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I know you are blue in the face, but a couple of 4G pitches and so many problems with weather go away.
Or, a facility like Bekan means football in particular could be played indoors year round. Bad weather is nothing new but how we deal with it needs to change.
As an aside, I just looked at the Leinster fixtures. It is bonkers that there are 4 rounds of Leinster football championship played in 7 weeks (week off between every round), and Wexford have been forced to play hurling and football for the past 16 weeks or whatever non-stop and midweek and god knows what not.
Wexford C/B should be raising hell about this, if they are under such pressure to play everything with no break there should be no weeks off in this competition which has 12 teams in it, whether they are the top 12 teams in each county is besides the point. Or else they should say to hell with this competition and push everything back by a few weeks and put the needs of the many clubs and players in Wexford first.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1242 - 27/09/2023 16:51:26    2506025


Forecast looks bad for the weekend be surprised if any games go ahead

WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 192 - 28/09/2023 08:33:36    2506057


Replying To WexMurph:  "Forecast looks bad for the weekend be surprised if any games go ahead"
At the moment it looks bad for Saturday morning up til about 1 but the rest of the weekend looks ok.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 28/09/2023 09:30:04    2506066


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "I know you are blue in the face, but a couple of 4G pitches and so many problems with weather go away.
Or, a facility like Bekan means football in particular could be played indoors year round. Bad weather is nothing new but how we deal with it needs to change.
As an aside, I just looked at the Leinster fixtures. It is bonkers that there are 4 rounds of Leinster football championship played in 7 weeks (week off between every round), and Wexford have been forced to play hurling and football for the past 16 weeks or whatever non-stop and midweek and god knows what not.
Wexford C/B should be raising hell about this, if they are under such pressure to play everything with no break there should be no weeks off in this competition which has 12 teams in it, whether they are the top 12 teams in each county is besides the point. Or else they should say to hell with this competition and push everything back by a few weeks and put the needs of the many clubs and players in Wexford first."
"A couple of 4G pitches" is far easier said than done when you consider they cost about €1 million each. And that's just for the pitch surfaces - wouldn't include things like goalposts, ball nets, pitch fencing, and all the other ancillary stuff.

You make a good point re. the provincial championships and how they have a gap week between each round - i.e. it's football one week, hurling the next, etc. However, Leinster's view is that it allows for a situation where a club is involved in both the hurling and football provincial championships (e.g. Naas reached final of senior football and intermediate hurling a couple of years ago).

You couldn't expect a club in that situation to play both hurling and football in the same weekend, and so the championships have to be run on an alternate weeks basis. Same thing as Naas could actually apply to either Gorey or Craanford this year too, if they happen to go on to win their football titles, on top of the hurling titles already won.

Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2337 - 28/09/2023 09:49:22    2506072


Replying To TerribleFootwork:  "At the moment it looks bad for Saturday morning up til about 1 but the rest of the weekend looks ok."
Not sure the pitches will be ok though

WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 192 - 28/09/2023 10:16:40    2506077


Slightly of the topic, but has the Wexford football digital program changed from the first match, ?I don't think so ,, waste of time really

Lockerroomboy (Wexford) - Posts: 457 - 28/09/2023 11:06:34    2506086


Replying To Lockerroomboy:  "Slightly of the topic, but has the Wexford football digital program changed from the first match, ?I don't think so ,, waste of time really"
yes there has being changes, I was at Gusserane's last 3 games and there squad numbers changed anyway.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 28/09/2023 11:28:43    2506090


Replying To Lockerroomboy:  "Slightly of the topic, but has the Wexford football digital program changed from the first match, ?I don't think so ,, waste of time really"
Clubs are asked to send in an updated squad each week all right, for use in the programme. I know this because I'm often the one to do it for my own club.

However, this means I also know that it's often the case that managers will say "just send in the same one again", no matter how many changes might be likely on the day. And I presume the same thing happens in just about every other club, which leads to the situation you're talking about now.

My own view is that so long as players still wear the number they're assigned on the programme, then you still know who's who anyway.

Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2337 - 28/09/2023 11:44:02    2506094


Replying To WexMurph:  "Not sure the pitches will be ok though"
Good chance there will be venue changes maybe even games back to Sunday but reckon everything will be played.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 28/09/2023 11:51:42    2506097


Replying To Lockerroomboy:  "Slightly of the topic, but has the Wexford football digital program changed from the first match, ?I don't think so ,, waste of time really"
If the squad hasn't changed most of the clubs don't bother with changing the stating 15 regardless but at least you know who they are once they are out there as the number matches the program.

