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Cut off the North

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County: Dublin
Posts: 2338

I don't agree with that McCann ban at all. If it wasn't dealt with on the pitch then the Tyrone CB should deal with it, end of. As for some of the clowns on here with a chip on their shoulder trying to make this political and banging on about the Free State, the ant-Ulster southern media, the Dublin HQ'd media and so on. Pathetic! It's comments like this that give people from some counties bad names. Pete McGrath, the Irish News, Joe Brolly, Malachy Clerkin etc., all Ulster sources and all ouspoken against Tyrone. Some posters really need to take the politics out of it and remove the chip from their shoulder


seanfinn (Monaghan) - Posts: 360 - 12/08/2015 17:59:48    1769033


You can justify anything if you keep falling back on the tired old excuse of witch hunt. While I do agree that Tyrone are the butt of media attention compared to most other counties, it still doesnt justify what happened last sunday nor should continue to happen in the game. The world is now an audience with sky 1. Players throwing themselves on the ground is not a new thing, but it was not good viewing at all compared to all the other games that have been on over the past 2 months.

I would like to see other counties receiving the same scrutiny when necessary but, to be honest, there has been nothing in the same category yet.

Donegalman (None) - Posts: 3835 - 12/08/2015 18:16:49    1769040


The blanket defence is killing football, Tyrone club football being a prime example.

The majority of Tyrone fans want an end to this rubbish, our support on Saturday was tiny in comparison to Mayo, Donegal and Monaghan.

People need to realise that football is not just for the two teams involved but neutrals as well, it must have been painful for a neutral to watch that Tyrone v Monaghan game on Saturday.

tireoghainabu (Tyrone) - Posts: 282 - 12/08/2015 18:43:07    1769059


Joxer you are still not getting it. No-one is saying that there is any place in the game for such antics, no-one is saying that McCann is being wrongly picked on for his actions. What people are saying on this thread and others is that when it comes to Tyrone and their players a different set of rules are being applied both by the GAA and journalists/pindits. You may not see or agree with this and can call this chip on shoulder or whatever you like but it is clear as day. Donegal suffered the same detractors and if Monaghan would get their act together outside Ulster in a serious manner they would be getting it as well so no point in them jumping on the bandwagon even though Saturday is still raw. It is a feeding frenzy and the central council have thrown some meat to the mob.

Naysayer (Antrim) - Posts: 2071 - 12/08/2015 18:48:15    1769063


Joxer great points made but no one in Tyrone or in Ireland is defending McCann but it is hard not to feel aggrieved if you are a Tyrone man. An 8 week ban for a yellow card offence? The time does not fit the crime, its hard not to feel you are being segregated when something like that happens. I'd love to see Tyrone win the All Ireland now.

But if they don't win it up the dubs

gotmilk (Fermanagh) - Posts: 4971 - 12/08/2015 18:54:38    1769065


tyronemanc known locally as the 'bicycle clip' man started this thread to try and stir more debate and hasn't condemned such un-footballing tactics which McCann has rightfully been punished for. The GAA officials are appointed to do a job and one should respect their decision as they made it in the best interest of football so that no player can willy nilly use tactics that bring the game into disrepute. In this matter, Joe Brolly is so so wrong to be in opposition to the ruling and must learn to respect the GAA hierarchy, their officials as well as team managers and players. Brolly seems to be in short supply of respect in such matters!

IrvinestownMkII (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1401 - 12/08/2015 19:05:08    1769067


Just cut off Tyrone ! Leave the rest of us outta your county's shameful antics at every level of football.

artisan (Down) - Posts: 1794 - 12/08/2015 19:17:45    1769071


Naysayer, that's not what I'm saying. Terms like Southern Based media, Free State etc say more about the people saying them than about any perceived anti-Tyrone bias. Seriously, if people didn't call out the long list of unsavioury incidents involving Tyrone teams, would this be correct? I don't agree with McCann's ban but then again I don't think he'll serve it either. If this had been the only incident in that game the backlash probably would have been tame. The fact is that it came after a string of other incidents and was probably the last straw in some respects. In that sense this incident was probably unique and he is probably being made an example of. That's unfortunate but I don't see this as a mass anti-Tyrone campaign. Tyrone posters clearly do but there's only one way to shake a bad rep. All eyes on the Kerry game now.

