National Forum

2022 All-Ireland Hurling Championship thread

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Replying To countyman2022:  "
Replying To tiobraid:  "[quote=baire:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "No All star from a Tipp man, quelle surprise! Jamsie O' Connor doesn't agree with you and he knows a thing or two about forwards!

This is what you said. How could I have misread your post in the way you said when I picked Thomas Monaghan on my team? I never claimed Whelan didnt score in the championship - blatant lies. Tony Kelly scored 12 points from play in the championship against Limerick - I forgot the side line was a placed ball. 13 insteand of 12 is hardly outrageous!

You have a serious chip on your shoulder about Tipperary. I'm not too sure why Tipp would come into a discussion about All Stars this year only for your hatred of us. It was a well known fact that Ollie was Eoins most difficult opponent but he did score 1-1 from play off him in Croke Park. You're obviously mixing it up with Pearse Stadium years before. Serious levels of immaturuty in your post. I'd consider Tipps rivalry with Limerick far greater than with Galway, yet I selected 13 Limerick players on my team of 2021. You have managed to turn a post about team of the year into Galway v Tipperary! Well done!"
Don't give me that trope about Galway hating Tipperary, that's well past its sell by date. My reply to you had nothing to do with Tipp. It had everything to do with you and your bullying tactics. When you asked me in your derogatory and condescending tone how old I was what type of answer did you expect?
You call this form of interaction a 'discussion'. You're not interested in a discussion, your game is one-upmanship, outsmarting, correcting, telling me that I have shot myself in the foot, that I have " Serious levels of immaturuty " etc. People who wish to engage in a discussion don't use that type of language.
Slán leat anois!"
By the way, I never once suggested Galway hate Tipp."]You didn't have to. Everybody hates Tipp."]Fair enough. WE dont lose much sleep about that. I must say I never thought Wexford people did until this year.
I also have no issue with on here in general but half the people who disagree with me will mention Tipp in their reply regardless of what the topic is!

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 22/07/2022 12:56:20    2433526


Replying To countyman2022:  "
Replying To tiobraid:  "[quote=baire:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "No All star from a Tipp man, quelle surprise! Jamsie O' Connor doesn't agree with you and he knows a thing or two about forwards!

This is what you said. How could I have misread your post in the way you said when I picked Thomas Monaghan on my team? I never claimed Whelan didnt score in the championship - blatant lies. Tony Kelly scored 12 points from play in the championship against Limerick - I forgot the side line was a placed ball. 13 insteand of 12 is hardly outrageous!

You have a serious chip on your shoulder about Tipperary. I'm not too sure why Tipp would come into a discussion about All Stars this year only for your hatred of us. It was a well known fact that Ollie was Eoins most difficult opponent but he did score 1-1 from play off him in Croke Park. You're obviously mixing it up with Pearse Stadium years before. Serious levels of immaturuty in your post. I'd consider Tipps rivalry with Limerick far greater than with Galway, yet I selected 13 Limerick players on my team of 2021. You have managed to turn a post about team of the year into Galway v Tipperary! Well done!"
Don't give me that trope about Galway hating Tipperary, that's well past its sell by date. My reply to you had nothing to do with Tipp. It had everything to do with you and your bullying tactics. When you asked me in your derogatory and condescending tone how old I was what type of answer did you expect?
You call this form of interaction a 'discussion'. You're not interested in a discussion, your game is one-upmanship, outsmarting, correcting, telling me that I have shot myself in the foot, that I have " Serious levels of immaturuty " etc. People who wish to engage in a discussion don't use that type of language.
Slán leat anois!"
By the way, I never once suggested Galway hate Tipp."]You didn't have to. Everybody hates Tipp."]And wexford .

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2006 - 22/07/2022 13:17:23    2433529


Replying To Viking66:  "Is Walsh Park getting a bigger pitch? Or is it just the infrastructure getting upgraded?"
Not sure either. It is difficult to see how because of the space available. Should have moved out when the opportunity was there and would have got a good price for Walsh Park. The only thing going for it is the playing surface is among the best but that could be achieved else where.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 22/07/2022 14:03:42    2433541


Replying To Viking66:  "Is Walsh Park getting a bigger pitch? Or is it just the infrastructure getting upgraded?"
Not sure either. It is difficult to see how because of the space available. Should have moved out when the opportunity was there and would have got a good price for Walsh Park. The only thing going for it is the playing surface is among the best but that could be achieved else where.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 22/07/2022 14:21:51    2433550


Waterford are and should be grateful to Liam Cahill for the contribution he made. However as of the 18th of July 2022 he is now the enemy. While there will be no begrudging him success as long as it is not at our expense. That's what the merry go around of managers does.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 22/07/2022 17:38:19    2433605


Replying To Canuck:  "Not sure either. It is difficult to see how because of the space available. Should have moved out when the opportunity was there and would have got a good price for Walsh Park. The only thing going for it is the playing surface is among the best but that could be achieved else where."
Wouldn't agree about the surface it's like playing in a bog in the winter and I would know played on it in the national league often enough.

