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2022 All-Ireland Hurling Championship thread

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Replying To tiobraid:  "Haha ya We slipped up there!
I often wondered would Tipp have gotten a few more all Irelands if Cody was in charge. We will never know"
With those players tipp had from 08 - 19,,I've no doubt that ye would have absolutely dominated hurling had he been in charge.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1873 - 24/07/2022 12:57:38    2433878


Replying To foreveryoung:  "
Replying To Viking66:  "[quote=Bon:  "[quote=countyman2022:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "[quote=baire:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "No All star from a Tipp man, quelle surprise! Jamsie O' Connor doesn't agree with you and he knows a thing or two about forwards!

This is what you said. How could I have misread your post in the way you said when I picked Thomas Monaghan on my team? I never claimed Whelan didnt score in the championship - blatant lies. Tony Kelly scored 12 points from play in the championship against Limerick - I forgot the side line was a placed ball. 13 insteand of 12 is hardly outrageous!

You have a serious chip on your shoulder about Tipperary. I'm not too sure why Tipp would come into a discussion about All Stars this year only for your hatred of us. It was a well known fact that Ollie was Eoins most difficult opponent but he did score 1-1 from play off him in Croke Park. You're obviously mixing it up with Pearse Stadium years before. Serious levels of immaturuty in your post. I'd consider Tipps rivalry with Limerick far greater than with Galway, yet I selected 13 Limerick players on my team of 2021. You have managed to turn a post about team of the year into Galway v Tipperary! Well done!"
Don't give me that trope about Galway hating Tipperary, that's well past its sell by date. My reply to you had nothing to do with Tipp. It had everything to do with you and your bullying tactics. When you asked me in your derogatory and condescending tone how old I was what type of answer did you expect?
You call this form of interaction a 'discussion'. You're not interested in a discussion, your game is one-upmanship, outsmarting, correcting, telling me that I have shot myself in the foot, that I have " Serious levels of immaturuty " etc. People who wish to engage in a discussion don't use that type of language.
Slán leat anois!"
By the way, I never once suggested Galway hate Tipp."]You didn't have to. Everybody hates Tipp."]And wexford ."]We just aren't successful enough for anyone to hate us Bon!!!!"]Wexford supporters are possibly the only ones that I've ever met who don't hate Tipp. It's probably because Wexford doesn't border Tipp. All the counties that do border it are hurling counties. I couldn't say whether Antrim or Dublin like Tipp or not, but suspect that the Dubs wouldn't hate them as you've so many Tipp fellas living in Dublin and involved in clubs there.

Personally, I don't mind Tipp at all. I generally like the Tipp style of hurling, and Tipp players in almost all cases don't fall to the ground feigning injury when hit a belt."]They do have a certain corner back who is notorious for falling to the ground....

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2006 - 24/07/2022 13:40:53    2433884


Replying To Canuck:  "Not sure either. It is difficult to see how because of the space available. Should have moved out when the opportunity was there and would have got a good price for Walsh Park. The only thing going for it is the playing surface is among the best but that could be achieved else where."
whats the story with waterfords new manager......what we're hearing up here is that derek mcgrath is canvassing hard for it......

munsterchamps (Limerick) - Posts: 1127 - 24/07/2022 15:11:03    2433901


Replying To munsterchamps:  "whats the story with waterfords new manager......what we're hearing up here is that derek mcgrath is canvassing hard for it......"
Derek of the blinkered spoofing variety? Oh God. They need a strong manager down there from outside the county to go places

Shocs07 (Limerick) - Posts: 374 - 24/07/2022 17:32:56    2433947


Replying To Shocs07:  "Derek of the blinkered spoofing variety? Oh God. They need a strong manager down there from outside the county to go places"
Outside managers have a pretty poor record. Last one 1998.

daveboy (Limerick) - Posts: 1197 - 24/07/2022 19:52:43    2434028


Replying To daveboy:  "Outside managers have a pretty poor record. Last one 1998."
Ya fair enough but they literally need a rocket to shake them up. They have some fine players at the moment but they tend to go missing when needed. I'd love to see them do it, provided it's not at our expense. If they get Derek back, it's a retrograde step.

Shocs07 (Limerick) - Posts: 374 - 24/07/2022 20:22:22    2434045


Replying To daveboy:  "Outside managers have a pretty poor record. Last one 1998."
Well, 01 technically, but twas the same guy

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1873 - 24/07/2022 20:23:56    2434046


Replying To Shocs07:  "Derek of the blinkered spoofing variety? Oh God. They need a strong manager down there from outside the county to go places"
We need a strong manager from inside the county. I would not go for Derek McGrath but he got the nearest of the last three managers who went to an All-Ireland. That with a young team and some bad luck. The other two from outside, one took a hammering and the other not as close either. Bringing in an outside guarantees nothing. Only a hefty bill.
There is a four man panel at the moment interviewing for the job and assessing candidates.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 24/07/2022 20:46:30    2434058


Replying To Shocs07:  "Ya fair enough but they literally need a rocket to shake them up. They have some fine players at the moment but they tend to go missing when needed. I'd love to see them do it, provided it's not at our expense. If they get Derek back, it's a retrograde step."
Maybe Derek's arm round the shoulder style is the best one to get the best out of lads like Ozzie and Shane Bennett though? Hope the situation remains where managers aren't giving interviews after games! And it would spare us the notepad and mumbo jumbo on TSG!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 25/07/2022 08:08:36    2434093


Replying To Canuck:  "We need a strong manager from inside the county. I would not go for Derek McGrath but he got the nearest of the last three managers who went to an All-Ireland. That with a young team and some bad luck. The other two from outside, one took a hammering and the other not as close either. Bringing in an outside guarantees nothing. Only a hefty bill.
There is a four man panel at the moment interviewing for the job and assessing candidates."
Do you think Derek could go back this time?

