National Forum

RTE And Older GAA Fans

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"With the increasing number of IC games now only accessible to those with technology and decent broadband you could only. conclude that RTE is no longer bothered to cater for its older viewers."

How old do you have to be these days to be apparently tech-illiterate? 90+?

I'm shortly 60, and have been using e-mail since 1994 and mobiles since 1998.

E-mail was invented in the early 1970s and has been in general use for nearly 30 years.

You can get a cheap ipad for not much money. I don't see too many on here crying about the "plight" of old folk in relation to the price of drink, or rent.

Much of this ullagoning is the usual group-think whinging.

points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet (Tyrone) - Posts: 262 - 04/07/2023 21:16:37    2492292


Replying To carlowman:  "Your post is certainly a mouthful !
Firstly, i don't know any of the people involved in the RTE scenario being played out currently.

I would however take issue with your assertion that the 'country is ferocious corrupt..always has been.'

I don't agree with that assertion.

Of course we have had our share of those who have worked the system and tried to get away with things, but I don't think we are 'ferocious corrupt and have always been'.

Overall, the systems of checks and balances that have been placed on society have helped enormously to ensure that corruption is minimal.

I also think we should all be very careful with naming names before due process has concluded."
I'm not sure specifically how corruption is measured but never in my lifetime (I'm 38) has it seemed as if the ruling parties are (a) pretty much the same club and (b) totally uninterested in the concerns of their voters on numerous issues.

Having said that we keep voting them back in over and over again so realistically the public have only themselves to blame.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1873 - 04/07/2023 23:02:48    2492305


Replying To Galway9801:  "I'm not sure specifically how corruption is measured but never in my lifetime (I'm 38) has it seemed as if the ruling parties are (a) pretty much the same club and (b) totally uninterested in the concerns of their voters on numerous issues.

Having said that we keep voting them back in over and over again so realistically the public have only themselves to blame."
Or we simply don't vote at all - meaning the same ones get elected ad nauseum

KnockaineyAbú (Limerick) - Posts: 96 - 05/07/2023 11:20:57    2492361
