47:  "Is that down to a spread in good players around the clubs tho?

In the last 8 years, we've had Crosserlough, Kingscourt, Cavan Gaels, Ballinagh, castlerahan and Ramor all win senior championships.

We don't have a dominant team like Cross in Armagh or Galls in Antrim who can tailor their entire season to the ulster club.

In 2016, we played Tyrone in a division 2 final and our 21 players who played that day came from 20 different clubs.

Call last year a flash on the pan all you want, but 2019 proves it wasn't. Of Mickey's 3 ulster campaigns, this year is the outlier."
Not a valid argument. Cavan Gaels won 8 out of 10 senior championships in the not so distant past, so there goes your point about a spread of players.

Cavan_Shambles (Cavan) - Posts: 575 - 11/07/2021 13:57:44    2358554


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "Sad thing Cavan_Shambles when one makes these points they are ridiculed for being upfront. For example you are only a runner in what would you know about Cavan football ect. I have seen enough in my day's here in Cavan near 50 years to know what is wrong but you dare not say it out loud for one might upset the the know all's or those that don't want the truth up front. Cavan supporters should really have a long constructive meeting and discussion to set the facts straight and then maybe the game might improve. I could write a list as long as my arm as to whats wrong BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THE FACTS..

Why not form an independent group and discuss the issues and present them to the County Board in the hope someone will listen. There is a good chairman in position right now I know he will listen to the issues and who knows maybe progress might be made.
Regardless of the fact we are now a Division 4 team no if's or but's its a fact we are a Division 4 team with nothing to play for this year. Next season promotion is a must and the following year as well. Get back to at least Division 2 where we will be competing with the stronger teams.
Let the Ulster Championship play second fiddle to this priority as well as the McKenna cup.
Getting promotion gets people in the right frame off mind and who knows maybe we will not have to wait another 23 years to win the Anglo Celt Cup once again.

Think positive.

I say leave Micky Graham where he is remove the rest of the back room clique for who wants to take over Cavan now. Keep BUT a fresh back room team will freshen up the whole attitude of player's.

I know the usual pen pushers will be barking at me but I don't mind. I have been around long enough to speak my mind knowing the truth upsets many."
I'd be happy to hear the facts Sean.

Go ahead.

If you say it straight out and not in innuendo or vague nonsense, I doubt many will argue.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5115 - 11/07/2021 15:46:52    2358611


Replying To ondforty:  "Bringing back a player, who struggled for pace at this level 2 years ago and has been away from the game since, for me is inexcusable. How can you appeal to young lads to
commit when you are prepared to be as clumsy as that? Definitely the worst piece of decision-making I have seen for a while."
The poor l Moynagh lad was well off the pace. Wasnt ready for Championship level.The two u 20 lads should have played the previous evening. We seem to try rush these young lads through when there not ready..Play them drop them and knock their confidence. Where is Cormac O Reilly and Stephen Smith gone.They played last year. No sign of them in subs even

Allrevvedup (Cavan) - Posts: 36 - 11/07/2021 18:23:43    2358713


Disappointed with that performance, especially our attack which it was hard to figure out exactly what we were trying to do. Some very poor individual performances too and hard to understand how a player or two weren't taken off.

I think Graham has done enough to stay on overall over 3 yrs but if I were in charge of county matters I'd be making 2 demands. 1) no 2nd jobs for mickey with a club team when actively involved with Cavan and 2) need to get someone into backroom team that has expertise in developing forwards and forward play. We ate simply not improving in thst area at all.

I also agree with the poster who said we need an urgent task force to look at the dramatic decline of our underage teams and I would question some of the appointments being made onto dev squads and underage teams.

No other way to put it, a disaster of a season but at least a few lads on here will be happy.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 11/07/2021 18:37:21    2358716


Replying To fredflint:  "Disappointed with that performance, especially our attack which it was hard to figure out exactly what we were trying to do. Some very poor individual performances too and hard to understand how a player or two weren't taken off.

I think Graham has done enough to stay on overall over 3 yrs but if I were in charge of county matters I'd be making 2 demands. 1) no 2nd jobs for mickey with a club team when actively involved with Cavan and 2) need to get someone into backroom team that has expertise in developing forwards and forward play. We ate simply not improving in thst area at all.

I also agree with the poster who said we need an urgent task force to look at the dramatic decline of our underage teams and I would question some of the appointments being made onto dev squads and underage teams.

No other way to put it, a disaster of a season but at least a few lads on here will be happy."
I don't know who on earth would be happy with such an embarrassing season…, We are at our lowest ever level

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2758 - 11/07/2021 20:43:36    2358752


Twas always going to be difficult. At end of day it was a D1 side against a D4 side. Wasn't really surprised by result to be honest.

Jack L (None) - Posts: 3138 - 11/07/2021 21:30:21    2358777


Replying To cavanman47:  "
Replying To The Quiet Man:  "Sad thing Cavan_Shambles when one makes these points they are ridiculed for being upfront. For example you are only a runner in what would you know about Cavan football ect. I have seen enough in my day's here in Cavan near 50 years to know what is wrong but you dare not say it out loud for one might upset the the know all's or those that don't want the truth up front. Cavan supporters should really have a long constructive meeting and discussion to set the facts straight and then maybe the game might improve. I could write a list as long as my arm as to whats wrong BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THE FACTS..

