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Your county win the All Ireland or Ireland win the Euros... which?

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Replying To Onion Breath:  "Waynol does not have a right to an opinion on this matter. He may chose to express an uniformed, insulting and ignorant opinion, but he has no right to do so. I think we should be clear about that.

The fact that he has subsequently stated he doesn't care what others think of his opinion indicates very clearly that he has no right to an opinion on this matter at all."
For me it is County first and foremost but I will be supporting the team at the Euros.
Wayno1 has every right to his opinion. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him or his opinion ignorant, insulting nor uniformed. So as far as you are concerned Onion Breath, Wayno is only entitled to an opinion as long as he agrees with your viewpoint. Unfortunately that attitude seems to be prevalent in broader Irish society particularly in left wing circles.

lilywhite1 (Kildare) - Posts: 2998 - 08/06/2016 16:59:52    1863748


Replying To lilywhite1:  "For me it is County first and foremost but I will be supporting the team at the Euros.
Wayno1 has every right to his opinion. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him or his opinion ignorant, insulting nor uniformed. So as far as you are concerned Onion Breath, Wayno is only entitled to an opinion as long as he agrees with your viewpoint. Unfortunately that attitude seems to be prevalent in broader Irish society particularly in left wing circles."
Well, it is uninformed because his definition of an Irishman or woman is not in sync with what has been the reality for many, many years. I'm not rushing to be offended but, yes, it's fairly offensive to plenty of diaspora. He is, of course, entitled to believe what he wishes and care not one iota what anyone else thinks of his opinion...............rather like any reactionary dictator of left or right leaning persuasion over history, wouldn't you say?

But since you've dipped your toe into the water, go on, do share your views on the great left-wing conspiracy, blighting everyday conversation across the land.

MedwayIrish (Wexford) - Posts: 2324 - 08/06/2016 17:19:46    1863765


Replying To PoolSturgeon:  "By your own logic ,Goldrick, Cavan will never deserve to win an All Ireland because they are minnows in comparison to the likes of Dublin and Kerry. Also I suppose you think Leicester didn't deserve to win the Premiership this year and by rights it should have been won by one of the big teams like Man U, Man City, Chelsea, or Arsenal? The team that wins a competition fair and square deserves to win it even when under normal circumstances they would be considered no hopers. Greece deserved to win the European Championship some years ago because they were the best team in the competition and if Ireland win it this year they will deserve to win it too. They won't by the way!"
Good post
Couldn't believe what I was reading when I read s goldricks post
If you win by following the rules or should I say not breaking any rules you deserve it and fair play to Greece back in the day, and Leicester. Even sir Alex said the best team always comes out on top after 38 games.

Frederick (Louth) - Posts: 479 - 08/06/2016 17:23:21    1863766


Limerick to win an AI just once in my lifetime would be worth everything...its horrible supporting our senior hurlers, but i do cus its in my blood...if Ireland never won another soccer match and I could leave croke pk in Sept after seeing a Limerick man lift Liam, swear i'd die happy. better stop now. getting emotional! :(

skillet (Limerick) - Posts: 1077 - 08/06/2016 17:28:55    1863768


To answer the initial question, I would take neither but would pick a club county title any day. I would actually prefer to win a minor club title than an intercounty senior All Ireland.

onlyhurling (Galway) - Posts: 800 - 08/06/2016 17:40:29    1863779


I would take an all Ireland at any level, be it minor u21 or senior over even getting to the knock lout stage of the euros.

Daith (Kildare) - Posts: 1171 - 08/06/2016 18:02:35    1863792


Replying To waynoI:  "Its not people being English or Scottish that I have the problem with.

Ive no problem with England and Scotland.

I just think players should play for their country if they were born and raised in that country, And also played underage football with the country.

Because that doesn't happen you have fellas declaring themselves as proudly irish when they realise they have no hope of making the England team. Case in point, Jon Walters.

Case in point, Keiren Westwood.

Case in point, Richard Keogh.

And I couldn't care less if its a stoneage view. Its my view and that's the end of that."
Fair enough. Do you think Liverpool should only pick players from Liverpool ?

bad.monkey (USA) - Posts: 4630 - 08/06/2016 19:41:29    1863834


And be supported only by those from Liverpool?

