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Cut off the North

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benched- If you are taking the opinion of those tits on the sunday game as the opiniopn of the rest of the country, you are sadly mistaken. Sure Jim was the greatest tactition that ever walked the planet.. Mc Hugh was superhuman.. Lacey a modern Messi.. The McGee boys are pure GAA men and Murphy footballer of the year.. That was the general media coverage.. They even had a documentary glorifying them on RTE FFS!! I don't think too many Donegal people would aggree that they are victimised. As I said, Tyrone feel aggrieved of the results of their actions and trying to bring the rest of Ulster on the bandwagon.

I will also repeat that an 8 week ban is completely over the top for a dive..

goinwellintrain (Mayo) - Posts: 96 - 12/08/2015 12:55:35    1768735


County: Wicklow
Posts: 291

1768702 Offside

when we played you in the league in Aughrim a couple of years ago and we drew you played quite defensively and I watched you play Fermanagh on BBC this year and im not going to say your as bad as the likes of Cavan and Tyrone but you still played a defensive game?

Yet last years game between Antrim and Fermanagh was i think the highest scoring game in the championship. In Antrim it is well documented about the comings and goings of managers in both codes, so depending on who manages the team dictates their style of play. So your generalisation of Ulster teams is not correct, similarly Down play a lot more defensively now under Jim McCorry than they did under James McCartan.
This illustrates that ulster teams are not somehow indoctrinated by their county boards into playing a certain defensive system, the manager dictates the style of play. You can argue all day about how pretty it is to watch but at the end of the day most of us all play sport to win. On another thread there was a discussion about whether teams need a nasty streak to win and most agreed with it. is that not the same as the win at all costs accusation being labelled at northern teams?

I have to say i was extremely annoyed by the fist pumping, diving etc in all the games last weekend. While i think i would have slapped young mccann for his playacting if i had been Darren Hughes consistency is required and the way to deal with it was going forward and not retrospectively at the behest of certain elements within the media and game.

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 12/08/2015 12:57:17    1768737



when we played you in the league in Aughrim a couple of years ago and we drew you played quite defensively and I watched you play Fermanagh on BBC this year and im not going to say your as bad as the likes of Cavan and Tyrone but you still played a defensive game?

Right - so on this basis then you are talking about how every team in Ireland plays. That's my point - it's this labelling a style of play as being Ulster when what you are talking about is what I would call Football i.e. you defend, you attack.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 12/08/2015 12:59:49    1768740


Mc Cann did wrong - but if he was wearing a Kerry jersey, he would be warned about his future,,,,,,, lets face it what sactions were handed down to Kineally of Kerry after the 09 final. - or what happened Aidan O' Mahoney when he was involved in his high profile drama

Rubbish. Paul Galvin's ban makes this look like the lightest of slaps on the wrist.

TheMaster (Mayo) - Posts: 16187 - 12/08/2015 13:03:56    1768743


County: Tyrone
Posts: 102

Donegal positive press??? What do you be reading?
Easy to pat Fermanagh on the head and patronise them, which is what happened whether the relaised it themselves or not.

An Ulster county gets praise and you see it as patronising, gets negative press for unsavoury incidents and it's a witch hunt!!!!!!!! There is no winning with you.

Donegal had a documentary made about their rise in 2012. Shows how RTE were biased against them. Donegal played horrible stuff in 2011 but they improved their chances by taking more risks in 2012 and got the reward. Pat Spillane said after the Derry match that he had see. Something in Donegal that made them serious contenders for the year. It wasn't till we beat Kerry that most media outlets started to tout us as contenders. Take criticism and praise equally. The 'everyone's against us attitude' is getting tired. Trying to turn this into an Ulster thing is petty. Kilkenny get a lot of bad press for being over physical but I've yet to see a Louth or Longford poster say it's anti Leinster!!!!! Sort out your own problems first and let other counties worry about their own.
We know in the next game a Tyrone player is going to be fouled and not get his free. We await the outcry.

Bain (Donegal) - Posts: 470 - 12/08/2015 13:21:22    1768764


I think what Mc Cann done is ridiculous but its been happening for years.......

