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Your county win the All Ireland or Ireland win the Euros... which?

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Replying To MedwayIrish:  "Ireland to win the Euros for me.

Oh Waynol, as a second generation Irishman, thanks for the disenfranchisement. You're quite right, in both acknowledging the right to your own opinion and for that opinion to belong in the stone age so please don't take too much offence at being told to stick your views up your arse."
Worry thing is, that view is becoming all too common. An extension of the "matured as a nation" nonsense. Anyone not born here, yet calls themselves Irish, tends to be ridiculed. A defensive reaction by those born here but take little pride in the place themselves.

32_4_1 (Meath) - Posts: 4122 - 08/06/2016 11:04:29    1863472


Replying To InishowenMan:  "Waynol

I actually respect what you put Fella..fair play to you.

I know too many who are anti English everything yet spend most of there lifes talking about The English premiership and their love for their English Club.
They are really only Irish on paddys day or when Ireland play and love seeing the English get beat in evertything else. Hypocrisy at its finest.
At least you are honest and man enough to acknowledge you like to see the club players you support do well.

As for me' Like most I supported an English Club as a child but Football/Soccer is only a passing interest for me nowadays and i couldnt care less about it and it really couldnt keep my attention for the full 90 mins.
Of cousre i would still like to see the Irish do well and will prob watch the matches when they are on but its Donegal that matters to me in Football and everthing else.

I have no issues with anyone liking Soccer and there are plenty of genuine diehard Irish soccer Fans out there but it is the hypocritical Plastic Paddies that get up my nose.

So Donegal for Sam anyday of the week for me."
Nice post
I can relate to it as I followed Chelsea, but now I just like to see individual players do well. I was happy for Lampard when they won UCL and like to see Mata do well at United,heartbroken for Gerard he never won the prem .But I don't lose sleep over fella's earning 000,s per week.

Any ways back to question I would defo take Louth to win Sam ahead of the euros for ireland. I'd take victory over the Royal the weekend.

Frederick (Louth) - Posts: 479 - 08/06/2016 11:11:44    1863478


It's a triple no for this Offalian, and Irishman, I'm afraid.

thelongridge (Offaly) - Posts: 1783 - 08/06/2016 11:14:51    1863479


That's like asking would I rather shag Megan Fox or Jessica Alba - I would be happy with either (if I were single - in case my wife is reading ;) ) but I know neither is going to happen.

Naysayer (Antrim) - Posts: 2071 - 08/06/2016 11:16:08    1863480


Replying To MedwayIrish:  "Ireland to win the Euros for me.

Oh Waynol, as a second generation Irishman, thanks for the disenfranchisement. You're quite right, in both acknowledging the right to your own opinion and for that opinion to belong in the stone age so please don't take too much offence at being told to stick your views up your arse."
Absolutely zero offence taken in all honesty.

Doesn't bother me what people think of my view.

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13650 - 08/06/2016 11:17:35    1863481


Ah wayno I can't believe some of your views. As you say you're entitled to your opinion but i'd feel so strongly as to say that your opinion is wrong.
A few questions for you:
Do you speak Irish regularly?
Have you ever spoken to an Irish international? I can tell you that Seamie Coleman would run through a wall for Ireland's cause.
What would your view be on refugees? Ivan Rakitic was brought up in Switzerland due to his family being displaced by the Balkan war. In your book, should he be exempt from playing for Croatia?

I don't dispute people choosing an AI over Ireland winning the Euros, especially people from success starved counties. But the fact is, in the unlikely event that Ireland did find themselves in the final, the entire country would be consumed by it and it would give us such a lift! Even those with little sporting interest would be gripped! Anyone disagreeing with that is basically talking out of their arse if you ask me.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9243 - 08/06/2016 11:38:23    1863495


Replying To Naysayer:  "That's like asking would I rather shag Megan Fox or Jessica Alba - I would be happy with either (if I were single - in case my wife is reading ;) ) but I know neither is going to happen."
Ah buddy, Alba is gone to the dogs lately!

Liamwalkinstown (Dublin) - Posts: 8166 - 08/06/2016 12:07:50    1863519


Replying To Liamwalkinstown:  "Ah buddy, Alba is gone to the dogs lately!"
You need your eyes checked Liam! ;) If i swung that way i SO would!


CroiGorm (Dublin) - Posts: 1547 - 08/06/2016 12:33:22    1863542


Replying To woops:  "It's not going to happen but if it it came to it...
Would you swap your county winning the All Ireland for Ireland to win Euro 2016?

As Kerry have won it a fair bit, I would give Kerry not winning an All Ireland for the next 10 years to see Rep of Ireland winning Euro 2016."
Woops, I demand you withdraw from this website immediately after that comment your no Kerryman ;)

Kerry winning Sam everytime, even when Munster where in their glory days and I loved every minute, I would have still taken Sam over a Henio Cup.

