Dublin Regional Football Tournament resumes

January 15, 2010
The Sunnybank Hotel-sponsored Dublin Regional Football Tournament resumes in the Ballymun Kickhams grounds this evening. The tournament was only partly completed before Christmas because of a frozen pitch, but has been rescheduled for this evening, starting at 6pm. Because of Dublin West's withdrawal due to players' college commitments and injuries, the fixtures have been modified. Dublin manager Pat Gilroy is hoping to unearth up to a dozen new players from the tournament. Tonight's schedule of games: 6pm Dublin South v Fingal Dave ODonovan 6.55pm Dublin Colts v Dublin North Tony Lambe 7.50pm Dublin Colts v Fingal Dave ODonovan 8.45pm Dublin South v Dublin North Tony Lambe Results so far; Dublin South 2-6 Dublin Colts 2-6 Dublin West 0-7 Fingal 0-9 Dublin Colts 1-3 Dublin North 2-9 Dublin South 1-8 Dublin West 1-2 Fingal 0-6 Dublin North 2-7

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