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Cut off the North

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I think there needs to be a bit of kop on here.

This whole issue over Tiernan McCann is because he blatantly fell to the ground faking an Injury which got another man sent off, and there is no question over whether or not he is guilty of faking it or faking the extent of the Impact.

There is also no question that Darren Hughes lifted his hand made contact with Tiernan McCann's head, although tv coverage highlight that the level of contact was very light or certainly looked that way.
Darren Hughes should not have lifted his hand and made contact with McCann's head, and McCann should not have put on such a melodramatic show. And we currently play the game based on what the official's see during the game, and not on video evidence reviewed afterwards.

This has got nothing to do with North-South bias of any kind, Its simply a question of discipline.

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3017 - 13/08/2015 13:51:34    1769435


Joxer, when the Dubs played Fermanagh a few weeks back there was some really awful abuse directed towards Fermanagh on various Dublin GAA forums. It was nasty, it was partitionist and it was out of order. It was the same when Antrim knocked the Dubs out of the hurling several years back; we got some dreadful 'Nordie/British' stuff thrown our way. Now I know it was only a minority but it was certainly not a figment of anyone's imagination, it was there in black and white.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9726 - 13/08/2015 14:16:36    1769457


Redandblack. Excellent post, look there is certain teams who dive, diving is just pathetic hit a guy throw a punch all excusable diving is not.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 13/08/2015 14:41:02    1769482


County: Antrim
Posts: 893

Yeah its a figment of our imagination Joxer

Youse love us that much that you cant wait to have us back!

We couldn't afford you but sure look, if you want to join us we're only down the road. There's no border there any more to stop you crossing the state line.

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4705 - 13/08/2015 17:26:38    1769610


County: Antrim
Posts: 7288

Joxer, when the Dubs played Fermanagh a few weeks back there was some really awful abuse directed towards Fermanagh on various Dublin GAA forums. It was nasty, it was partitionist and it was out of order. It was the same when Antrim knocked the Dubs out of the hurling several years back; we got some dreadful 'Nordie/British' stuff thrown our way. Now I know it was only a minority but it was certainly not a figment of anyone's imagination, it was there in black and white.

I'm on here a long time Ulsterman and I was at both that Fermanagh game and that Antrim match - I presume that you are talking about the 2010 (I think) win there. I have to say that I don't remember any abuse but would be willing to accept it if you can find the threads.

If you don't mind me saying, you are being very hypocritical in talking about partitionist rhetoric as I can't remember a post from you that didn't attempt to slander people from the South in one form or another. In fact you're doing it again here.

Dublin hurling fans are very much the aristocrats of the supporter base and I would be amazed to hear that they were hurling abuse at Antrim fans, who themselves are tame in my experience compared to some of the football fans of some counties in Ulster.

However if you say it happened then I would not doubt you but it would be nice to see some evidence of course.

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4705 - 13/08/2015 17:34:55    1769614


Funny thing is that in a poll a year or so back majority of catholic wanted to remain in union yet we are the partionist ones lol

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 13/08/2015 17:38:09    1769617


Funny thing is that in a poll a year or so back majority of catholic wanted to remain in union yet we are the partionist ones lol

Which poll was that? I remember Unionists peddling the same line on radio and tv up here and were challenged on it as to how they came to that conclusion or on what piece of info. Turned out they were taking some answer on the poll and inferring that to mean Catholics in the majority wanted to stay in the Union. They were called out by the Shinners I think it was in having a border poll then if that's what they believed but talk about rats up a drainpipe.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 13/08/2015 17:51:15    1769628


Offside rule, it was done by a university , which one escapes me, but it was a credible poll with the usual margin of error etc it was 50% + who would stay in union, but when asked what way they identified themselves as, the vast majority of protestant and catholic viewed themselves as northern Irish as opposed to Irish or British, which Imo is a good thing, rather than one having to concede to the other, instead a shared future, i think Rory mcilroy also eluded to that poll when asked about Olympics etc, and said most of his generation sees themselves as neither Irish or British, but as nothern Irish.
Now all that been said i think if a border poll was held regardless of outcome the republic would also have to have one, this i know goes against gf agreement but with economy the way it is and majority of trouble subsided i don't think such a poll in the south would be as clear cut as some might think.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 13/08/2015 18:31:09    1769666


People are losing the run of themselves. In my view as an Ulsterman, Ulster teams have destroyed the game of Gaelic football and I include my own county in that. Yeah, it's a competitive province, but only amongst ourselves, Ulster teams will not trouble Mayo, Kerry or Dublin for a long time to come unless they abandon the defensive stuff. Booing at matches is becoming more frequent and understandably so, the football on display is dire. Anyone who says they enjoyed the last two Ulster finals is not a Gaelic football fan, or they are lying. You couldn't enjoy that as a spectacle, negative, boring, robotic football where risk taking and flair is discouraged.

But people would want to get over this victim complex. Look lads, the GAA brings out all sorts of passions in people, some people will use anything to "get one over" on the opposition. The distinct Ulster accent is an easy target for many people because it firmly differentiates northerners from the rest. I am disappointed to hear anti british stuff levelled at Irish people, but is there venom or malice in it? I don't believe the south hates the north or vice versa.

Ned_Stormcrow (Cavan) - Posts: 1071 - 13/08/2015 18:41:53    1769669


id agree that there is a small minority of partitionist people who exist out there...luckily its a small yet vocal minority....ulsterman you and your mentality arent helping things at all on this forum....

fabio8 (USA) - Posts: 2182 - 13/08/2015 20:05:28    1769701


Royal Dunne its the Life and Times survey I think youre referring too.
The Belfast Telegraph had an input in it too I think.But I wouldnt put
to much stock in it.Id say about 75% of Catholics would vote for a
United Ireland.