TheHermit (Kerry) - Posts: 6354 - 08/06/2016 12:58:22    1863569


The are you born here stuff is interesting , I would have been a serious soccer fan in my early days and would have attended under E Hand and J Charlton it was a little later in life that I became immersed completely in GAA ,from my experiences of 1988 to Rome Boston and beyond it never bothered anyone that Mick McCarty had the roughest Yorshire accent going or that Andy Townsend sounded like a character from Only Fools and Horses , or that a wee man from Scotland scored two of our most famous goals ever. It only bothered them that they die in the jersey ,Why did it not bother us then yet it seems to matter to some now (not just wayno1) I can think of two reasons "money "soccer players are different now average players earn vast sums as a result if it appears after a defeat that they are not trying people feel short changed just think Belarus , that being the case we will gripe , The second reason would be a by product of money soccer players are now stand offish , as a result of social media etc they rarely mix , I remember many a night in Rumours with the boys in green and a certain centre forward chatting up my missus ended up having a beer with them , I met M ick McCarty hundreds of times , lads used to sneak out of hotel rooms in the Portmarnock links and a friend who worked in the hotel would have 4-5 taxis waiting around the corner to take lads into Gibneys , the players just felt part of us and us part of them in those days it was certainly a shared journey , not sure if that's the case now.

Damothedub (Dublin) - Posts: 5193 - 08/06/2016 13:13:05    1863576


The accent shouldn't matter either way, maybe it's because emigration hasn't the huge issue for a generation that it once was. Look, it's annoying. All the "plastic" stuff. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me at all, no matter how determined I am not to allow it to. But basically it's a narrow-minded, some would say bigoted viewpoint that says more about any individual involved than it does the country at large. The state says different, my passport says different so the Irish equivalent to the British UKIP mentality can, basically, go f*** themselves.

MedwayIrish (Wexford) - Posts: 2324 - 08/06/2016 13:28:01    1863589


It is not for others to say who is Irish or not, it is for the man himself/ woman herself if Irish blood runs in the veins. Some of the greatest Irishmen and Irish women were not born on these shores. Some of the biggest let downs/ sell outs/ traitors have been born on these shores. Personally I welcome all who can and do call themselves Irish and I despise this hierarchical notion that some have. Some people forget where we as a nation came from.

Naysayer (Antrim) - Posts: 2071 - 08/06/2016 13:35:38    1863601


it;s easy for counties who have had alot of success to suggest that they would forgo all-ireland titles for a win at the EUROs but for a county like my own nothing would beat winning an all-ireland football final. I have never seen my county contest a final let alone win one. so for me it's a no-brainer. furthermore Ireland have a very poor team and there would be no joy in seeing them winning the thing as I would know that it wouldn't be deserved (like Greece a few years back). The teams that deserve to win the Euros are : Germany,Spain,France,Belgium,England. It would be nice to see Ireland put up a good show (unlike last time) but I wouldn't never in a millions years hope that they would win it because that would be just non-sensical. If we had won it in 88 or 92 then we would have deserved it as we had a good team.

s goldrick (Cavan) - Posts: 5518 - 08/06/2016 13:38:39    1863604


As nice as Ireland winning the Euro's would be, I'd have to take Fermanagh to win Sam. There wouldn't be a cow milked for a month anywhere in the county.

RudeMessage (Fermanagh) - Posts: 9 - 08/06/2016 13:45:04    1863607


Replying To s goldrick:  "it;s easy for counties who have had alot of success to suggest that they would forgo all-ireland titles for a win at the EUROs but for a county like my own nothing would beat winning an all-ireland football final. I have never seen my county contest a final let alone win one. so for me it's a no-brainer. furthermore Ireland have a very poor team and there would be no joy in seeing them winning the thing as I would know that it wouldn't be deserved (like Greece a few years back). The teams that deserve to win the Euros are : Germany,Spain,France,Belgium,England. It would be nice to see Ireland put up a good show (unlike last time) but I wouldn't never in a millions years hope that they would win it because that would be just non-sensical. If we had won it in 88 or 92 then we would have deserved it as we had a good team."
By your own logic ,Goldrick, Cavan will never deserve to win an All Ireland because they are minnows in comparison to the likes of Dublin and Kerry. Also I suppose you think Leicester didn't deserve to win the Premiership this year and by rights it should have been won by one of the big teams like Man U, Man City, Chelsea, or Arsenal? The team that wins a competition fair and square deserves to win it even when under normal circumstances they would be considered no hopers. Greece deserved to win the European Championship some years ago because they were the best team in the competition and if Ireland win it this year they will deserve to win it too. They won't by the way!

