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Wexford Hurling thread 2024

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Beautiful memories all of them, I have fond memories of beating Kilkenny in 2017 in Wexford Park. Sold out game, I had to buy a ticket off a stranger. Our first big win over them in years in championship and Lee Chin imperious that day. I remember going home and reading the program from front to back again just content with ourselves and where we were.

No reason why this year can't be another good memory. We have the beating of Galway, Kilkenny and Dublin on any given day. I said I expect us to go about our business on Sunday and got rebuffed.

The reason I said that is that we should be beating the West Meath, Carlow and Antrim teams we really really should. Based on current squads you'd have to put us above them all. And it's about time players and managers, supporters aimed high instead of worrying about Carlow. Worry about ourselves. Bring our a game to them instead of allowing them to dictate.

In every one of those games we threw away we were ahead on the home stretch. Well ahead even. My point in all this really is that if we fancy ourselves to be challenging for Leinster titles then we should dispatch these teams without major hassle. And if we can't or dare I say if we lose then lads we really do deserve to be staring at Joe McDonagh. Then we can all reminisce about the good times long gone.

Hopefully we can bring that belief and swagger from Galway game into the next game because if we don't then who knows what's next.

WEXILE (Wexford) - Posts: 308 - 16/05/2024 09:36:06    2545030


Sunday is a huge game, I hope a Leinster final place is at stake as I am heading home next week and want to go to the Kilkenny game.
Carlow will be eyeing this one up but we need to go up there and show that we are better hurlers than them. We need to go up and tear into them and take the anger from the Antrim game, take care of business like we didn't in Antrim.
I listened to the Wexford Hurling podcast and thought it pathetic that the Carlow players didn't enjoy the result afterwards. The biggest result in the county's history. I get the need for focus and that they want to follow it up and avoid relegation but is nobody allowed enjoy anything in the GAA any more? That result is one for which those men will never be forgotten.
They could have thought about Wexford on Sunday morning and I am not advocating they go boozing for 2 days but you would think a bottle of beer or two after the match to enjoy the moment and the monumental achievement they had just managed would have good for the psyche and the morale. They could have done recovery training the next day and got rid of it from the system.
You have to enjoy these days when they come around. If you can't enjoy it and the huge results then why bother in the first place?

StoreysTash (Wexford) - Posts: 1768 - 16/05/2024 10:03:41    2545042


Replying To Jedobi:  "Means as much to us second generation Irish in the UK, watched Wexford through all of it, still best feeling sport wise when Wexford win."
I can't imagine what that's like.

Although I had a couple of friends who used to come over from Luton every summer to stay with their grandmother in curracloe and without fail they'd be in croke park at least once.

I've an uncle in Canada the same. Still reads the people paper, never lost his accent and Alway manages a match every summer.

Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 2961 - 16/05/2024 10:07:29    2545044


Replying To Formertownie:  "Those days travelled on the train mostly the crack was mighty . so yes back in town for the celebrations. Great memories .
Think if we won more it would mean less to us in an ironiic sort if way ."
Ah the back carriage? I wonder if the lad with the big marshal amp is still around?

Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 2961 - 16/05/2024 10:08:32    2545046


Replying To Formertownie:  "Those days travelled on the train mostly the crack was mighty . so yes back in town for the celebrations. Great memories .
Think if we won more it would mean less to us in an ironiic sort if way ."
Yeah, too true.

Magpie2 (Wexford) - Posts: 381 - 16/05/2024 10:15:25    2545048


Replying To Magpie2:  "My earliest memories are seeing the all ireland final in 1962. We didn't have Tv then so we went next door and so began my love of hurling.2 goals in the first few minutes was a killer blow but we fought back bravely and lost by 2 points i think.
1965 was the first all ireland i attended. On hill 16 i was too small to see much of the game as people in ftont blocked my view. Another loss.
68 was simply fantastic. The great Tony Doran was majestic and won the game for us scoring 2 goals.
70 wasn't a happy one. Lost heavily to Cork. We had a lot of injuries for that game.
Once again sad times in 76 and 77. We really should have won one of them but came up short on both occasions.
The later games have been very well written about by other posters so i won't repeat what they have allready said.
Yes very happy memories and many sad ones but for us fanatics there is nothing to compare."
You were lucky to have seen that team of the 60s and 70s!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 16/05/2024 10:52:45    2545058


Replying To Tiger1:  "My greatest moment was watching Lee Chin out in the croke park pitch with the Liam Mcarthy cup after winning the 2024 all ireland After been written off earlier in the year losing to Antrim it was the perfect anwser.Then i realised it was just a dream but you know what they say dreams do come true.Will i be right time will tell."
Good one Tiger1! IF we beat Carlow, we only have to win 4 more games in a row for that to come true;-)