If the GAA want to be taken seriously as a professional set up then they can't go about making up rules retrospectively.... If there serious about this, they should make up rules and any player who then breaks the rules then they should be hit with the 8 week ban, there can no complaints that way, but to run around and make rules retrospectively then it looks foolish and can be hard to accept for many...... But make no mistake it, this is a knee jerk reaction because of the media backlash and my feeling is the GAA will come out of this red faced... Yet again....

ben1977 (Donegal) - Posts: 364 - 12/08/2015 13:31:18    1768775


County: Kerry
Posts: 221

The Nordie Way, for want of a better phrase, is to strangle the opposition, reduce all scoring opportunities to a minimum and sneakit by a few, probably by frees. Yawn!

Now, don't get me wrong, a good defence is important. Many other teams now play in this way. My point is simple though: change the rules & change the game... by loosening the blanket!

Again the point is missed! This whole has nothing to do with formations and legitimate defensive tactics. Its about cheating through diving, sledging, punching, feigning injury, killing the game. Donegal played ultra defensive against Armagh and conceded only 2 frees in the first half- unbelievable discipline within the rules of the game. No diving either.
Not the same as what Tyrone have been coached to do. We need to keep a distinction between these issues. Saturday's problems were a result of officials not being capable of recognizing they were being conned, and not strong enough to implement the rules. Even on silly technical stuff- how many kick-outs didn't make it outside the 20?! Marty blew a few early on and then got tired of doing it!

The ban on McCann is a bulls**t response - it will be overturned and the CCCC can claim they acted.

Eddie the Exile (Monaghan) - Posts: 1078 - 12/08/2015 13:40:27    1768784


What absolute rubbish. You are looking for cover from Ulster to cover Tyrone's despicable conduct. This is a Tyrone issue, pure and simple. Tyrone has an endemic problem with discipline. The rest of us can criticize it, but only Tyrone GAA can fix it. Being in complete denial, isn't a helpful start. You're in a semi final so I guess all tactics are justified eh?

Couldn't agree more.

Dr.Watson (Kildare) - Posts: 208 - 12/08/2015 15:27:31    1768889



Don't take it personal its been like that throughout history. in 700AD a monk complained to his abbot in Munster about his Ulster posting saying "for is not an Ulsterman but a poorly chiseled Irishman?". Ulster against the rest - always been that way.

arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4913 - 12/08/2015 15:57:50    1768912


Bain it wasn't me who brought Donegal or Fermanagh into this and if you can't see the difference in being praised and patronised there is no point in me going any further with you on this.

benched (Tyrone) - Posts: 534 - 12/08/2015 16:01:50    1768919


Simple question is what Mc Cann did any worse than Aidan'the fall guy' O Mahoney did in Croke Park 6/7 yrs ago when he threw himself to the ground and got Donnacha O Connor sent off - Mc Cann was totally wrong but let's not pretend he is the only one who did it as others were at it years before him.

This feigning injury is totally wrong but let's not fool ourselves that Tyrone are the only ones at it - More than one Kerry man has indulged in it, Ciaran Whelan was no angel on the field as Mayo will attest to and either was O Rourke so the hypocrisy is sickening to be honest - sending off was wrong IF it was for the Mc Cann incident but Hughes was acting the idiot for most of the match including rugby tackling Cavanagh just before the sending off so for me Monaghan were just as bad with the mouthing, play acting etc as Tyrone. Was Mc Cann's laughable dive any worse than O Donoghue diving to win a penalty that turned a Munster final?

Everyone agrees that Mc Cann was wrong and we don't want to see that nonsense in our games but let's apply the rules fully across the board, suggesting his five brought the game into disrepute any more than players who are sledging week in, week out or diving to win frees is not right either. Sort it out at the end of the season properly rather than pander to the media

PaudieSull1 (Down) - Posts: 738 - 12/08/2015 16:05:33    1768924


Tyrone need to start taking responsibility for the behavior of their players and stop burying their heads in the sand and blaming some sort of perceived 'southern' media agenda against them.

beir_bua (Kildare) - Posts: 746 - 12/08/2015 16:17:03    1768934


But treating them differently is not the way to do that Beir Bua.

gotmilk (Fermanagh) - Posts: 4971 - 12/08/2015 16:25:18    1768945


Tyrone people have always had far more of a chip on their shoulder about "Free Staters" than vice versa. This goes back decades and anybody who has attended championship matches between Tyrone and "Free State" teams will be familiar with it. I haven't seen much of this type of thing in evidence with other six county teams.

