Waterford Doc warns GAA

January 24, 2013

The GAA have been warned about the drink culture within the association.
Waterford team doctor Mark Rowe, who is stepping down from his position, has warned the GAA about the drink culture within the association.

Rowe has been with the Waterford hurlers for the past four years, but he won't be on the line for this year's campaign as work commitments have been cited as the reason for his decision.

However, in an interview from the Irish Examiner which was carried in the Waterford News & Star, Rowe stressed that unless the drink culture within the GAA was addressed, many problems lay ahead.

"One of the big challenges out there is the issue of binge drinking," said Rowe. "It's not just in sport, it's not just in hurling or in Waterford hurling - it's everywhere.

"In a way the young hurlers are like the reflection of the community they come from. Even though many of them would be extremely disciplined and focused, that self destruct button of binge drinking can bring everybody down.

"The thing with drink is there's these ideas that 'if I'm not drinking anymore than the other fellas I haven't a problem' and 'if I don't fall down in a heap I haven't a problem' and 'sure, if I'm off the drink for three weeks and go on the lash then what's the problem with that'.

"But, it's more the effects that drink has, the psychological impact in terms of anxiety, self-esteem, confidence issues, panic and the unintended consequences of drinking and of course the physical aspects.

"I think there is a mountain of work to be done by the GAA on this issue, which is really about empowering young people to improve their self-esteem and confidence."

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