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 16/05/2024 10:55:14    2545059


Replying To Formertownie:  "Those days travelled on the train mostly the crack was mighty . so yes back in town for the celebrations. Great memories .
Think if we won more it would mean less to us in an ironiic sort if way ."
What's rare is wonderful lad!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 16/05/2024 10:56:34    2545060


Replying To StoreysTash:  "Sunday is a huge game, I hope a Leinster final place is at stake as I am heading home next week and want to go to the Kilkenny game.
Carlow will be eyeing this one up but we need to go up there and show that we are better hurlers than them. We need to go up and tear into them and take the anger from the Antrim game, take care of business like we didn't in Antrim.
I listened to the Wexford Hurling podcast and thought it pathetic that the Carlow players didn't enjoy the result afterwards. The biggest result in the county's history. I get the need for focus and that they want to follow it up and avoid relegation but is nobody allowed enjoy anything in the GAA any more? That result is one for which those men will never be forgotten.
They could have thought about Wexford on Sunday morning and I am not advocating they go boozing for 2 days but you would think a bottle of beer or two after the match to enjoy the moment and the monumental achievement they had just managed would have good for the psyche and the morale. They could have done recovery training the next day and got rid of it from the system.
You have to enjoy these days when they come around. If you can't enjoy it and the huge results then why bother in the first place?"
Agree completely with this point- the GAA and drink have a very strange relationship and it leads to an unhealthy situation where lads go on a binge when they finish a championship. As as often been pointed out pro rugby players go out for a few after six nations/WC games but Carlow couldnt enjoy last Saturday night and the greatest result in their history?? A bit of common sense goes along way, if you cant enjoy or relax after big results whats the point.

OasisorBlur (Wexford) - Posts: 37 - 16/05/2024 14:05:30    2545112


Replying To StoreysTash:  "Sunday is a huge game, I hope a Leinster final place is at stake as I am heading home next week and want to go to the Kilkenny game.
Carlow will be eyeing this one up but we need to go up there and show that we are better hurlers than them. We need to go up and tear into them and take the anger from the Antrim game, take care of business like we didn't in Antrim.
I listened to the Wexford Hurling podcast and thought it pathetic that the Carlow players didn't enjoy the result afterwards. The biggest result in the county's history. I get the need for focus and that they want to follow it up and avoid relegation but is nobody allowed enjoy anything in the GAA any more? That result is one for which those men will never be forgotten.
They could have thought about Wexford on Sunday morning and I am not advocating they go boozing for 2 days but you would think a bottle of beer or two after the match to enjoy the moment and the monumental achievement they had just managed would have good for the psyche and the morale. They could have done recovery training the next day and got rid of it from the system.
You have to enjoy these days when they come around. If you can't enjoy it and the huge results then why bother in the first place?"
Who said they didn't have a bottle of beer?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 16/05/2024 15:24:30    2545132


Replying To Viking66:  "Who said they didn't have a bottle of beer?"
Enjoying the threads, but had to look up that podcast to see who the carlow guy was! He's either winding up, or hasn't a clue what goes on in their camp, cause I personally saw players having a "beer" and another "beer" on Saturday night..
To the best of my knowledge that guy loves the Mike and has to say something… anyone that felt we lost an opportunity to beat the cats!! should question their knowledge of the game,.. Two down into injury time, not too many in the history of gaa have got out with anything… other than ye on 2004 of course!!
Looking forward to Sunday, realistically this is real bonus territory for us and that point last week could prove massive heading to Belfast for our All Ireland final this year, for belief alone…

Carlowtothecore1 (Carlow) - Posts: 32 - 16/05/2024 16:17:37    2545144


Replying To Carlowtothecore1:  "Enjoying the threads, but had to look up that podcast to see who the carlow guy was! He's either winding up, or hasn't a clue what goes on in their camp, cause I personally saw players having a "beer" and another "beer" on Saturday night..
To the best of my knowledge that guy loves the Mike and has to say something… anyone that felt we lost an opportunity to beat the cats!! should question their knowledge of the game,.. Two down into injury time, not too many in the history of gaa have got out with anything… other than ye on 2004 of course!!
Looking forward to Sunday, realistically this is real bonus territory for us and that point last week could prove massive heading to Belfast for our All Ireland final this year, for belief alone…"
Whatever way it goes Sunday I think the Gaa should consider keeping all the teams in this years Leinster championship in next years. We need to keep the game going in counties not relegating them when they are well able to compete as shown by the competitiveness of the Leinster championship this year

Afinestick96 (Wexford) - Posts: 338 - 16/05/2024 16:50:48    2545151


Replying To Afinestick96:  "Whatever way it goes Sunday I think the Gaa should consider keeping all the teams in this years Leinster championship in next years. We need to keep the game going in counties not relegating them when they are well able to compete as shown by the competitiveness of the Leinster championship this year"
100%. We could have 2 groups of 4 including Offally and Laois/westmeath if a round Robin is a must. The GAA could think creatively about it maybe have relegation play off between bottom 2 teams and the losers play off between McDonagh winners. I dunno that's 1 solution thought up in about 30 seconds. Surely they can look after the game better.

