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Cut off the North

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Trial by SG has happened before. Far from being a SG anti-Tyrone thing, the Dubs were on the receiving end in 2008 when Collie Moran was disgracefully condemed by the panelists for what was a fair shoulder on Dermot Bannon. Collie received 4 weeks on a retro charge from the CCCC following the programme. Keith Barr wrote a good column on the incident here. So much for the SG reserving their judge and jury antics for Ulster teams only huh? Even the darling Dubs have been on the receiving end.

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4705 - 12/08/2015 21:19:59    1769158


County: Meath
Posts: 8065

Lets not forget this is the same player who got a very questionable penalty in omagh v Meath this year. That effectively won them the match.
Got to say i am very proud of the cccc on this one.
Thats nice.Its good that a Meath man has something he can be proud off.

seanie_boy (Tyrone) - Posts: 4235 - 12/08/2015 21:28:46    1769164


It is the blatant double standards and total hypocrisy that is really angering Ulster people. Tadgh Kennelly can take a fella out of an All Ireland final with a dangerous elbow, boast about it in his book and nothing is done apart from praise from the Southern media for his 'cute-hoorness'. Other high profile Kerry and Mayo players have thrown themselves to the ground in recent times.....and again the sound of silence from the GAA and media. You get the impression certain elements to the North are setting the ground for a split in the GAA.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9726 - 12/08/2015 21:29:07    1769166


Quite right in what you say and indeed it could split the GAA.
As you well know the Hunger strike almost split the GAA and a few members died on hunger strike
You are probably right about Belfast/Antrim and I have often said Antrim should have a better football team as fine sportsmen have came from Antrim.
Now if this ban is not lifted and M Hart takes Tyrone to play in an All Ireland semi final then they would deserve everything that is thrown at them TYRONE MUST TAKE A STAND HERE

When the All Ireland final is over then the powers that be must have a long hard look at things, indeed those who thought up this ban should resign as they will only cock-up again
First of all justice for all teams and fair play from refs. Also must use technology and that includes off the ball incidents.
I do not know how true this is but I heard this about 16/17 years ago A guy told me that after the mauling Tyrone got in 1996from Meath things would change in Ulster , never again would Ulster teams be tramped on in Croke park and so started the Gym and all the strengthening and condition Fast forward five years and Armagh, then Tyrone and then Donegal.
All those teams when they got to Croke park were not intimidated and were well able to give and take. Maybe we should thank Meath

SamOnErrigal (Donegal) - Posts: 1427 - 12/08/2015 21:31:31    1769168


Absolutely crazy ban. But the Hard men of Tyrone acting like women(apologies to all women) on the pitch and posting on here. Boo Hoo, everybody is against us. Get over it. The last fifteen minutes of the match the last day was an absolute disgrace. But even worse was the behaviour of both sets of fans who were encouraging their respective teams in the sledging and hitting and play acting. It is part and parcel of Ulster football whether people like it or not. If we don't like it we're all Freestaters. Freestate media is against Ulster, blah blah blah. If you want to insult us with these partitionist freestate jibes as your siege mentality ignites well then I suggest you set up your own British championship and then we can have a world series sometime in October. Take me home to Mayo.

peile (Mayo) - Posts: 180 - 12/08/2015 21:33:28    1769171



brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 12/08/2015 21:34:52    1769174


County: Down
Posts: 1556

Just cut off Tyrone ! Leave the rest of us outta your county's shameful antics at every level of football.
Good idea, that would make Down the 7th best county in Ulster on current form instead of 8th!

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 12/08/2015 21:38:35    1769175


The black card was introduced mainly over Tyrones obvious deliberate fouling and playacting. It hasn't worked. They have uped their game and so another rule must be introduced to deal with it. Winning at all costs will cost Tyrone.

ninjasmyth (Louth) - Posts: 730 - 12/08/2015 21:39:36    1769176


The black card was introduced mainly over Tyrones obvious deliberate fouling and playacting. It hasn't worked. They have uped their game and so another rule must be introduced to deal with it. Winning at all costs will cost Tyrone.

ninjasmyth (Louth) - Posts: 730 - 12/08/2015 21:40:10    1769177


County: Tyrone
Posts: 10555

lol Brend.I'm with you on the sentiment though!

seanie_boy (Tyrone) - Posts: 4235 - 12/08/2015 21:48:03    1769186


I thought the North was cut off and taken for the British in 1921.