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1829 - 28/09/2023 12:25:46    2506102


Replying To zinny:  "If the squad hasn't changed most of the clubs don't bother with changing the stating 15 regardless but at least you know who they are once they are out there as the number matches the program."
I'm involved myself and I try to update it every week. But I know must clubs would just send in the same programme from week 1.

alwaysasub (Wexford) - Posts: 416 - 28/09/2023 13:17:27    2506111


Replying To TerribleFootwork:  "Good chance there will be venue changes maybe even games back to Sunday but reckon everything will be played."
Hope so , be great to see our champions compete in Leinster even if it does mean running it off. Think Shels or Castletown if they win it will feel they can compete with anyone bar the Dublin champs. Although the Westmeath champs will be a tough task in itself, Hard to grasp why we were so poor in Leinster before

WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 192 - 28/09/2023 13:22:12    2506113


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "I know you are blue in the face, but a couple of 4G pitches and so many problems with weather go away.
Or, a facility like Bekan means football in particular could be played indoors year round. Bad weather is nothing new but how we deal with it needs to change.
As an aside, I just looked at the Leinster fixtures. It is bonkers that there are 4 rounds of Leinster football championship played in 7 weeks (week off between every round), and Wexford have been forced to play hurling and football for the past 16 weeks or whatever non-stop and midweek and god knows what not.
Wexford C/B should be raising hell about this, if they are under such pressure to play everything with no break there should be no weeks off in this competition which has 12 teams in it, whether they are the top 12 teams in each county is besides the point. Or else they should say to hell with this competition and push everything back by a few weeks and put the needs of the many clubs and players in Wexford first."
I think a 4G pitch is in the plans and am pretty sure I heard that the county board have signed a deal with a school or the new university to develop something in Wexford town. Tried to google it but can`t find it.

totally agree about Leinster championship. Maybe it will take a few counties to not enter to change the provincial system.

wexfordwin (Wexford) - Posts: 164 - 28/09/2023 15:00:36    2506124


Replying To wexfordwin:  "I think a 4G pitch is in the plans and am pretty sure I heard that the county board have signed a deal with a school or the new university to develop something in Wexford town. Tried to google it but can`t find it.

totally agree about Leinster championship. Maybe it will take a few counties to not enter to change the provincial system."
The 4G pitch thing is being explored all right, but there's no deal signed. My understanding is that there are all sorts of governance and bureaucratic issues to be overcome, since having different types of organisations involved (i.e. sporting and educational) means dealing with twice as many government departments and other bodies.

Anyway, that'd be just one pitch, and the Exiled fella wouldn't be happy until there are a few more to go with it as well.... :)

Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2337 - 28/09/2023 15:17:36    2506128


Replying To Pikeman96:  "The 4G pitch thing is being explored all right, but there's no deal signed. My understanding is that there are all sorts of governance and bureaucratic issues to be overcome, since having different types of organisations involved (i.e. sporting and educational) means dealing with twice as many government departments and other bodies.

Anyway, that'd be just one pitch, and the Exiled fella wouldn't be happy until there are a few more to go with it as well.... :)"
The GAA in every county spend money badly on all manner of rubbish, they might cost a bit and need to be maintained but they can be used through the winter and take all the pressure off pitches at this time of year.
One would be a start lol. Maybe a discount on the 2nd or 3rd!
You would have to think one in the COE would be a start?
Valid point above on Naas etc but can you wreck the whole province for the sake of 1 club doing a dual? Crokes could be another but they have hardly a dual player as far as I know.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1242 - 28/09/2023 16:22:56    2506140


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "I know you are blue in the face, but a couple of 4G pitches and so many problems with weather go away.
Or, a facility like Bekan means football in particular could be played indoors year round. Bad weather is nothing new but how we deal with it needs to change.
As an aside, I just looked at the Leinster fixtures. It is bonkers that there are 4 rounds of Leinster football championship played in 7 weeks (week off between every round), and Wexford have been forced to play hurling and football for the past 16 weeks or whatever non-stop and midweek and god knows what not.
Wexford C/B should be raising hell about this, if they are under such pressure to play everything with no break there should be no weeks off in this competition which has 12 teams in it, whether they are the top 12 teams in each county is besides the point. Or else they should say to hell with this competition and push everything back by a few weeks and put the needs of the many clubs and players in Wexford first."
Its nothing to do with the county board.

Its the clubs themselves that need to start putting the needs of the many clubs and players in Wexford first.

tearintom (Wexford) - Posts: 1391 - 28/09/2023 16:31:16    2506144


Replying To Pikeman96:  "The 4G pitch thing is being explored all right, but there's no deal signed. My understanding is that there are all sorts of governance and bureaucratic issues to be overcome, since having different types of organisations involved (i.e. sporting and educational) means dealing with twice as many government departments and other bodies.