PoolSturgeon (Galway) - Posts: 1916 - 08/06/2016 13:55:42    1863611


Replying To TheHermit:  "Woops, I demand you withdraw from this website immediately after that comment your no Kerryman ;)

Kerry winning Sam everytime, even when Munster where in their glory days and I loved every minute, I would have still taken Sam over a Henio Cup."
haha TheHermit...if ireland did win the Euros I might have to! The chances of both would be slim (hopefully with regards to kerry not winning one for the next 10 years)!

I love Kerry football but I would have no problem in saying if ireland won the Euros/World Cup that it would be the biggest sporting feat that I could remember.
I adore GAA , Gaelic is the only sport I have played competitively but for me the biggest team in Ireland is the Irish soccer team, I am saying this an Irish person not as a Kerryman before I am lynched :-)

I am a little surprised that not more would choose Ireland before their own county but everyone to their own and there is really no right/wrong answer!!

woops (Kerry) - Posts: 2073 - 08/06/2016 13:59:22    1863619


Replying To MedwayIrish:  "Ireland to win the Euros for me.

Oh Waynol, as a second generation Irishman, thanks for the disenfranchisement. You're quite right, in both acknowledging the right to your own opinion and for that opinion to belong in the stone age so please don't take too much offence at being told to stick your views up your arse."
Waynol does not have a right to an opinion on this matter. He may chose to express an uniformed, insulting and ignorant opinion, but he has no right to do so. I think we should be clear about that.

The fact that he has subsequently stated he doesn't care what others think of his opinion indicates very clearly that he has no right to an opinion on this matter at all.

Onion Breath (Carlow) - Posts: 1414 - 08/06/2016 15:43:54    1863698


Replying To woops:  "haha TheHermit...if ireland did win the Euros I might have to! The chances of both would be slim (hopefully with regards to kerry not winning one for the next 10 years)!

I love Kerry football but I would have no problem in saying if ireland won the Euros/World Cup that it would be the biggest sporting feat that I could remember.
I adore GAA , Gaelic is the only sport I have played competitively but for me the biggest team in Ireland is the Irish soccer team, I am saying this an Irish person not as a Kerryman before I am lynched :-)

I am a little surprised that not more would choose Ireland before their own county but everyone to their own and there is really no right/wrong answer!!"
Each to their own Woops,

I'm not a soccer follower. I'd know what's going on in the premiership etc and I enjoy the Champions League but I don't lose any sleep over what happens.

After GAA, I'd be a rugby supporter but I will admit that I've always had a strong gra for the Irish soccer team.

Despite preferring rugby I still find I'd be more downbeat or elated after a given result for the boys in green than the Irish rugby team.

So of course I want us to have a great Euro's and I hope that whatever happens they play with passion, heart and pride and are greater than the sum of their parts, do that and we might just cause a shock or two.

But the way I look at it: if Munster, the Irish rugby or the Irish soccer team lose, I might kick the door and be in a bad mood for an hour or two.

When they win, I'll head out and have a few jars but its usually forgotten about by the Monday.

When Kerry lose in the Championship everyone I know knows to give me a wide berth for the next month and I'm usually drinking my sorrows for a good 3 days after.

When Kerry win an All-Ireland, six months later I'm still smiling to myself thinking about it and replaying the game in my head.

That's the difference for me.

Now saying that, where's me plastic hammer for Monday?

TheHermit (Kerry) - Posts: 6354 - 08/06/2016 15:48:55    1863704


Replying To Naysayer:  "It is not for others to say who is Irish or not, it is for the man himself/ woman herself if Irish blood runs in the veins. Some of the greatest Irishmen and Irish women were not born on these shores. Some of the biggest let downs/ sell outs/ traitors have been born on these shores. Personally I welcome all who can and do call themselves Irish and I despise this hierarchical notion that some have. Some people forget where we as a nation came from."
Yea i have to agree with this.Have had a few barneys with me Da when he laughs at some of the players accents.England B he used to call them.He's eased off in later years as he knows it only gets him an earful.I am proud of all the lads that don the green shirt - from scouser John Aldridge to Barnsley Mick McCarthy.Those guys would have died for Ireland.

cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 08/06/2016 16:27:57    1863728


Replying To woops:  "It's not going to happen but if it it came to it...
Would you swap your county winning the All Ireland for Ireland to win Euro 2016?

As Kerry have won it a fair bit, I would give Kerry not winning an All Ireland for the next 10 years to see Rep of Ireland winning Euro 2016."
Only someone from a county with quite a few Sams in the bag could even consider this as a question, never mind a choice.
I could name a dozen or more counties I would like to win Sam before Ireland win the Euros, never mind my own one.

m_the_d (None) - Posts: 1099 - 08/06/2016 16:53:26    1863744
