National Forum

Shane Walsh Transfer

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Best of luck to Shane. Just like guys who go to AFL or take a year out for travel we should wish them luck. Now if a player is to transfer between clubs in the same county in search of success or other rewards thats a different story. But its tough going coming down from dublin for both halves of the split season. Tough on Clonbern but they need to row back on the defiant attitude.

anotheralias (Galway) - Posts: 950 - 01/08/2022 15:03:57    2435748


Replying To gerry1414:  "Dont be raving Shane cant play for Dublin.He wasnt born there or play under age football there."
Youre wrong. Take a look at the Galway panel you'll find former antrim player owen Gallagher. Antrim born and bred

galwayfball (Galway) - Posts: 1703 - 01/08/2022 15:17:12    2435752


Replying To gerry1414:  "Dont be raving Shane cant play for Dublin.He wasnt born there or play under age football there."

James Loughrey is from Antrim and plays for Cork? He was born in Antrim and played his underage football for Antrim.

Also what about Billy Sheehan from Kerry who played senior county football for Laois?

Or what about young spillane who is now going to play for Sligo?

Or what about McGrath from Tyrone who actually played for Dublin for a season or two?

Or what about Seanie Johnston switching from Cavan to Kildare?

Or what about the countless others.

Your post makes absolutely no sense.

Wally (Tyrone) - Posts: 922 - 01/08/2022 15:47:52    2435763


Replying To galwayfball:  "Youre wrong. Take a look at the Galway panel you'll find former antrim player owen Gallagher. Antrim born and bred"
I believe you can play for the county you reside in. One of the famous Fives (died recently R.I.P.)) from Tourin in Waterford players for the Deise and won an All-Ireland with Galway.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2861 - 01/08/2022 17:29:10    2435785


Shane Walsh getting all the hardship regarding this and nothing about Kilmacud's behaviour. Shane Walsh hardly rocked up to them, he had to have been approached. But you'd have to wonder about Kilmacud Crokes, they charge €650 per year for family membership, but have no interest in developing their own players, they've been taking players for years, the Paul Curran saga comes to mind. The Dublin county board need to sort this out, Brigids were at it and Parnells and Plunketts also.

Ulsterchamps72 (Donegal) - Posts: 99 - 01/08/2022 18:23:35    2435797


If he is sure he wants to leave then best let him go with good wishes. Playing for one of the favourites in the dub championship can only help him as a player and for Galway to reap the benefits. While hard on his club its best let him go with good wishes, if he decides to sit the year out in frustration then who wins, he can go regardless next season.
He is studying to be a teacher so as a club chairman I'd wish him all the best and then get with the Galway mamagement/county board to see if or where they could find a school for him when he graduates so he can return to Galway and his club.
And anyone who says it can't be done has their heads in the clouds but thays an argument for another day

Auldleitrimgael (Leitrim) - Posts: 32 - 01/08/2022 18:44:30    2435800


Replying To ahsure.:  "Embarrassing stuff from his home club. Their stance is hindering, not helping."
Not one bit embarrassing…. They are right to make it as awkward as they can …. These sort of high profile transfers have a history of not working out too well and this one might be the same….

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2957 - 01/08/2022 19:23:25    2435809


It's funny how 100s of transfers go through up and down the county every year without a word of complaint, but once a talented player does it it's suddenly heresy and a desecration of the ethos of the GAA.

The loyalty seems to go one way; if you're nothing special the club will let you go, but if you're talented you belong to the club.

CastleBravo (Meath) - Posts: 1657 - 01/08/2022 19:49:13    2435811


Replying To galwayfball:  "Youre wrong. Take a look at the Galway panel you'll find former antrim player owen Gallagher. Antrim born and bred"
Once you've played a Championship game in your new County you become eligible for that County.

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1897 - 01/08/2022 19:49:26    2435812


"I'm living and studying in Dublin now so it's the right move for me at this point in my career. Kilmacud Crokes are a great club and it would be a wonderful challenge,"

"Thanks to John (Divilly) I've got a lift from him to training from Dublin a number of times throughout the season but travel certainly takes its toll on the body. I love football and want to keep playing for as long as I can."

Living and working in Dublin, commuting up and down to Galway for training and yet some people will still be against him transferring to a club closer to where he's living.

Regarding why Crokes, who's to know. Maybe he already knows people in the club, maybe he has friends or family already involved there, maybe his cousins neighbours friend plays with them, there's no parish rule in Dublin so he's free to go to whatever club he wants there - none of us need an explanation for it.

There's a lot of posts from people who were against this transfer right from the off, a lot of "ifs" without anyone knowing the full facts. He's living and studying Dublin, no reason at all why he shouldn't be allowed transfer to any club in the county.

if_in_doubt (Kildare) - Posts: 3685 - 01/08/2022 21:23:05    2435827


Replying To Ulsterchamps72:  "Shane Walsh getting all the hardship regarding this and nothing about Kilmacud's behaviour. Shane Walsh hardly rocked up to them, he had to have been approached. But you'd have to wonder about Kilmacud Crokes, they charge €650 per year for family membership, but have no interest in developing their own players, they've been taking players for years, the Paul Curran saga comes to mind. The Dublin county board need to sort this out, Brigids were at it and Parnells and Plunketts also."
What are you basing that on? In my experience it's always the player that approaches the club or is brought in by a current player member of the club.

