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Replying To oneoff:  "As I said don't waste your time. As you see we're all below him and will never be right."
As I said if you've nothing to say then simply do not post.

Where you got the idea "we're all below him" and that you speak for everyone is strange. People that have been posting absolute nonsense on here for years are below me. Thankfully that's a minority and the majority on here are my peers.

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12147 - 19/02/2023 13:45:38    2459007


Replying To Breffni40:  "As I said if you've nothing to say then simply do not post.

Where you got the idea "we're all below him" and that you speak for everyone is strange. People that have been posting absolute nonsense on here for years are below me. Thankfully that's a minority and the majority on here are my peers."
Maybe you should take a leaf out of your own book?

I posted that to see if you'd reply and sure enough you did.

You talk about others posting nonsense yet you move the goalposts everytime someone posts something you don't like. The last couple of posts being an example. Yet I'm sure like always you'll have a reason as to why everyone else is wrong and not you.

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 19/02/2023 20:04:25    2459190


Replying To oneoff:  "Maybe you should take a leaf out of your own book?

I posted that to see if you'd reply and sure enough you did.

You talk about others posting nonsense yet you move the goalposts everytime someone posts something you don't like. The last couple of posts being an example. Yet I'm sure like always you'll have a reason as to why everyone else is wrong and not you."
"Yet I'm sure like always you'll have a reason as to why everyone else is wrong and not you."

Haha. So much like yourself.

Cockney_Cat (UK) - Posts: 2618 - 19/02/2023 20:55:00    2459219


Replying To Cockney_Cat:  ""Yet I'm sure like always you'll have a reason as to why everyone else is wrong and not you."

Haha. So much like yourself."
On the subject of people to post nonsense.....

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 20/02/2023 08:04:21    2459245


Replying To oneoff:  "Maybe you should take a leaf out of your own book?

I posted that to see if you'd reply and sure enough you did.

You talk about others posting nonsense yet you move the goalposts everytime someone posts something you don't like. The last couple of posts being an example. Yet I'm sure like always you'll have a reason as to why everyone else is wrong and not you."
"I posted that to see if you'd reply"

Surely you've better things to be at on a Sunday morning? I hadn't commented in days. You've made several posts on this thread and not one on the actual topic I'm discussing, just about me for some reason.

Surely the penny will drop that it's you that's angrily arguing with multiple people on a constant basis, not me,

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12147 - 20/02/2023 10:06:30    2459282


Replying To Breffni40:  ""I posted that to see if you'd reply"

Surely you've better things to be at on a Sunday morning? I hadn't commented in days. You've made several posts on this thread and not one on the actual topic I'm discussing, just about me for some reason.

Surely the penny will drop that it's you that's angrily arguing with multiple people on a constant basis, not me,"
Well clearly you're on here all the time seeing as you replied? So it looks like it's in fact you who seems to have nothing better to do.

Again maybe take a leaf out of your own book? As you say you don't have to reply to everything. Maybe you should just reply your "peers"

But you're not discussing anything are you? You make a point and everyone else is wrong. If you're questioned you just change the goal posts. Just look back a few comments back and you'll see it.

There's only one person who gets angry on here and it's not me....

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 20/02/2023 10:54:34    2459306


Replying To Breffni40:  ""I posted that to see if you'd reply"

Surely you've better things to be at on a Sunday morning? I hadn't commented in days. You've made several posts on this thread and not one on the actual topic I'm discussing, just about me for some reason.

Surely the penny will drop that it's you that's angrily arguing with multiple people on a constant basis, not me,"
Also btw the way the fact you need validation from strangers on an online form says more about you than anyone else.

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 20/02/2023 10:57:18    2459310


My god grow up

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12147 - 20/02/2023 11:35:17    2459315


Replying To Breffni40:  "My god grow up"
You're again just proving my point.

You tell others they don't have to reply to everything yet you can never stop yourself. Or did you actually mean something else with that comment? Seeing as that's your usual reply when someone touches a nerve with you....