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4705 - 12/08/2015 19:25:14    1769078


silly thread title and only adds to the perceived division between those in the north and the rest of us down south

fabio8 (USA) - Posts: 2182 - 12/08/2015 19:28:38    1769082


As regular posters would know I have never been a fan of Tyrone and their style of play. However this ban is absolutely ridiculous. I think Tyrone get a lot of criticism and most of it is justified but this is crazy stuff from the GAA. The GAA now have to ban every player who is deemed to dive for 8 matches.

bad.monkey (USA) - Posts: 4630 - 12/08/2015 19:31:45    1769088


Meath never dived in 96, just played fair and hard. As for McCann i am sick that its only 8 week ban , should have been 12 months.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 12/08/2015 19:44:37    1769093


do you expect that to happen bad monkey?

fabio8 (USA) - Posts: 2182 - 12/08/2015 19:50:36    1769098


No I don't expect them to which is why this 8 weeks is hugely unfair. Same rules need apply for all teams and players

bad.monkey (USA) - Posts: 4630 - 12/08/2015 20:11:28    1769117


I agree, most Ulster Gaels I know have had their fill of this. I was talking to a Tyrone friend today and he says that many Gaels there want Tyrone to take a firm stand here even along the lines of a boycott. The GAA is effectively split now and this fracture is getting wider and wider. There appears to be a rising, nasty xenophobia towards Ulster and the North. I think this is also a reason Gaelic Games in Belfast are on their knees; kids there don't feel part of the GAA.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9726 - 12/08/2015 20:11:36    1769118


This GAA decision is unprecedented and inexplicable unless the sinister theory is correct. I am tired of this.

IsMise (Tyrone) - Posts: 119 - 12/08/2015 20:37:49    1769130


Once again the GAA shoots itself in the foot. How can they apply such a ban?? Tyrone must fight this tooth and nail. I am not condoning T McCann. But what about all the others who have dived this year, last year and all along Don't forget how Kerry won this year's Munster final A dive and then a penalty got them back into the game in the drawn match.
What about Mr Duffy, for years now I have hated to see him ref Donegal games. He had no control on Saturday , never should be referee again How long is it since a GAA official (4/5 weeks ago) was on about the good jobs refs are doing. There is not one game going by but there is at least one controversial decision.
If the ban is not overturned I'd support Micky Hart and if he decided not to field a team against Kerry that would be fine by me.
Mayo missed the boat last year, the GAA frogmarched them to Limerick, they never should have went. I wonder what would have happened then. ??
From all this controversy, if they are any good the GAA , when the season is over must have a look at a few things
The black card
Off the ball stuff
Seeing it's so popular now on here -- diving (and not alone Tyrone but every other team
Use of TECHNOLOGY--- I think it's a must
Would a ref in each half help( second ref)
We have had plenty of run ins with Tyrone, a few controversial but it has not worried me. They have done a lot for Ulster football since 2003 They probably have a few things to work on as regards discipline but what county has not.
To give McCann 8 weeks and let the like of T Kennelly off for taking a man out of the game in an all Ireland , it beggars belief
As regards the posters on here about Meath , well they were the dirtiest team I ever saw play, yet Tyrone have been crucified for less
When and if they go to Croke park on Sunday week the supporters must get behind T McCann and I'm sure he will give a good display as he is a fine young footballer
In 2011 Donegal got booed by Dublin fans( and maybe neutrals) , same again last Sat week v Galway, well now that's when I'd get behind Donegal
We took a lot of stick , Tyrone are taking a lot of stick but let's face it if Ulster teams were not involved in the race for Sam, it would be fairly dull Every five years Kerry won four and Dublin won one WOULD THE ALL IRELAND CHAMPIONSHIP SURVIVE WITHOUT ULSTER TEAMS. ???

SamOnErrigal (Donegal) - Posts: 1427 - 12/08/2015 20:47:18    1769137


The GAA could do the decent thing and drop this proposed suspension but make it clear that before next year they will bring in rules(and enforce them) to counteract all these things that have crept into the game.

BIG SACKS (Tyrone) - Posts: 1681 - 12/08/2015 20:59:24    1769143


Lets not forget this is the same player who got a very questionable penalty in omagh v Meath this year. That effectively won them the match.
Got to say i am very proud of the cccc on this one.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 12/08/2015 21:01:55    1769145


I've a lot of respect for Ulster teams and the Ulster championship. Only one county in my experience had a habit of certain unsporting behaviour and a disrespectful and un-GAA like attitude upon winning. There's always one as they say.

legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8022 - 12/08/2015 21:05:43    1769147


Im sorry to annoy certain posters but I do feel there is an Anti Ulster thing going on here.

What McCann done was pathetic but there are countless other incidents that have went unpunised albeit some may not have been as bad.

Kerry can play puke football, they can dive , they can do whatever they like off the ball but it doesnt get mentioned . If it does get attention , it is very small.

Ulster sides upset the status quo and guys like Spillane have made a living out of mocking Ulster sides. This bull then from people claiming that ' ah sure we loved Down football ' Yeah they love Downb now because they are poor.

Ill repeat myself , I thought McCanns dive was embarrasing however this random and vague rule is very unjust in the way its being applied.

TheRightStuff (Donegal) - Posts: 1688 - 12/08/2015 21:10:16    1769149