Tiger1 (Wexford) - Posts: 279 - 23/07/2022 08:05:17    2433621


Replying To tiobraid:  "
Replying To baire:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "No All star from a Tipp man, quelle surprise! Jamsie O' Connor doesn't agree with you and he knows a thing or two about forwards!

This is what you said. How could I have misread your post in the way you said when I picked Thomas Monaghan on my team? I never claimed Whelan didnt score in the championship - blatant lies. Tony Kelly scored 12 points from play in the championship against Limerick - I forgot the side line was a placed ball. 13 insteand of 12 is hardly outrageous!

You have a serious chip on your shoulder about Tipperary. I'm not too sure why Tipp would come into a discussion about All Stars this year only for your hatred of us. It was a well known fact that Ollie was Eoins most difficult opponent but he did score 1-1 from play off him in Croke Park. You're obviously mixing it up with Pearse Stadium years before. Serious levels of immaturuty in your post. I'd consider Tipps rivalry with Limerick far greater than with Galway, yet I selected 13 Limerick players on my team of 2021. You have managed to turn a post about team of the year into Galway v Tipperary! Well done!"
Don't give me that trope about Galway hating Tipperary, that's well past its sell by date. My reply to you had nothing to do with Tipp. It had everything to do with you and your bullying tactics. When you asked me in your derogatory and condescending tone how old I was what type of answer did you expect?
You call this form of interaction a 'discussion'. You're not interested in a discussion, your game is one-upmanship, outsmarting, correcting, telling me that I have shot myself in the foot, that I have " Serious levels of immaturuty " etc. People who wish to engage in a discussion don't use that type of language.
Slán leat anois!"
By the way, I never once suggested Galway hate Tipp."]I accept that there were misinterpretations and misreadings on both sides here.
As for the Tipp team of the 80s, I remember meeting one of the Tipp players in the 90s and he said to me, when he heard that I was from Galway, 'you mustn't think much of that Tipp team". I said to him, "on the contrary, I thought ye were a great team, there was very little between both teams and we had some great battles". What used to annoy me was to hear Babs bad mouthing his own team in public when they lost, the same as Loughnane did to the Galway lads in his time as Galway manager.
Anyway, I need a break from this forum, must get out and enjoy the holidays in the wesht.

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 23/07/2022 08:47:15    2433623


I think munster is going to be a warzone next yr any of the 5 can get out or not! I expect a bounce in tipp, clare have tipp and Cork at home, Waterford are far from gone they've serious talent, I'm surprised cork haven't been mentioned much on here they have a lot of young talent it's getting the mix correct is the big issue for me , and of course limerick are very strong.
crazy thing to do so early but if I was to call the 3 that qualify I'd go for limerick clare and Waterford

someday (Limerick) - Posts: 1104 - 23/07/2022 11:35:31    2433645


Replying To tiobraid:  "
Replying To countyman2022:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "[quote=baire:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "No All star from a Tipp man, quelle surprise! Jamsie O' Connor doesn't agree with you and he knows a thing or two about forwards!

This is what you said. How could I have misread your post in the way you said when I picked Thomas Monaghan on my team? I never claimed Whelan didnt score in the championship - blatant lies. Tony Kelly scored 12 points from play in the championship against Limerick - I forgot the side line was a placed ball. 13 insteand of 12 is hardly outrageous!

You have a serious chip on your shoulder about Tipperary. I'm not too sure why Tipp would come into a discussion about All Stars this year only for your hatred of us. It was a well known fact that Ollie was Eoins most difficult opponent but he did score 1-1 from play off him in Croke Park. You're obviously mixing it up with Pearse Stadium years before. Serious levels of immaturuty in your post. I'd consider Tipps rivalry with Limerick far greater than with Galway, yet I selected 13 Limerick players on my team of 2021. You have managed to turn a post about team of the year into Galway v Tipperary! Well done!"
Don't give me that trope about Galway hating Tipperary, that's well past its sell by date. My reply to you had nothing to do with Tipp. It had everything to do with you and your bullying tactics. When you asked me in your derogatory and condescending tone how old I was what type of answer did you expect?
You call this form of interaction a 'discussion'. You're not interested in a discussion, your game is one-upmanship, outsmarting, correcting, telling me that I have shot myself in the foot, that I have " Serious levels of immaturuty " etc. People who wish to engage in a discussion don't use that type of language.
Slán leat anois!"
By the way, I never once suggested Galway hate Tipp."]You didn't have to. Everybody hates Tipp."]Fair enough. WE dont lose much sleep about that. I must say I never thought Wexford people did until this year.
I also have no issue with on here in general but half the people who disagree with me will mention Tipp in their reply regardless of what the topic is!"]Seriously noone around here hates Tipp. The last time we had a serious rivalry was the 60s and I wasn't born til the 70s! I don't think it was a hate kind of rivalry anyway.
Our county hurlers have a Tipp manager. David Power was over our footballers. And at club level we have a Tipp man over our hurlers and footballers who any of the players I know think is doing a good job.
At the same time as a poster you sometimes leave yourself wide open for a bit of anti Tipp banter Tiobraid!!!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 23/07/2022 11:45:29    2433647