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 20/02/2023 11:47:31    2459321



Give it a flipping rest

Always the critic

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20642 - 20/02/2023 12:29:29    2459343



It has to be said

You're guilty more than most for attacking the poster rather then the post.

Breff is right, you've not made any attempt to address his comments across his recent posts on this thread.

Just very directed, personal mud slinging at Breffs character which tbh you know nothing about.

Now you'll come back with your usual

"That's rich coming from you/maybe try that yourself/practice what you preach" responses.

Now if you've nothing to contribute outside of that, then maybe don't comment at all.

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20642 - 20/02/2023 12:46:46    2459349


Replying To jimbodub:  "One-off

Give it a flipping rest

Always the critic"
I'm put pointing out the fact Breffni40 is hugely hypocritical.

Things he has no problem doing are suddenly a huge issue when it's someone else.

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 20/02/2023 12:51:49    2459353


Replying To jimbodub:  "One-off

It has to be said

You're guilty more than most for attacking the poster rather then the post.

Breff is right, you've not made any attempt to address his comments across his recent posts on this thread.

Just very directed, personal mud slinging at Breffs character which tbh you know nothing about.

Now you'll come back with your usual

"That's rich coming from you/maybe try that yourself/practice what you preach" responses.

Now if you've nothing to contribute outside of that, then maybe don't comment at all."
But he does/never has any interest in having his posts addressed. It's his way and no one else is right. As I said look at his recent comments. His point is proved to be wrong but instead of admitting it he changes the goal posts and claims he meant something else. Something he's very quick to attack others over. So again my question why is alright for him to change his story when it suits yet it's a huge issue if someone else does?

And yes you're quite fold of using some of his tactics when it suits you....

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 20/02/2023 13:31:52    2459366


Replying To Breffni40:  ""I posted that to see if you'd reply"

Surely you've better things to be at on a Sunday morning? I hadn't commented in days. You've made several posts on this thread and not one on the actual topic I'm discussing, just about me for some reason.

Surely the penny will drop that it's you that's angrily arguing with multiple people on a constant basis, not me,"
Ignore him/her. They and their AKAs only looking for a reaction.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7529 - 20/02/2023 13:39:30    2459369


Replying To GreenandRed:  "Ignore him/her. They and their AKAs only looking for a reaction."
Oh look the other mighty mind of Hoganstand. You going to start talking down to everyone again?

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 20/02/2023 14:47:00    2459405


Replying To oneoff:  "But he does/never has any interest in having his posts addressed. It's his way and no one else is right. As I said look at his recent comments. His point is proved to be wrong but instead of admitting it he changes the goal posts and claims he meant something else. Something he's very quick to attack others over. So again my question why is alright for him to change his story when it suits yet it's a huge issue if someone else does?

And yes you're quite fold of using some of his tactics when it suits you...."
Probably a waste of time this, but where was my point proven wrong? Impossible to know what you're referring to as you've not given an opinion or made a single statement on the topic

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12147 - 20/02/2023 15:25:37    2459431


Replying To Breffni40:  "Probably a waste of time this, but where was my point proven wrong? Impossible to know what you're referring to as you've not given an opinion or made a single statement on the topic"
Very simple to to find. Just go back to the last page. Shouldn't be too hard for you find.

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1454 - 20/02/2023 17:38:07    2459486


.. who else is thinking of switching to AIB?

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20642 - 22/02/2023 10:56:28    2459729


Replying To jimbodub:  ".. who else is thinking of switching to AIB?"
Me. I am switching to them and will put a halt to the silly notion of paying the hundreds of thousands still left on my mortgage.

If anyone is looking for me in the meantime I'm off to buy a hurl, a sliotar and a helmet.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 22/02/2023 12:33:13    2459754


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Me. I am switching to them and will put a halt to the silly notion of paying the hundreds of thousands still left on my mortgage.

If anyone is looking for me in the meantime I'm off to buy a hurl, a sliotar and a helmet."

One rule for some, fecking ridiculous

By the way AIB is 60% owned by the Irish tax payer

****berg central we're floating around on

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20642 - 22/02/2023 20:32:53    2459816