Has it all been a bad dream????lol

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1628 - 12/08/2015 21:55:31    1769194


County: Fermanagh
Posts: 1288

tyronemanc known locally as the 'bicycle clip' man started this thread to try and stir more debate and hasn't condemned such un-footballing tactics
Un-footballing tactics? I never heard of them before.You young ones and your new fangled thingies.

seanie_boy (Tyrone) - Posts: 4235 - 13/08/2015 09:11:07    1769217


County: Fermanagh
Posts: 1288

tyronemanc known locally as the 'bicycle clip' man started this thread to try and stir more debate and hasn't condemned such un-footballing tactics which McCann has rightfully been punished for. The GAA officials are appointed to do a job and one should respect their decision as they made it in the best interest of football so that no player can willy nilly use tactics that bring the game into disrepute. In this matter, Joe Brolly is so so wrong to be in opposition to the ruling and must learn to respect the GAA hierarchy, their officials as well as team managers and players. Brolly seems to be in short supply of respect in such matters!

Irvinstown MKII, you are obviously as lazy as the SG panelist when it comes to analysis, take some time to read my posts and you will see that I have said in other posts that TMC was wrong in what he done!!!! Idiots like you do not help any form of debate

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 13/08/2015 09:23:54    1769224


It is the blatant double standards and total hypocrisy that is really angering Ulster people. Tadgh Kennelly can take a fella out of an All Ireland final with a dangerous elbow, boast about it in his book and nothing is done apart from praise from the Southern media for his 'cute-hoorness'.

Nobody praised him for that. Particularly the people from his own county. In fact, I know personally I still have zero time for the guy over it, and I doubt Im alone.

Other high profile Kerry and Mayo players have thrown themselves to the ground in recent times.....and again the sound of silence from the GAA and media. You get the impression certain elements to the North are setting the ground for a split in the GAA.

High profile Kerry and Mayo, and Donegal and Cork and Monaghan and Dublin and Derry, and indeed tyrone players up until this incident. Even in the very same game, tyrone lads and monaghan lads also dived and haven't been punished. The reality is this was probably as blatant and calculated an effort as we have seen. He deserves to be punished and this is a step in the right direction.

TheMaster (Mayo) - Posts: 16187 - 13/08/2015 09:36:15    1769233


The start of this post is sadly correct. There is no doubt the diving was wrong and Tyrone over the past 15 years have been one of the chief culprits, you have to only think back to an incident in the 03 final which makes you think if its a tactic being used. At the same time every county in some aspects are at it but there has also been more serious incidents involving Non Ulster Counties. This years Munster final changed from a dive, the 09 final and blatent assault not to mention biting incidents, I could go on. There is an over the top reaction when any incident involves a team from the North, I dont expect the rest to admit this and it is having an effect in refereeing decisions and disciplinary matters. Im not sure what can be done about this as the Ulster counties want to compete like everybody else so pulling out of the championship is not an option. Brolly is right this ban will not stand but that does not stop the CCCC from atempting to yet again throw the book at an Ulster County. But the best reaction from Ulster is they will compete and will continue going to Croker and standing up to the darlings of the GAA, its not romantic, its not want the media or GAA want but Ulster football is not going away.

sam1884 (UK) - Posts: 999 - 13/08/2015 10:10:36    1769261


Oh Ulsternam woke up!

SeppBlatter (Dublin) - Posts: 187 - 13/08/2015 10:57:28    1769300


For people to label others partitionist and free staters is an absolute
disgrace.You wont get any more partitionist people than the Catholics
in the Malone Road for example.How many of them would vote for
a united Ireland???

There was genuine warmth for the three Ulster teams that won
All Irelands in the 90s so this idea of partitionist mindset does
not cut any mustard at all.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1628 - 13/08/2015 11:54:59    1769346


County: Down
Posts: 712

For people to label others partitionist and free staters is an absolute
disgrace.You wont get any more partitionist people than the Catholics
in the Malone Road for example.How many of them would vote for
a united Ireland???

There was genuine warmth for the three Ulster teams that won
All Irelands in the 90s so this idea of partitionist mindset does
not cut any mustard at all.


Well said. My favourite trip of last year was up to Celtic Park in the league. We took a hiding but met some great Derry gaels up there. Salt of the earth. I think we all know where the paranoid partitionist nonsense comes from.

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4705 - 13/08/2015 12:45:36    1769389


Yeah its a figment of our imagination Joxer

Youse love us that much that you cant wait to have us back!

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 13/08/2015 13:01:59    1769403


Anyone saying that the guy should have got the 8 weeks or more needs their head tested/examined!!!. I would not expect much more from the GAA headquarters as it appears that the press and the pundits are running our games- a bit like the politicians. If a guy takes a dive it is up to the ref to deal with it-end off. It was the ref who sent the Monaghan player off-maybe we need better refs!. There are 6 other officials helping him or are these guys blind!! or was the sun in their eyes. I think the decision by the GAA makes a joke out of our games and rules. Do we penalise a player because of an incorrect decision by a ref.

browncows (Meath) - Posts: 2342 - 13/08/2015 13:35:24    1769425