MedwayIrish (Wexford) - Posts: 2324 - 08/06/2016 20:02:43    1863843


Replying To MedwayIrish:  "Well, it is uninformed because his definition of an Irishman or woman is not in sync with what has been the reality for many, many years. I'm not rushing to be offended but, yes, it's fairly offensive to plenty of diaspora. He is, of course, entitled to believe what he wishes and care not one iota what anyone else thinks of his opinion...............rather like any reactionary dictator of left or right leaning persuasion over history, wouldn't you say?

But since you've dipped your toe into the water, go on, do share your views on the great left-wing conspiracy, blighting everyday conversation across the land."
I have to say I hate the attitude of it's my opinion so I don't give two f8cks how others react to it.

People are definitely entitled to their private opinions.

Not all opinions shouldn't hold equal weight though. Ones that are based on sound reasoning are more important than those that are formed with little thought.

Once you air your opinion in public it is up for scrutiny. If you don't want to defend an opinion you have that's your prerogative, but don't expect it to be listened to others. I don't think it's a good trait to have an opinion and then to not listen to others when they point out flaws in your rationale.

Opinions can be harmful and to be honest some shouldn't be aired in public. Particularly ones that are discriminatory.

It really irks me when people come out with discriminatory or inflammatory remarks and then use the freedom of speech argument to justify them. You know what there isn't freedom of action, I can't just go out and punch someone on a whim, so then why should it be ok for people to say harmful things without repercussion.

Anyway rant over. Come on Ireland. Everyone wearing the green jersey has my support.

I'd probably take an Antrim club championship for my home team over an Ireland Euros win, I'd know how much it'd mean to some of my good friends.

I can't really say I support Antrim any more than Ireland though, despite GAA being my main sport. It's interesting how many of the Dublin fans would prefer another Sam. I guess it shows how much your county means to you. Fair play. I've always cared much more about the club myself. Watching Antrim is just a bit of entertainment I wouldn't get to disappointed ever after we lose. The club getting knocked out is usually pretty gutting though.

Anyway each to their own.

Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4269 - 08/06/2016 20:08:49    1863847


I'd much rather see Dublin beat kilkenny this weekend never mind win the all Ireland then my team win the premier league, no comparison

Brianmac78 (Dublin) - Posts: 1168 - 08/06/2016 20:12:13    1863848


Replying To lilywhite1:  "For me it is County first and foremost but I will be supporting the team at the Euros.
Wayno1 has every right to his opinion. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him or his opinion ignorant, insulting nor uniformed. So as far as you are concerned Onion Breath, Wayno is only entitled to an opinion as long as he agrees with your viewpoint. Unfortunately that attitude seems to be prevalent in broader Irish society particularly in left wing circles."
its an opinion which deserves to be questioned as its quite laughable and extremely hypocritical seeing as he supports a foreign club soccer team and supports a county team which he did not grow up in or play football in.....i wonder what waynols opinion was on certain members of this years dublin u21 team being from outside the county and using the parentage rule to play for us?...not too far off what many of our soccer players do

alano12 (Dublin) - Posts: 2208 - 08/06/2016 20:15:33    1863850


of course I would like to see my country win but no matter how many times I have seen KK win I would still take another AI before the Euros,as a matter of fact I would rather see Waterford Dublin Wexford limerick Antrim or any hurling county who havent won an AI in a long time win an AI before Ireland win the Euros

mooncat (Kilkenny) - Posts: 535 - 08/06/2016 20:25:09    1863861


I would definitely take Cork winning an All-Ireland. I like soccer (support Cork City and also like Arsenal in premier league) but I have never really had a massive interest in international soccer (though I remember 88 italia 90 with fondness)..too many friendlies in August and too many 'competitive' games against San Marino has meant that the only matches I ever watch now are in tournaments...I'll tune in alright and hope the lads do well...

bennybunny (Cork) - Posts: 3917 - 08/06/2016 21:05:59    1863883


Replying To lilywhite1:  "For me it is County first and foremost but I will be supporting the team at the Euros.
Wayno1 has every right to his opinion. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him or his opinion ignorant, insulting nor uniformed. So as far as you are concerned Onion Breath, Wayno is only entitled to an opinion as long as he agrees with your viewpoint. Unfortunately that attitude seems to be prevalent in broader Irish society particularly in left wing circles."
I don't think you understand my point lily white. It's got nothing at all to do with whether I agree with him or not. My point is Waynol certainly doesn't have a "right" to express his opinion on this matter. He may enjoy freedom to express an uniformed and ignorant opinion but that's a different thing to having a "right" to do so. On no rationale basis does Waynol have any right to spout his ignorance in this matter.