SimonstownBack (Meath) - Posts: 161 - 01/08/2022 22:03:16    2435833


Replying To CastleBravo:  "It's funny how 100s of transfers go through up and down the county every year without a word of complaint, but once a talented player does it it's suddenly heresy and a desecration of the ethos of the GAA.

The loyalty seems to go one way; if you're nothing special the club will let you go, but if you're talented you belong to the club."
Well said.

SimonstownBack (Meath) - Posts: 161 - 01/08/2022 22:04:04    2435834


Replying To Ulsterchamps72:  "Shane Walsh getting all the hardship regarding this and nothing about Kilmacud's behaviour. Shane Walsh hardly rocked up to them, he had to have been approached. But you'd have to wonder about Kilmacud Crokes, they charge €650 per year for family membership, but have no interest in developing their own players, they've been taking players for years, the Paul Curran saga comes to mind. The Dublin county board need to sort this out, Brigids were at it and Parnells and Plunketts also."
Some strange and inaccurate claims in your post since every Crokes player in their team for last years All Ireland final was local and came through their underage system. They dont have anyone from outside playing for them which is notable in itself in Dublin football as so many lads move to Dublin from the country. The St Judes team they beat in the Dublin final had at least 6 non Dubs in their team.
As for Shane Walsh, good luck to him. He is already living in Dublin and commuting up & down to his club in Galwsy. It seems he is changing career now too so will be studying in the evenings now too. Give him a break.

bad.monkey (USA) - Posts: 4640 - 02/08/2022 08:46:06    2435842


Replying To tommy k:  "If this transfer goes ahead, what's to stop Shane throwing his lot in with the Dublin footballers if he feels there's a greater chance of winning an AI with them than with Galway?"
Nothing....... But he won't

StopTheLights (Galway) - Posts: 382 - 02/08/2022 09:11:33    2435843


Replying To Ulsterchamps72:  "Shane Walsh getting all the hardship regarding this and nothing about Kilmacud's behaviour. Shane Walsh hardly rocked up to them, he had to have been approached. But you'd have to wonder about Kilmacud Crokes, they charge €650 per year for family membership, but have no interest in developing their own players, they've been taking players for years, the Paul Curran saga comes to mind. The Dublin county board need to sort this out, Brigids were at it and Parnells and Plunketts also."
What a load of waffle. Kilmacud can't force Walsh's hand and make him join and I don't think his home club want him to go, so clearly the only one with a decision to make is Walsh. Many seem to think leaving his home club is disloyal others agree with his entitlement to plan his own course in an amateur game. He is a well educated 29 year old, I'm sure well able to decide for himself. Your innuendo that Kilmacud are forcing his hand by "approach" without any evidence is actually disrespectful to Walsh.

sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 786 - 02/08/2022 09:14:27    2435844


Shane Walsh has explained his decision to request a transfer, he's a student in Dublin, an amateur footballer who wishes to return to his home club in due course - the last thing he needs is to be hounded by the media or vilified by frustrated keyboarders. He's is a gentle soul and a wonderful sportsman.

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 02/08/2022 09:54:25    2435849


Replying To sligo joe:  "What a load of waffle. Kilmacud can't force Walsh's hand and make him join and I don't think his home club want him to go, so clearly the only one with a decision to make is Walsh. Many seem to think leaving his home club is disloyal others agree with his entitlement to plan his own course in an amateur game. He is a well educated 29 year old, I'm sure well able to decide for himself. Your innuendo that Kilmacud are forcing his hand by "approach" without any evidence is actually disrespectful to Walsh."
Would there be even a word about this if he had of moved last year ?

RHF (Cavan) - Posts: 877 - 02/08/2022 09:55:44    2435851


I can understand both sides the story. I would say that privately the club chairman knows there is very little realistically that he or the club can do to stop the transfer. But to placate the natives they have to be seen to be expressing displeasure and offering up some form of resistance even if it is of the token variety. It's harsh on the club - other than David Clifford we're talking about probably THE most high profile player in the GAA at present. No doubt the youngsters in the area are in awe of him so losing that sort of role model is a tough blow for a small club who need every member possible.

But look, nothing lasts forever. I'm sure Shane will play a few years for KC and when he's qualified he may look to move back west. I'm sure he'll still have plenty to offer his "home" club when he does transfer back. A player of his calibre will still do damage at intermediate club football well into his 30s.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9510 - 02/08/2022 10:05:28    2435853


Brian Kavanagh of Longford played with Kilmacud as did Pat Burke of Mayo. Plenty others too.There is obviously a lure to play for them being Leinster Champions, though probaly some tapping up too

But Walsh is entitled to do what he wants.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2821 - 02/08/2022 12:05:17    2435866


The level of outrage on this is unreal - a small number of inter-county players transfer annually. Tomas O Sé left An Gaeltacht for Nemo Rangers (moving from a small rural club to a large urban giant) but I can't remember any controversy about that. If Shane Walsh is living in Dublin, then it makes sense to play club football there.

football first (None) - Posts: 1259 - 02/08/2022 12:20:25    2435869
