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Cut off the North

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Tyronemanc I think the tackle on Callanan deserved the black card. Galway rode their luck. But since '88 we have not had a lot to be honest. Some is Galway's own fault- some the GAA's. Galway last one Liam in 1988!
Tyronemanc look at the video of the match. Galway played until the 75th minute, to the end. Tyrone must do the same if they are to beat Kerry. Do not stop playing with 5 minutes to go. Keep the tempo going and you will be in with a shout.Micky Harte must keep concentrating right from the start. He cannot start daydreaming or else Kerry will crucify you (whatever about the Dublin media also)

galwayford (Galway) - Posts: 2526 - 17/08/2015 14:18:33    1771430


Galwayford, I do not wish to have take away from the game yesterday, I congratulate Galway on their victory and their part in an excellent game, it is just unfortunate for Galway that this is as good of example of the hype that can be created by the SG and other panels to blow matters out of proportion.

I am sure that Micky Harte is well aware that Tyrone must play from the first to the last whistle on Sunday and even then it may not be enough against Kerry.

I wish you all the luck against the Cats in 3 weeks time.

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 17/08/2015 14:28:54    1771437


sean cavanagh's pull down was only jumped on by Joe Brolly. Everybody knows that Joe is looking for publicity and that he gets 100k for his punditry.
Sean Cavanagh is a great player...that is the game. No black card in hurling, yet

Rockies (Cork) - Posts: 947 - 17/08/2015 14:36:14    1771448


Some of the commentary about Tyrone last week went beyond general sports chatter and veered mightily close to less comfortable territory, some of it borderline xenophobic. Tyrone are not other, they are not ogres, they are not somehow lesser members of society than the rest of us. Indeed, they are not even they. They are we. Irish people. GAA people. Sports people.
But they do have a problem and it is one they have no real interest in solving. They genuinely believe that they get singled out by a GAA public and hierarchy that takes greater interest in their transgressions than in those of others.
And when they see a situation where McCann has to answer a charge that not only hasn't been faced by other divers in the championship but wasn't levied at Monaghan's Rory Beggan for a blatant dive in the same game, it's hard to convince them otherwise.

Great article articulated much better than I could have

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 18/08/2015 08:36:43    1771761


"that is the game"

No its not.....that is what the game is becoming

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 18/08/2015 08:41:55    1771763


tyronemanc rubbish. Tyrone do not get singled out!! You just cry the most when you do get caught. I say nearly every county and club in the country has had bans. Looks at the ballinderry lads who got 48 week bans under the same rule.

Did Derry people cry and winge about it? no! Did we say the world was against us? No! Did ballinderry who are successful like tyrone with 11 county, 3 ulster and 1 AL say this was due to them being successful? no!

Get out of this siege mentality that our neighbours on the other side of the fence employ so well

Tyrone people stop crying, get to dublin on sunday (ill be there cheering for you) and stand up to these evil southerners who pick on and bully you and make it count where it matters most

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 18/08/2015 09:03:26    1771780


I think you will find DCFC that there was huge outcry in Ballinderry and indeed appeals.

The difference is that it was internal club football in Derry and how much of it was reported in the Southern Media?

Plus I did not articulate the article, I merely reposted it.

I will be there off course on Sunday, I shall look out for you will you be wearing your Man United Home Jersey or the away one just so I can spot you?

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 18/08/2015 09:21:39    1771790


Im a chelsea fan if i follow anyone at all. passed down from grandfather. Amazing how many people bring up that game on a GAA page.....usually tyrone posters. Ill be in red and white/white and red for the derry and tyrone teams. Yes they appealed but didnt blame anyone but themselfs

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 18/08/2015 09:54:56    1771818


"I will be there off course on Sunday, I shall look out for you will you be wearing your Man United Home Jersey or the away one just so I can spot you? "

Seem to prove the point that tyrone people go on the defensive about everything. Us against them mentality. My gran from tyrone made me use the back door of her house for months when we beat you in the qualifiers. You are a strange enclosed bunch.

i be in my red and white for derry and tyrone

Why do tyrone people keep bringing up soccer on this gaa page?

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 18/08/2015 10:06:53    1771828


And i assume the soccer gibe was either a dig at my username or a sterotype against Derry. Either way isnt this the very type of basis that you assume people have against tyrone for another reason?

P.S People who dig at the Derry soccer thing. who cares. why not pick on Jim McGuinness for working in soccer.....THE SHAME THE SHAME!

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 18/08/2015 10:15:31    1771836


Association football clubs in County Derry 20 population 247,132 = 12356 per club

Association football clubs in County Tyrone 10 population 179,000 = 17900 per club

Which is the soccer county?

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 18/08/2015 10:28:07    1771843


You beat me to it, you say it is the Tyrone ones who bring soccer into the GAA board, your username is a reference to soccer is it not? Correct me if I am wrong off course..................THE SHAME THE SHAME............get a grip

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 18/08/2015 10:39:42    1771854



tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 20/08/2015 10:00:11    1772944


tyronemanc my username is a play on words giving the perception that Derry City is classed as 'soccer only' my many who do know better.

I have never played for a soccer team in my life. Yes I do watch it and who cares if i do.

I also watch rugby cricket rugby league american football golf hurling......anything that is on that may be a good game.

If you are going to judge a book by its cover please do so elsewhere

If i where to do the same i would assume you are a tyrone man who has lived in manchester or supports one of the teams there but i wont as i dont know you or anything about you!

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 20/08/2015 11:10:28    1773030


Someone give DCFC a are spot on I am a Tyrone man living in Manchester, we still meeting at Croke Park on Sunday??

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 20/08/2015 11:40:26    1773066


Its my last trip to dublin so depends how im feeling afte ra few on saturday. ill be the pale guy running back and forth for the jacks

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 20/08/2015 11:55:52    1773088


"I am a Tyrone man living in Manchester"

So let me get this right! I get stick about soccer due to being from Derry even though you live in one of the....if not the biggest soccer city on the planet?

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 20/08/2015 12:00:38    1773099


DCFC I have my suspicions that you are actually a Dub as no one I know from Derry refers to the facilities as the 'Jacks', it would certainly explain your pro Dublin stance on other threads

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 20/08/2015 12:07:48    1773105


Force of habit from living with a dub and 2 laois men in NZ

DoireCityFC (Derry) - Posts: 1580 - 20/08/2015 12:29:49    1773123


This derry city fc guy craves attention! he bounces from Londonderry to tyrone to Dublin to tyrone to blah blah blah.

Jes the soccer must have got of to a boring start

redhanddefender (Tyrone) - Posts: 913 - 20/08/2015 12:44:14    1773139