Areas like Malone Road and Holywood were McIlroy is from are
"castle Catholic" areas, it is no coincidence they are also upper

Catholics will outnumber Protestants by 2021 it also forecast
so by a sectarian head count it should be the time for
reunification, sadly too many have been indoctrinated and some
Catholics would vote against it saving the Union.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1628 - 13/08/2015 20:22:56    1769716


Jasus im tired of hearing about tyrone.

Firstly can i say as a person of the county wronged that comparing what o donoghue did in the MF and what mc cann did last weak is chalk and cheese. O Donoghue went for a ball made contact and went down looking for a peno .. Normal enough play from player just wrong decision from Ref.

As for tyrone .. Jasus stop with the whole them versus us stuff. You are having a go at the sunday game but there is evidence to back up everything that they are saying. The facts are clearly there why not just man up accept the truth and make the necessary adjustments.

Micky Harte came out during the week complaining .. Saying if hughes hadnt raised his hand then there would be no story.. Why not just say what Mc cANN did was a disgrace and he is being punished internally and is being benched for the semi final..

The issue regarding who did what isnt relevant . It is the absolutely blatant attempt to gain an advantage by cheating simple as that. I cant believe how any player or former player could possible condone that. It has become a blight in our game recently and unfortunately Mc Cann is being made an example of. But it was going to happen at some stage and maybe the fact that mc cann's actions were so bad that yes he earned being making an example of.

Many northern teams have been mentioned. Donegal game in 2011 against dublin was shocking and earned ridicule. How ever their win in 2012 was celebrated as a brilliant success and a changing of the guard in modern football.

The whole country shouted for Armagh in 2002.

Fermanagh this year were celebrated for their efforts and also for not parking the bus against a superior team in dublin they went out to play the game they way it should be played to the maximum of their ability and the country celebrated that (well not cluxton).

Whether you like it or not controversy follows tyrone. This is not the first time they have been in the spot light. MINOR U/21 SENIOR all have been in the press for all the wrong reasons this year and its not the southern media or sunday game that caused that it was Tyrone. I dont think any real play will ever have an issue with a few slaps or a bust up. We all played the game and we all threw a punch at some stage. I know monaghan had their own issues on saturday. But you look at kerry. How often do we see them in the paper .. They can adapt and can play the game any way you want it. But they just play the game get on with it and move on. Last years AIF wasnt a classic by anymeans but no reports of sledging diving just the game was played.

So tyrone as a player from the south i can say we have no issue with any team from the north. YOU ARE AS MUCH APART OF THE GAA AS ANY OTHER COUNTY. But its like taking my kids to the play ground. If they are bold i will give out to them and if they continue to be bold i will take them home. Being part of the gaa community is a privilege not a right . Respect the rest of your community. Play fair play straight up play as hard as nails but most of all play honestly

ritchie (Cork) - Posts: 346 - 14/08/2015 10:13:30    1769896


Good man Ritchie. Full of honest truth. It would do every Tyrone man the world of good to read that post. Thumbs up.

martinprince (Tyrone) - Posts: 187 - 14/08/2015 10:30:03    1769910


This thread is about Tyrone football, please leave tha catholic and protestant out of it..

goinwellintrain (Mayo) - Posts: 96 - 14/08/2015 10:56:27    1769941


County: Tyrone
Posts: 176

1769910 Good man Ritchie. Full of honest truth. It would do every Tyrone man the world of good to read that post. Thumbs up.

x2 Agreed Ritchie strikes a cord , common sense a best piece Ive read on here for quite a while .

Damothedub (Dublin) - Posts: 5193 - 14/08/2015 10:58:33    1769946


Cheers Joxer good to know youse are willing to accept us with open arms!!

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 14/08/2015 11:05:10    1769950


All areas in Ireland are going to have their rivalries."Cutting" areas off
is the wrong way to go entirely as it creates division.

Also people taking reflective glory in others from the same province
is another no no.Worry about your own county.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1628 - 14/08/2015 11:11:29    1769954


Spot on Ritchie

redhand03 (Tyrone) - Posts: 40 - 14/08/2015 11:15:34    1769961



Some people on this forum don't like Northern football, they perceive all Northern posters to be the same, because of the refusal of some Northern posters to accept any sort of wrong doing by their own, without the usual you started it first, sure remember blah blah blah.

Some people on here cant abide certain Southern ,Eastern, Western counties because they see favouritism and smugness from a certain few of their posters,they see Southern posters with their head in the sand who think only Northern counties are cynical and when their own players do something nasty they reason that it was spur of the moment.

This mc Cann affair has brought out all the underlying feelings these posters have from both sides from previous debates.
In the middle you have reasoned posters from all counties trying to have a rational discussion , but unfortunetly their views just get swept along by a small minority on both sides who feel wronged and constantly want to keep making their point.

Then Ulsterman we come to you,
Unfortunetly partitionist drivel is your oxygen and on occasion you drag a few along with you if the subject is contentious. Generally most dont pay attention to your posts ,I've a feeling you are a young lad reading a lot of books who goes on different forums to vent anger other authors have wrote. Its a pity because maybe if you tried you might find that you have something to offer a GAA forum.

AthCliath (Dublin) - Posts: 4347 - 14/08/2015 11:17:21    1769963


Ach now, don't be cutting off the north. Sure the southerners will have nothing to grumble about then.

Termon (Tyrone) - Posts: 58 - 14/08/2015 11:23:11    1769965