TonyGreen (Dublin) - Posts: 17 - 12/08/2015 16:47:59    1768966


Tony Green

I have no problem with the majority of fans, however when at the game v Monaghan on Saturday we continually had to listen to chants of "We don't pay our taxes to the Queen"

Also not only Tyrone but other 'Northern Counties' have complained as to the nature of sectarian taunts at them during games, but hey sure we don't talk about that as it is carried out by the so called total football teams

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 12/08/2015 16:57:09    1768976


County: Tyrone
Posts: 111

Tony Green

I have no problem with the majority of fans, however when at the game v Monaghan on Saturday we continually had to listen to chants of "We don't pay our taxes to the Queen"

Also not only Tyrone but other 'Northern Counties' have complained as to the nature of sectarian taunts at them during games, but hey sure we don't talk about that as it is carried out by the so called total football teams

Hang on a second now TyroneManc, why did the Monaghan supporters in the Hill start chanting that? Because they Tyrone fans were chanting about Monaghan people washing diesel for a living, it was all good natured banter, don't take that one chant out of context

turkeyplucker (UK) - Posts: 137 - 12/08/2015 17:07:20    1768985


I would have thought that those players who are taunting players from the six counties about the "queen", lads being "British" etc are doing more to bring the GAA into disrepute than someone who dives but little ever mentioned about it - a Down minor last year taunted by Westmeath players last yr about being a Brit, complained to ref who told him to wise up, Mc Cann was 100% wrong but some of the holier than though attitude grates. I know as a Gael what annoys me more is players in the GAA abusing fellow Irishmen about their nationality than lads diving - both bring the association into disrepute but one seems to just be ignored

PaudieSull1 (Down) - Posts: 738 - 12/08/2015 17:08:16    1768989


Oh right Turkey Plucker so you were one of the parties??

I was in the Hill from the Junior final and I can tell you now it was the Tyrone fans who chanted in response and believe me I do not condone what our fans chanted but don't insult me or anyone else on this thread by twisting the circumstances

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 12/08/2015 17:12:52    1768991


County: Down
Posts: 59

I would have thought that those players who are taunting players from the six counties about the "queen", lads being "British" etc are doing more to bring the GAA into disrepute than someone who dives but little ever mentioned about it - a Down minor last year taunted by Westmeath players last yr about being a Brit, complained to ref who told him to wise up, Mc Cann was 100% wrong but some of the holier than though attitude grates. I know as a Gael what annoys me more is players in the GAA abusing fellow Irishmen about their nationality than lads diving - both bring the association into disrepute but one seems to just be ignored

+ 1
Live up here Turkeryplucker, go through what the people up here went through and the bigotry we still have to put up with then maybe you will see why we might not all see this as "good natured banter". For the record the first time I heard this chant was at the Ulster Final in Clones in 07, to say I was disgusted was an under statement as to me the good people of Monaghan had stood by the people in the north - some please note, capital "N" not required by a GAA follower when referring to the northern part of our island - better than most counties down through the years.

benched (Tyrone) - Posts: 534 - 12/08/2015 17:34:49    1769011


I don't agree with that McCann ban at all. If it wasn't dealt with on the pitch then the Tyrone CB should deal with it, end of. As for some of the clowns on here with a chip on their shoulder trying to make this political and banging on about the Free State, the ant-Ulster southern media, the Dublin HQ'd media and so on. Pathetic! It's comments like this that give people from some counties bad names. Pete McGrath, the Irish News, Joe Brolly, Malachy Clerkin etc., all Ulster sources and all ouspoken against Tyrone. Some posters really need to take the politics out of it and remove the chip from their shoulder

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4705 - 12/08/2015 17:55:53    1769028