Also I believe a knockout stage Liam McCarthy without Cork, Waterford l, Tippett, Wexford, Dublin or whoever doesn't get out of the current system is a joke. They need to separate liam Mccarthy from provincial.

Carlow and Antrim have shown enough this year to prove they aren't out of their depth nor do I believe if Wexford were to be relegated it would be a true reflection of where they are.

To think of Galway and Antrim playing in Leinster while Offally, Laois, Westmeath at times Carlow and possibly us at some stage is just simply wrong. And I've nothing against Galway and Antrim by the way hut at the expense of leinster teams.

WEXILE (Wexford) - Posts: 308 - 16/05/2024 17:10:22    2545155


We'll get slated I'm sure for 'living in the past' and how this the problem in Wexford but love reading your stories all the same. '96 was epic, the Leinster final, the game against Galway, winning the final and just the sense of joy, pride and togetherness was unbelievable. I always knew being from Wexford was special but that put the tin hat on it.
I often think how unfair it is that so few counties experience that, once every generation would be lovely, can;t see it being this year but you never know lads.

wexford2012 (Wexford) - Posts: 85 - 16/05/2024 17:14:21    2545157


Replying To Carlowtothecore1:  "Enjoying the threads, but had to look up that podcast to see who the carlow guy was! He's either winding up, or hasn't a clue what goes on in their camp, cause I personally saw players having a "beer" and another "beer" on Saturday night..
To the best of my knowledge that guy loves the Mike and has to say something… anyone that felt we lost an opportunity to beat the cats!! should question their knowledge of the game,.. Two down into injury time, not too many in the history of gaa have got out with anything… other than ye on 2004 of course!!
Looking forward to Sunday, realistically this is real bonus territory for us and that point last week could prove massive heading to Belfast for our All Ireland final this year, for belief alone…"
That's what I heard too and nothing wrong with it either. The Oylegate lads were let out for a night after winning their QF last year. They still won their SF. Bottom line is a few beers of a Saturday will be long gone out of the system by Monday, once you stop before Sunday night;-)

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 16/05/2024 17:31:45    2545159


Replying To Afinestick96:  "Whatever way it goes Sunday I think the Gaa should consider keeping all the teams in this years Leinster championship in next years. We need to keep the game going in counties not relegating them when they are well able to compete as shown by the competitiveness of the Leinster championship this year"
Posted that on another thread. Either have 2 groups in Leinster, or straight knockout provincials followed by Round Robin Joe Mac and Liam McCarthy.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 16/05/2024 17:32:57    2545161


Can't see any other changes being made to the team apart from Jack and Byrne

OpenStandWall (Wexford) - Posts: 123 - 17/05/2024 09:58:02    2545205


Eoin Ryan Liam Ryan Shane Reck
Hanlon D Reck C Foley
R Lawlor C Hearne
Liam Og Chin Dunbar
Rory Mac Casey

Essential to have a ball winner in the half forward line so we need to deploy chin there

We need to throw off the shackles and play with a absolute intensity and confidence and we should have enough to pull away in the last ten minutes

Yellow (Wexford) - Posts: 585 - 17/05/2024 10:10:01    2545209


Simon donoghue in for jack o and Dunbar in for Byrne. Simon and I hate criticising players but isn't up to scratch. Poor in two previous games against Dublin and Antrim. Hopefully he proves me wrong this weekend

Wexfordgaa (Wexford) - Posts: 292 - 17/05/2024 10:11:28    2545210


Replying To Wexfordgaa:  "Simon donoghue in for jack o and Dunbar in for Byrne. Simon and I hate criticising players but isn't up to scratch. Poor in two previous games against Dublin and Antrim. Hopefully he proves me wrong this weekend"
So how would that work if that was the team? Push Richie up to the wing forward and have Simon fit in midfield? I'd be fairly surprised if we changed up our back 6 considering the last day. That would mean playing Cathal inside too, even though he's been playing further out the field a lot. Less strange than playing Simon as a forward mind you.

Fulgrim (Wexford) - Posts: 257 - 17/05/2024 10:56:06    2545221