Onion Breath (Carlow) - Posts: 1414 - 08/06/2016 21:22:52    1863888


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

However if others find that opinion to be a little ignorant and fairly odd then they are entitled to challenge that opinion.

Wayneo's opinion on not caring about the Ireland team because they don't speak Irish or some of them having Scottish and English accents is incredibly ignorant and odd in my opinion.

It's doubly odd when one considers that Wayne himself supports not one but two teams that represent places that he does not live in or didn't didn't grow up in much (or not at all?) but feels that they represent him (which is a feeling no one can deny him).

As for the original question. I genuinely don't know as Ireland winning the Euros is just so unlikely and if it were to happen it send the country bananas!

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13746 - 08/06/2016 21:30:13    1863893


Fair enough handball ref
I have nothing against anyone wanting Ireland to win the Euro championship
I suppose we all like different things, it would be a strange world if we were all the same , liked all the same things so as the saying goes it takes all sorts to make the world.
But Gaelic means everything to me and iv followed Donegal for 50 odd years and still as keen as ever
I have been to a few soccer games mostly to see the battle of the green Celtic v Hibernian as Hibs would be my second team.
But in sport Donegal winning Sam would take preference over everything but good luck to Ireland and all their supporters.

SamOnErrigal (Donegal) - Posts: 1427 - 08/06/2016 21:43:45    1863902


Replying To bennybunny:  "I would definitely take Cork winning an All-Ireland. I like soccer (support Cork City and also like Arsenal in premier league) but I have never really had a massive interest in international soccer (though I remember 88 italia 90 with fondness)..too many friendlies in August and too many 'competitive' games against San Marino has meant that the only matches I ever watch now are in tournaments...I'll tune in alright and hope the lads do well..."
Surely that massive friendly v Belarus in Turners Cross last week has converted you to international football benny.The way we sprayed the ball around was like the great 1970 Brazil team.McGeady was like Zidanne in his pomp (:

cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 08/06/2016 22:04:50    1863925


Replying To Onion Breath:  "I don't think you understand my point lily white. It's got nothing at all to do with whether I agree with him or not. My point is Waynol certainly doesn't have a "right" to express his opinion on this matter. He may enjoy freedom to express an uniformed and ignorant opinion but that's a different thing to having a "right" to do so. On no rationale basis does Waynol have any right to spout his ignorance in this matter."
especially when he takes part in more or less the exact same thing that he is slating!

alano12 (Dublin) - Posts: 2208 - 08/06/2016 22:06:08    1863926


Replying To Whammo86:  "I have to say I hate the attitude of it's my opinion so I don't give two f8cks how others react to it.

People are definitely entitled to their private opinions.

Not all opinions shouldn't hold equal weight though. Ones that are based on sound reasoning are more important than those that are formed with little thought.

Once you air your opinion in public it is up for scrutiny. If you don't want to defend an opinion you have that's your prerogative, but don't expect it to be listened to others. I don't think it's a good trait to have an opinion and then to not listen to others when they point out flaws in your rationale.

Opinions can be harmful and to be honest some shouldn't be aired in public. Particularly ones that are discriminatory.

It really irks me when people come out with discriminatory or inflammatory remarks and then use the freedom of speech argument to justify them. You know what there isn't freedom of action, I can't just go out and punch someone on a whim, so then why should it be ok for people to say harmful things without repercussion.

Anyway rant over. Come on Ireland. Everyone wearing the green jersey has my support.

I'd probably take an Antrim club championship for my home team over an Ireland Euros win, I'd know how much it'd mean to some of my good friends.

I can't really say I support Antrim any more than Ireland though, despite GAA being my main sport. It's interesting how many of the Dublin fans would prefer another Sam. I guess it shows how much your county means to you. Fair play. I've always cared much more about the club myself. Watching Antrim is just a bit of entertainment I wouldn't get to disappointed ever after we lose. The club getting knocked out is usually pretty gutting though.

Anyway each to their own."
Excellent post

cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 08/06/2016 22:30:44    1863941


No question.....Mayo for Sam for me and I assume all Mayo fans.
I have seen some comments on the party we would all have if Ireland won the Euro....well Mayo would shut down for a month if Sam were to arrive.
I follow the Irish team and will shout for them at the Euro's but GAA comes first.

yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts:7385 - 08/06/2016 09:41:06

Think this could be Mayos year !!

superbluedub (Dublin) - Posts: 2839 - 08/06/2016 23:36:28    1863964