Anyway, that'd be just one pitch, and the Exiled fella wouldn't be happy until there are a few more to go with it as well.... :)"
And he is right there should be more than one. The trick is also to have them with viewer access that is covered - I reckon to accommodate 5k would be enough. If the GAA didn't have its head in the sand as much as they do, they could be multi sport use pitches which would make it easier to get funding from the government and sponsors, it would also ensure that the running costs would be shared. Even with one ground, bar you want to get a different gate for the games, games could run from morning to evening. As we never know what is going to happen with the summers in the future - its believed that the northern part of Europe will be wetter and south dryer, having the option with 4G make complete sense.

In the meantime they should identify the pitches that stand up to the rain the best in the county and work with the clubs to ensure that these have fencing so they could accommodate games. I know a couple of great pitches that can put up with a lot of rain but they are have no fencing around them which becomes a problem for games.

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1829 - 29/09/2023 02:31:01    2506175


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "The GAA in every county spend money badly on all manner of rubbish, they might cost a bit and need to be maintained but they can be used through the winter and take all the pressure off pitches at this time of year.
One would be a start lol. Maybe a discount on the 2nd or 3rd!
You would have to think one in the COE would be a start?
Valid point above on Naas etc but can you wreck the whole province for the sake of 1 club doing a dual? Crokes could be another but they have hardly a dual player as far as I know."
Crokes had 1 lad last year

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 29/09/2023 09:19:55    2506193


Senior - On paper these all look one sided enough games, I think they will all be competitive barring the shels and the Annes
Castletown v Starlights - Hard to look past the north county men, not as easily as expected thought. Castletown by 3, although this Starlights team has lots of quality if they can click.
Bunclody v Kilanerin - This will be tight I think, preference to Kilanerin just about, could be seeing these teams again midweek as I think will be very tight. Draw after 90mins, and maybe a Kilanerin win in extra time.
Annes v Shels - Shels comfortably, As gritty and dogged as the Annes are, this looks very tough. Shels favs to win it, and Annes prob thankful they are not in a relegation battle
Barntown - Gusserane - Gusserane by 4-5, don't think Barntown are up to as much as other do. I'd have Gusserane and Kilanerin playing next best to the obvious two

Inter - I wouldn't be surprised if all the below predictions are incorrect, it's a minefield!
Maudlintown v Cushinstown - Maudlintown being a bit fresher I'll go with them, it's been a long season for Cushinstown, Maudlintown by 2
Martins v Horeswood - Don't know what has happened Horeswood, they def wouldn't have been considered as 4th place in their group at the start of the year. This Martins team are there for the taking I feel, I'm going to go with an upset, and Horsewood to win by 2
Gorey v Ballyhogue - Gorey should be good enough here, just about again though. Gorey by 3
Taghmon v Adamstown - Adamstown could go close to winning this grade if they can get over there local rivals here. Adamstown to pip it by 1

Inter A - Plucking at straws here, but I'll give it a go
Duffry v Monageer - Duffry to cause an "upset" - Finishing 4th in a group can do wonders for teams sometimes
Kilmore v Barntown - Kilmore will be close to winning the grade so I'll side with them, by 5-6
Rosslare v Vols - Rosslare beat Kilmore last week, but imo got a tougher draw in the q final. This will be tight, but Rosslare should have a few points to spare
Pats v Craanford - Another local derby, I think Craanford are a bit further along in their journey than Pats are

rossytilidie (Wexford) - Posts: 300 - 29/09/2023 09:34:41    2506198


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "The GAA in every county spend money badly on all manner of rubbish, they might cost a bit and need to be maintained but they can be used through the winter and take all the pressure off pitches at this time of year.
One would be a start lol. Maybe a discount on the 2nd or 3rd!
You would have to think one in the COE would be a start?
Valid point above on Naas etc but can you wreck the whole province for the sake of 1 club doing a dual? Crokes could be another but they have hardly a dual player as far as I know."
I happen to agree that a couple of 4G pitches would be a great asset. I just don't see it happening anytime in the short or even medium term when you consider all the costs involved, not just for the surface itself, but also for everything else that would need to go with it. Even more so if we're now talking a covered stand as well.

By the way Zinny, even 1,500 would be more than enough for the vast majority of club games. Wexford Park doesn't even have covered accommodation for the 5,000 you suggest (main stand there is rated to hold approx. 4,500).

Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2337 - 29/09/2023 10:12:03    2506205
