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My understanding is the rules are under constant review from here on by the FRC and changes or tweaks can be made if there's an obvious problem or a negative impact emerging. Those changes can be made throughout the season as I understand it, but hopefully that won't happen and I don't think it will as generally the new rules are working very well in most people's views. So after seeing two games (both Carlow matches in person) I hope they leave them as they are until the end of the year at least and give them the full year of county and club without changing them. I was a sceptic but I've changed as I have really enjoyed the two games so far as they were definitely better spectacles, compared to equivalent games last year. My biggest issue is policing the 3 up rule - and that's going to cause major problems if the linesmen don't start helping the refs. I have seen it breached in both games and I have seen the linesmen do nothing even though subs and mentors are roaring at them to bring it to their attention but they're ignoring it. It cost Carlow a win in their first game but we'll get over it but if that happens in the last minute of a knock out championship game that's level there'll be ructions. How it can be policed at club level is virtually impossible but let's see first. For me the tap and go, the kick out and the 3 up are the biggest positives, despite the policing issue. I could take or leave the two-pointers especially as they can be weather dependent and I don't think teams can be banking on them as a strategy to win matches. The 3 up is the game changer strategy though especially if two of them can be speed merchants as those teams will get goal chances galore when the ground dries out. Re the keeper issue I's leave it as is. The keeper creates a 12 v 11 overload - if you can't have that then the attacking team will resort to passing it over and back around the opposition 65 waiting and probing for an opportunity to get a fella in position to break a line. Whereas with the keeper up they can have an overload and go attack straight away with less passing around probing. Onion Breath (Carlow) - Posts: 1465 - 05/02/2025 20:16:45 2589668 Link 1 |
@bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1411 - 05/02/2025 19:04:12 omahant (USA) - Posts: 3068 - 05/02/2025 20:24:40 2589669 Link 1 |
There could be some tweaks to the new rules before Round 5. Keepers creating 12 v 11 and having to hand the ball back to an opponent could be in line for some tweaking. legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8514 - 06/02/2025 09:10:01 2589717 Link 0 |
I think you're right with tweaks to those two - although IMO, any changes won't happen (and shouldn't) until the Championship to keep the integrity of both competitions. That's the fairest, I suppose. I think '3 up/ 'any 4' back minimum is the best remedy to having a max 11v11 in attack. It would have wide support - you and I like it - and 'liberal' goalkeepers would not feel restricted. Separately and personally, I feel roaming goalkeepers are an unnatural construct - put an outfield shirt on Neil Morgan and a traditional goalie in the goal and call it quits. Handing the ball back - some have said it's unnatural and is a bit much. Leave the ball on the ground instead - I donno - we could, but let's go for more respect - let's keep 'hand the ball back' - it will become natural very soon. Respect for the referee is also unnatural, but IMO, that respect should be a minimum GAA standard (like in rugby) and HAS TO BE retained. I'm happy to see this 'zero tolerance' for referee abuse and the associated heavy penalties. omahant (USA) - Posts: 3068 - 06/02/2025 18:44:03 2589799 Link 0 |
AFAIK tweaks can be permitted during the league. If a clear improvement is needed on the 12 v 11 and handing the ball back. Changing after Round 5 will allow for rounds 6 and 7 for adjusting to any tweaks. 3 up and 4 back seems a fair adjustment. Placing the ball on the ground seems a fair adjustment as well. legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8514 - 07/02/2025 01:24:27 2589833 Link 0 |
3 things I'd like to see changed. Yvrjd (Galway) - Posts: 6 - 07/02/2025 10:26:08 2589851 Link 0 |
Re 3 Make it hand over or leave on the ground. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2071 - 07/02/2025 11:12:25 2589861 Link 0 |
An interesting thing happened during the first half of the Louth v Roscommon game last Sunday. As the Louth player was lining up a free kick well into the Roscommon half, the third Louth forward marginally crossed the half way line to give advice to another player, which the linesman did not spot at the time. This is obviously breaking the rules when the match is still in play. When a Roscommon supporter on the grass bank let out a roar of "hop ball ref" to some laughter, the player immediately returned back into the Roscommon half. Could somebody who knows the rules answer which of the following is the correct answer if the linesman had spotted this minor mistake: letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 667 - 07/02/2025 11:55:16 2589868 Link 0 |
I'm not an expert on the rules but I was speaking with a referee during the week and we were discussing this. The interpretation we came up with was. If the ball was not in play then there was no infringement. i.e. and so long as the player returned to the correct half before the referee blew for the free to be taken then there would be no sanction. If the Louth player was in the wrong half and the ball was in play then a free should be awarded to Roscommon on the Louth 20 m line with the option of taking it outside the arc for a 2 point shot. bystanderbill (Wexford) - Posts: 52 - 07/02/2025 14:24:32 2589902 Link 0 |
Jim McGuinness reckons it's 'almost impossible to defend' under new rules. "It is one-v-one combat in the attacking half, plus the goalkeeper." legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8514 - 09/02/2025 01:34:39 2590167 Link 0 |
Something similar happened in the Carlow Waterford match last weekend. It happened when a player was injured and play was stopped but only very briefly and as one 'forward' player checked on his injured team mate there were roars from some he had crossed halfway to do so leaving only two up …. but of course the ball was not in play at that precise moment so common sense applied. But it was backing a second of two later and did get some of us talking and wondering as it won't always be as clear cut especially for substitutions and injuries when play often restarts when a sub is just barely running on and might technically be in the wrong half etc.
Onion Breath (Carlow) - Posts: 1465 - 09/02/2025 13:04:53 2590225 Link 0 |
I see Louth have a severe shortage of referees. I've heard rumblings that wexford are facing something similar and have failed to recruit a single new referee this year and a number of existing referees are opting out of refereeing football under the new rules. Are we on the verge of a refereeing crisis across the country as a result of these rules? bystanderbill (Wexford) - Posts: 52 - 14/02/2025 08:59:26 2590923 Link 0 |