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 25/07/2022 09:39:59    2434110


Replying To Viking66:  "Maybe Derek's arm round the shoulder style is the best one to get the best out of lads like Ozzie and Shane Bennett though? Hope the situation remains where managers aren't giving interviews after games! And it would spare us the notepad and mumbo jumbo on TSG!"
I don't think that kind of management style would cut the mustard with any team serious about challenging for the All Ireland. And if either of those guys need that then they shouldn't be playing inter county. You need to be ruthless as a manager. Look at some of the calls John Kiely has had to make , same with Cody over the years. That's the attitude that wins all irelands , not being nicey nice to players.

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2006 - 25/07/2022 13:19:13    2434227


Replying To Bon:  "I don't think that kind of management style would cut the mustard with any team serious about challenging for the All Ireland. And if either of those guys need that then they shouldn't be playing inter county. You need to be ruthless as a manager. Look at some of the calls John Kiely has had to make , same with Cody over the years. That's the attitude that wins all irelands , not being nicey nice to players."
I just hope Derek Mc Grath gets it. I did'nt do the leaving cert so I am completely out of my dept when he is on the Sunday Game!!

Ballyknockill (Limerick) - Posts: 19 - 25/07/2022 13:44:44    2434247


Replying To tiobraid:  "Do you think Derek could go back this time?"
Possible. Back is the operative word there. Back-ward step. He got lambasted about the sweeper system including on these pages. The worst was Duignan and then low and behold we hear him in a game saying " they better put a sweeper back there before the get destroyed." Suddenly everyone was doing it and now the fancy word for it is in the pocket. People are so fickle. Look, he took a bunch of kids from De La Salle and Blackwater colleges and devised a method to make them competitive. He did not vary the play when they grew up but unfair not to recognize his contribution to Waterford hurling. There are others who have had no more success. In fact I don't think this team would be heard of only for Derek McGrath. However going back would be a retrograde step. Why ? A little bit like Sheedy. Too much loyalty with existing players when there are options to bring other players in.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 25/07/2022 14:42:43    2434285


Replying To Ballyknockill:  "I just hope Derek Mc Grath gets it. I did'nt do the leaving cert so I am completely out of my dept when he is on the Sunday Game!!"
No need to be rude to him like or dislike. He is a decent human who has only brought good to people and treated those who played for him with dignity. If the path to success can not have that, is any of it worth it ? It sounds macho you have to be ruthless etc. Really?

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 25/07/2022 14:48:55    2434290


Replying To Canuck:  "No need to be rude to him like or dislike. He is a decent human who has only brought good to people and treated those who played for him with dignity. If the path to success can not have that, is any of it worth it ? It sounds macho you have to be ruthless etc. Really?"
Good post, McGrath's flowery language lends itself to a lot of distasteful comments. Like him or not he's a good man.

I'm aware of a situation when he was the Waterford manager of incredible kindness he showed to a family going through a very traumatic time.
He used his position to help them in a way that was heartwarming.
it was very quietly done. No fanfare, or looking for any attention to himself.
I've a lot of respect for him ever since.

skillet (Limerick) - Posts: 1101 - 25/07/2022 15:29:41    2434314


Replying To munsterchamps:  "whats the story with waterfords new manager......what we're hearing up here is that derek mcgrath is canvassing hard for it......"
I think we will have an announcement before the weekend or shortly after.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 26/07/2022 15:32:41    2434619


Replying To Canuck:  "I think we will have an announcement before the weekend or shortly after."
Michael Fennelly has left Offaly?? I'd imagine kk or Waterford would be of interest to him

daveboy (Limerick) - Posts: 1197 - 26/07/2022 16:57:37    2434653


Replying To daveboy:  "Michael Fennelly has left Offaly?? I'd imagine kk or Waterford would be of interest to him"
He definitely wouldn't get the Kilkenny job, he didn't have a good year with Offaly.

He may possibly be a part of the new Waterford set-up if rumours are to be believed.

Past hurler (None) - Posts: 785 - 26/07/2022 21:45:10    2434721


Replying To daveboy:  "Michael Fennelly has left Offaly?? I'd imagine kk or Waterford would be of interest to him"
He was interviewed in Waterford but my guess is he is the new Kilkenny manager.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 27/07/2022 15:27:23    2434897


Replying To daveboy:  "Michael Fennelly has left Offaly?? I'd imagine kk or Waterford would be of interest to him"
He was interviewed in Waterford but my guess is he is the new Kilkenny manager.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 27/07/2022 15:32:46    2434899
