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I suppose that's worse than the situation in Bree where there was no scoreboard for an Intermediate championship game last weekend, or Patricks Park where the shutters got pulled on it an hour before throw in in the 2nd game of the day for an Intermediate championship game 2 weeks ago!
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14661 - 13/09/2023 15:34:43 2504174 Link 0 |
Part of the problem with Wexford GAA teams in the last 30 odd years, and maybe a long time before that, is the misconception that how good or bad a player is depends on what parish his parents lived in
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14661 - 13/09/2023 15:48:24 2504176 Link 0 |
I was at the match in bree, there was no need for a scoreboard.
Waltermitty2 (Wexford) - Posts: 265 - 13/09/2023 16:47:44 2504186 Link 0 |
True: D
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14661 - 13/09/2023 17:36:16 2504191 Link 0 |
Predictions for the weekend ahead (I only do senior as I like to have a bet and see how they go) WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 249 - 13/09/2023 18:06:16 2504198 Link 0 |
No coincidence the same journalist wrote the two scathing match reports I reckon!
Longtimefirsttime (Wexford) - Posts: 1 - 13/09/2023 21:53:29 2504218 Link 0 |
Just out of interest do all the journalists who write the match reports on the games for the People Paper actually go to all the matches they do write ups for?
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14661 - 14/09/2023 10:52:56 2504238 Link 0 |
Yes, maybe that wasn't a serious question!
rossytilidie (Wexford) - Posts: 300 - 14/09/2023 10:57:45 2504240 Link 0 |
The vast majority of the time, yes they do. I'm talking probably high 90s in terms of a percentage. Occasionally, if there are more matches on at a particular time than there are reporters available, they'll prioritise the higher grades, and a club secretary or PRO or other will get a phone call asking them to keep notes for their team at a Junior or Junior A match - e.g. starting team, subs used, scorers, and key moments. Reporter will get the notes from both sides afterwards and put together a match report from them. A trained eye can generally spot them - they tend to be shorter and less detailed than the other reports, e.g. "a goal midway through the second half" rather than "a goal in the 43rd minute". Has to be said the paper does a great job in having reports from all matches. Echo used to be the same when it was in operation. There are several other counties where the local papers report only on the higher grades, and all you get from the lower ones is results & fixtures. Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2693 - 14/09/2023 11:20:07 2504244 Link 0 |
I also think their coverage is excellent. Even underage games get covered!
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14661 - 14/09/2023 13:25:24 2504259 Link 0 |
The standard of football has not been brilliant over the first 3 weeks, I don't think all that rain will help... JT22 (Wexford) - Posts: 51 - 15/09/2023 15:37:41 2504375 Link 0 |
There would've been a better crowd there if the 4 clubs were playing eachother at hurling for sure.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14661 - 16/09/2023 06:26:42 2504403 Link 0 |
From what I've heard to be fair it' was really just one of the clubs pushing for this game to be played when it was on the Friday night. I was talking to one of the people involved in fixtures who told me that one of the clubs involved Ballyhogue, had no problem playing Wednesday/Thursday etc and wanted to get the game finished before moving on to the next round which has been pretty much normal procedure really but the other objected citing a 4 day rule which meant the game ended up being played when it was. Again why would Cushinstown or Bannow agree to move their game and why should they, it's not a mess of their making. tearintom (Wexford) - Posts: 1439 - 16/09/2023 08:27:05 2504407 Link 0 |
Glynn Barntown through now are they potential dark horses probably guaranteed second spot now with a game to spare. Quarter final against st James starlights or Gusserane. Always felt they had better footballers if they gave it a good crack. Castletown guarantee top spot after winning easily and can start building towards a quarter final. Haven't been at any games but hope to get to the quarter finals WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 249 - 16/09/2023 08:47:34 2504410 Link 0 |
Castletown not quiet guaranteed 1st spot yet if they lose to Bunclody and Bunclody beat Crossabeg today, no coincidence to see Glynn improvement with Joe Hagan in charge seems to rise the fortunes of whichever club he's involved with.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 16/09/2023 09:46:08 2504412 Link 0 |
I think alot of neturals go to hurling games in Senior but in football vast majority go to watch their own club and that's it, county Senior final is the only game usually to draw a decent crowd in football.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 16/09/2023 09:48:10 2504413 Link 0 |
Bunclody can still finish top if they beat crossabeg and castletown in their final two games if barntown lose to sarsfields. And if barntown win it will go to score difference between the 3 so nothing is guaranteed just yet. After today though the top 3 should be secured you would think as bunclody are going well and crossabeg heading towards relegation. Barntown are starting to click and look like they will be right there in contention at the end along with castletown shelmaliers and kilanerin. Joe Hagan has done a great job so far and with the panel they have they could finally get over the line this year. The other group looks poor with shels and kilanerin easily winning their matches, james' gusserane or fethard will probably be crossabegs opponents in the dreaded relegation match with one of the above and starlights getting the last 2 quarter final spots. Final group predictions Group A Castletown Barntown Bunclody Annes Sarsfields Crossabeg Group B Kilanerin Shelmaliers Starlights Gusserane James' Fethard Castletown barntown shelmaliers and kilanerin all winning their quarter finals and fethard getting relegated. hurlin101 (Wexford) - Posts: 114 - 16/09/2023 10:41:10 2504419 Link 0 |
Hard to see Castletown being bet by Bunclody in the last game but Crossabeg are struggling but wouldn't be guaranteed to be in relegation yet. St Anne's have to win there last game and so do Sarsfields to be guaranteed safety. Still a lot of twists and turns in both groups
WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 249 - 16/09/2023 11:22:02 2504423 Link 0 |
Was he ever involved with the senior footballers?Knows the club scene inside out. Think he was involved with Waterford when they beat us in the championship a couple of years ago.
WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 249 - 16/09/2023 11:26:12 2504424 Link 0 |
You have it spot on there. I had all the info myself at the time of my earlier post, but decided to hold back a bit rather than be seen to be pointing the finger too much in one direction. But now that you've done so yourself.....yes, let's just say there was only one of the two clubs being awkward about it, and it wasn't Ballyhogue.
Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2693 - 16/09/2023 22:41:07 2504470 Link 0 |