National Forum

Westmeath Club Championships 2023

(Oldest Posts First)

First round of the football championship this weekend, some great opening fixtures but tough on inter county players after a busy few weeks. My picks for weekend in bold

Senior Section A
Caulry v Kinnegad
St. Lomans v The Downs
Killucan v Tyrellspass

Senior Section B
Athlone v Moate
Mullingar v Tang
Garrycastle v Shandonagh

Intermediate Section A
Milltown v Ballymore
Castledaly v Tubberclair
St. Marys v Rosemount

Intermediate Section B
CFCW v St Malachys
Maryland v Multyfarnham
Milltownpass v Ballynacragy

Junior Section A
Athlone v The Downs
Garrycastle v St.Lomans
Killucan v Mullingar

Junior Section B
St. Josephs v Ballycomoyle
Kilbeggan v St Pauls
Moate v Bunbrosna

martyW (Westmeath) - Posts: 323 - 20/06/2023 11:03:26    2487723


Replying To martyW:  "First round of the football championship this weekend, some great opening fixtures but tough on inter county players after a busy few weeks. My picks for weekend in bold

Senior Section A
Caulry v Kinnegad
St. Lomans v The Downs
Killucan v Tyrellspass

Senior Section B
Athlone v Moate
Mullingar v Tang
Garrycastle v Shandonagh

Intermediate Section A
Milltown v Ballymore
Castledaly v Tubberclair
St. Marys v Rosemount

Intermediate Section B
CFCW v St Malachys
Maryland v Multyfarnham
Milltownpass v Ballynacragy

Junior Section A
Athlone v The Downs
Garrycastle v St.Lomans
Killucan v Mullingar

Junior Section B
St. Josephs v Ballycomoyle
Kilbeggan v St Pauls
Moate v Bunbrosna"
I agree with you everywhere bar two games, both in junior.
For me Athlone to beat the downs and kilbeggan to beat St Paul's

westmeathgaa11 (Westmeath) - Posts: 243 - 20/06/2023 11:37:58    2487746


Why are you starting a new forum? Move to other Westmeath football thread

lakecounty90 (Westmeath) - Posts: 74 - 20/06/2023 11:43:14    2487748


Looks about right

Bettyboo22 (Westmeath) - Posts: 108 - 20/06/2023 21:35:25    2487969


Replying To martyW:  "First round of the football championship this weekend, some great opening fixtures but tough on inter county players after a busy few weeks. My picks for weekend in bold

Senior Section A
Caulry v Kinnegad
St. Lomans v The Downs
Killucan v Tyrellspass

Senior Section B
Athlone v Moate
Mullingar v Tang
Garrycastle v Shandonagh

Intermediate Section A
Milltown v Ballymore
Castledaly v Tubberclair
St. Marys v Rosemount

Intermediate Section B
CFCW v St Malachys
Maryland v Multyfarnham
Milltownpass v Ballynacragy

Junior Section A
Athlone v The Downs
Garrycastle v St.Lomans
Killucan v Mullingar

Junior Section B
St. Josephs v Ballycomoyle
Kilbeggan v St Pauls
Moate v Bunbrosna"
Agree with a few exceptions
The Downs to beat Lomans
Killucan to beat Tyrellspass
Finea to beat Malachys
Kilbeggan to beat Pauls

jobber (Westmeath) - Posts: 1542 - 21/06/2023 22:53:57    2488288
