National Forum

Hogan Cup 2023

(Oldest Posts First)

That was a seriously impressive win by Omagh yesterday. Following on from their huge win in the semi-final against Naas, who won it last year, it must be one of the most dominant All-Ireland wins by any school.
It was tough on Summerhill who have had a great year, but they kept plugging away until the end.
Omagh played a lovely style of football too, with lots of accurate kick passes into their inside forward line, mixed with a powerful running game.
They scored 6 goals and could have easily scored another 6. Some great talent coming through in Tyrone.

WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2105 - 18/03/2023 12:09:43    2464446


Replying To WanPintWin:  "That was a seriously impressive win by Omagh yesterday. Following on from their huge win in the semi-final against Naas, who won it last year, it must be one of the most dominant All-Ireland wins by any school.
It was tough on Summerhill who have had a great year, but they kept plugging away until the end.
Omagh played a lovely style of football too, with lots of accurate kick passes into their inside forward line, mixed with a powerful running game.
They scored 6 goals and could have easily scored another 6. Some great talent coming through in Tyrone."
Watched it last night, flying fit and as you say great forward kicking.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2097 - 18/03/2023 13:38:17    2464466