Why not form an independent group and discuss the issues and present them to the County Board in the hope someone will listen. There is a good chairman in position right now I know he will listen to the issues and who knows maybe progress might be made.
Regardless of the fact we are now a Division 4 team no if's or but's its a fact we are a Division 4 team with nothing to play for this year. Next season promotion is a must and the following year as well. Get back to at least Division 2 where we will be competing with the stronger teams.
Let the Ulster Championship play second fiddle to this priority as well as the McKenna cup.
Getting promotion gets people in the right frame off mind and who knows maybe we will not have to wait another 23 years to win the Anglo Celt Cup once again.

Think positive.

I say leave Micky Graham where he is remove the rest of the back room clique for who wants to take over Cavan now. Keep BUT a fresh back room team will freshen up the whole attitude of player's.

I know the usual pen pushers will be barking at me but I don't mind. I have been around long enough to speak my mind knowing the truth upsets many."
I'd be happy to hear the facts Sean.

Go ahead.

If you say it straight out and not in innuendo or vague nonsense, I doubt many will argue."
This forum is not the place to discuss the issues surrounding the Cavan set up, this needs to be done by open mined people who might be willing to have an sensible discussion without knocking the views of others but are willing to listen and maybe come up with a plan of action going forward. I am sure there are many open minded individuals who are willing to call it as it is. Bring them to the fore and let them set up a committee of their own choosing. It's imperative that these people are not involved in any section of the Cavan set up but have one thing in common ?? the willingness to be constructive open minded and above all not blinkered when discussing the issues. Also important not carriers. What is said behind closed doors remains behind closed doors until a constructive plan of action has been put in writing and presented to all the clubs in the county yes all the clubs not just to the collar and Tie county board executives. .

Players even that were never called in or felt that they have what it takes should be listened too at the end of the day. A player should be selected on ability and the willingness to commit no other reason " You can read between the lines here". There are many out there but sadly they are ignored. TRUTH
You can say I am full of wind thats all right but go back to the start of the U21 4 in a row, read the Cavan Post and the Anglo Celt when it was in print you will see my views then the rest is history.
I spoke the truth I put it in print, I stood up to be counted but as usual not liked by everyone. .
You might say I am a rebel but I am a rebel with his heart in the right place.

Getting into a slagging match on here is not whats required to tell the truth.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 11/07/2021 21:31:16    2358778


Replying To fredflint:  "Disappointed with that performance, especially our attack which it was hard to figure out exactly what we were trying to do. Some very poor individual performances too and hard to understand how a player or two weren't taken off.

I think Graham has done enough to stay on overall over 3 yrs but if I were in charge of county matters I'd be making 2 demands. 1) no 2nd jobs for mickey with a club team when actively involved with Cavan and 2) need to get someone into backroom team that has expertise in developing forwards and forward play. We ate simply not improving in thst area at all.

I also agree with the poster who said we need an urgent task force to look at the dramatic decline of our underage teams and I would question some of the appointments being made onto dev squads and underage teams.

No other way to put it, a disaster of a season but at least a few lads on here will be happy."
Lads you are talking about a person/committee to look at underage and development squads. Is that not the current Cavan selectors job as coaching development manager. To be looking at ways of improving our structures and underage capabilities.

chancey (Cavan) - Posts: 32 - 11/07/2021 21:39:14    2358782


Replying To chancey:  "Lads you are talking about a person/committee to look at underage and development squads. Is that not the current Cavan selectors job as coaching development manager. To be looking at ways of improving our structures and underage capabilities."
You will see fredflint knows where I am coming from with my post.
By the way I am okay with the development of youths but please remove the manual coaches it's boring to tell you the truth. This last 15 or so years have proved nothing except that the system is not working.

For those that will for ever knock me, over the last three years if not 8 years we could nearly alway's pick the starting 15 for Cavan now that being the case why have another 20 fringe players coming night after night knowing they might never get a start.

To be fair I believe Cavan's fringe players would have beaten Wicklow but they did not get the chance did they.

A lot of work going forward now the only way is up.

Let's hope there is some positive sole searching over the next few months. .

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 11/07/2021 23:11:17    2358807


Replying To Benjy1000:  "Mickey will walk surely before he's pushed.
Worst season in cavans history."
Who would you replace him with ? Will there be much interest in the job? How has chopping and changing managers every few years worked for us up to now ?

facer4home (Cavan) - Posts: 159 - 12/07/2021 00:27:56    2358822


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "I don't know who on earth would be happy with such an embarrassing season…, We are at our lowest ever level"
Where did I say I was happy with this season. Do you have the intelligence to read and comprehend?

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 12/07/2021 09:33:11    2358857


Replying To facer4home:  "Who would you replace him with ? Will there be much interest in the job? How has chopping and changing managers every few years worked for us up to now ?"
When Mattie was manager they got relegated but came back up to division 1 the following year 18 months in the job, many looked for his head then so changing manager does effect the team there is no question as Cavan are now in the bottom tier division 4. Leave the manager?? get rid of the rest of the back room staff that would be a start in the right direction.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 12/07/2021 09:59:14    2358877
