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Croke Park background muzak

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Bad enough that thousands of hurling fans got soaked in the torrential rain, some genius in Croke Park decided it would be a great idea to barrage people with incessant and BLARING music coming out of the speakers. Before a match I like to relax and watch the warm ups, have a chat with my neighbours etc. Couldn't do it this time with some brutal jazz music lacerating my ear drums. Am I the only one who thinks this carry on in Croker is ridiculous?

ballydalane (Kilkenny) - Posts: 1246 - 10/08/2014 18:20:03    1634426


Apparently it adds 'atmosphere' or helps sell ice-creams or something Ballydalane. You see you and me are old fuddy-duddies who like engaging in actual conversation with one another on match day. That day's past I'm afraid. You could simply admit defeat and become an iphone zombie.

Maroonatic (Galway) - Posts: 1060 - 10/08/2014 18:37:41    1634439


Man your just after winning a very close game of hurling to get you into an AllIreland final and your thoughts are to start a thread about the loud music in croker.

Jaysus your hard to please ;0)

AthCliath (Dublin) - Posts: 4347 - 10/08/2014 18:39:10    1634442


Spot on! I have mentioned this before. Even after finals they feel the need to blare Thin Lizzy or Ronnie Drew. Both of whom I love but I have a personal stereo if I feel pressing need to hear them at a match. I don't want to be listening to them after the Dubs have won and it drowns out the celebrations of the crowd. Another bad habit picked up from corporate sports in England and the States.

hurlingdub (Dublin) - Posts: 6978 - 10/08/2014 18:43:04    1634449


Spot on Ballydalane.

Unfortunately though as somebody else mentioned you'll have to get your self an iPhone or iPod to avoid it as it is probably here to's the modern way...I'd have the Artane boys band have exclusive entertainment rights!!

bennybunny (Cork) - Posts: 3917 - 10/08/2014 21:48:51    1634671


Bring back this after matches (Mayo) - Posts: 164 - 10/08/2014 21:58:53    1634684


I agree re the awful music played over the loudspeakers yesterday. Certainly did not add to the enjoyment of a cracking game of hurling played in terrible conditions.
They would be better off making sure the announcements re substitutions can be properly heard.

CamanAbu (Roscommon) - Posts: 1 - 11/08/2014 08:07:20    1634688


A truly detestable side of the Croke Park experience.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 11/08/2014 09:05:01    1634703


Very annoying at HT, when people want to chat about the game. It usually drives me out under the stand...maybe thats where they want people to go to you know...spend money in the bars and fast food joints.

yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11265 - 11/08/2014 09:23:57    1634717


My first and only all Ireland was Donegal v Mayo two years ago. Was really looking forward to the teams coming out and the roar that would come with it. Couldn't hear the roar, it was drowned out by 'music'. It's not only unnecessary but completely farcical and the sooner the numskulls responsible are corrected the better. The crowd creates the atmosphere not the PA

ramor101 (Cavan) - Posts: 289 - 11/08/2014 09:30:48    1634722


The interviews broadcast in the stadium are also ridiculous. The feedback is bad and it's probably the last thing a player wants to be doing. We could just go home and watch it there.

hurlinspuds (Cork) - Posts: 1494 - 11/08/2014 09:37:06    1634730


10/08/2014 18:43:04
County: Dublin

Even after finals they feel the need to blare Thin Lizzy or Ronnie Drew. Both of whom I love but I have a personal stereo if I feel pressing need to hear them at a match

Hear Hear - very well said my sentiments exactly- i think it should be stopped

Can anybody tell me why they do this at matches - does it attract more people - are there people out there who only go to a match when music is on - bad form to have music on at half time when the kids are playing -while the gaa founders may not have approved of soccer and rugby at croke park i am certain they would definitively not approve of rubbish pop music being blared out of the pa like it was yesterday

If you think croke park is bad was in twickenham the play music just after england score which drowns out the crowd
was in watford for saracens v munster in 2012 every time munster fans sang fields of athenry they drowned it out with blaring rubbish over the tannoy

janesboro (Limerick) - Posts: 1502 - 11/08/2014 09:45:10    1634733


Can I add my voice to this debate. I agree that the music is awful in Croke Park and it significantly dampened (careful choice of words in the context of a stadium which gives patrons minimal protection from the Irish weather) my enjoyment of the semifinal yesterday. Not only was in a poor selection, it completely drowned out the natural audibles from the crowd. You had a big bunch of Limerick supporters on Hill 16 who were giving it socks but you couldn't hear them because of the blare. I don't know if this is a US influenced thing or not but I do to a lot of games in Munster and I find the Croke Park experience deeply alienating.

Dealer (Limerick) - Posts: 835 - 11/08/2014 10:40:59    1634767


Ballydalane,you are 100% correct.Ive been saying this for a few years at this stage.I,like you,enjoy reading the match programme,having a bite to eat and a cup of tea,watching the teams do their warm ups and have a chat to whoever i happen to be sitting beside.In relative peace.Not a chance of that anymore.All i get now is a burst ear drum and a splitting headache.Its got so bad im nearly praying for the god awful noise to cease.Judging by the look of all the people around me,with the pained expression on their faces,im not the only one.It has ruined the pre match atmosphere.It must stop.Please let it stop.

cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 11/08/2014 11:09:03    1634789


Many English Premier League clubs have gone down this road and the fans have asked for the music to stop. I support Manchester United & before all Champions League games and big Premiership games the PA system goes off for 5 minutes before the game.

Yesterday, after feeling like my guts were being sliced by a hacksaw on the final whistle, the PA system played 'cool for cats'. It did just enough to raise a smile, but overall I;'d like the music to go too. It's not needed. Maybe a tune here or there but the constant noise actually takes away from the atmosphere. Players & fans create the atmosphere.

slayer (Limerick) - Posts: 6480 - 11/08/2014 11:55:28    1634830


I dont really mind the music in general but what annoyed me on saturday was they played it after the anthem again right up to the ball was thrown in. The minute or two before throw in (after the anthem if it is played) is when you can really feel the energy from the crowd and it was completely drowned out by the music

benjyyy (Donegal) - Posts: 1422 - 11/08/2014 12:18:38    1634861


the music is far too loud
i was up for galway kerry game
and as allways people love to talk about the game before and after
no one could it was so loud most peolple wernt happy at all
what have they done it destroyed the croke park experience for me
no need for it to be so loud and so much of it

rhudson (Galway) - Posts: 1478 - 11/08/2014 17:35:26    1635165


The reason they play music directly after games and in particular after finals is too take peoples attention away from trying to get onto the pitch.

winnerofsam (USA) - Posts: 40 - 11/08/2014 18:08:54    1635191


Can I also add to this the intrusion of the truly cringeworthy interview at half time with the Americans?

My toes are only beginning to uncurl now.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 11/08/2014 18:56:41    1635222


What Americans Muckross?I must have missed that.

cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 11/08/2014 19:40:34    1635252