Replying To Bon:  "
Replying To countyman2022:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "[quote=baire:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "No All star from a Tipp man, quelle surprise! Jamsie O' Connor doesn't agree with you and he knows a thing or two about forwards!

This is what you said. How could I have misread your post in the way you said when I picked Thomas Monaghan on my team? I never claimed Whelan didnt score in the championship - blatant lies. Tony Kelly scored 12 points from play in the championship against Limerick - I forgot the side line was a placed ball. 13 insteand of 12 is hardly outrageous!

You have a serious chip on your shoulder about Tipperary. I'm not too sure why Tipp would come into a discussion about All Stars this year only for your hatred of us. It was a well known fact that Ollie was Eoins most difficult opponent but he did score 1-1 from play off him in Croke Park. You're obviously mixing it up with Pearse Stadium years before. Serious levels of immaturuty in your post. I'd consider Tipps rivalry with Limerick far greater than with Galway, yet I selected 13 Limerick players on my team of 2021. You have managed to turn a post about team of the year into Galway v Tipperary! Well done!"
Don't give me that trope about Galway hating Tipperary, that's well past its sell by date. My reply to you had nothing to do with Tipp. It had everything to do with you and your bullying tactics. When you asked me in your derogatory and condescending tone how old I was what type of answer did you expect?
You call this form of interaction a 'discussion'. You're not interested in a discussion, your game is one-upmanship, outsmarting, correcting, telling me that I have shot myself in the foot, that I have " Serious levels of immaturuty " etc. People who wish to engage in a discussion don't use that type of language.
Slán leat anois!"
By the way, I never once suggested Galway hate Tipp."]You didn't have to. Everybody hates Tipp."]And wexford ."]We just aren't successful enough for anyone to hate us Bon!!!!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 23/07/2022 11:46:03    2433649


I see cahill has a 5 man back room team announced in Tipp. That's a serious turnaround in a few days?? Very hard to believe there wasn't an awful lot going on behind the scenes last few weeks.

daveboy (Limerick) - Posts: 1197 - 23/07/2022 12:55:38    2433680


Replying To daveboy:  "I see cahill has a 5 man back room team announced in Tipp. That's a serious turnaround in a few days?? Very hard to believe there wasn't an awful lot going on behind the scenes last few weeks."
Of course there was.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13070 - 23/07/2022 13:41:07    2433691


Replying To daveboy:  "I see cahill has a 5 man back room team announced in Tipp. That's a serious turnaround in a few days?? Very hard to believe there wasn't an awful lot going on behind the scenes last few weeks."
Yeah you'd wonder alright. The whole situation looks a bit crooked.

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2006 - 23/07/2022 14:01:20    2433694


Replying To daveboy:  "I see cahill has a 5 man back room team announced in Tipp. That's a serious turnaround in a few days?? Very hard to believe there wasn't an awful lot going on behind the scenes last few weeks."
Genuinely think there's nothing to see here. Cahill has worked with 2 of them before and Paudie Maher was probably desperate to get involved in hurling again.
Even if something did happen like some are suggesting then I'm not sure there's much wrong with it anyway as he's a tipp man and people have even said some Waterford players weren't happy with him last year so I actually don't see it as a big deal. It's an amateur game at the end of the day.

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 23/07/2022 14:20:31    2433702


Replying To tiobraid:  "Genuinely think there's nothing to see here. Cahill has worked with 2 of them before and Paudie Maher was probably desperate to get involved in hurling again.
Even if something did happen like some are suggesting then I'm not sure there's much wrong with it anyway as he's a tipp man and people have even said some Waterford players weren't happy with him last year so I actually don't see it as a big deal. It's an amateur game at the end of the day."
Very true. I personally don't see anything wrong either and as Shane mcgrath said on OTB no one in Tipp cares bar bonnar and his club etc. They got the man they wanted and the rest is irrelevant.

I think Padraic Maher is an interesting one. I'm all for ex players being involved but you'd like them to be a bit removed from the current player pool. Cahill will be retiring some of his mates in the next few weeks.

I've already heard that Cahill will be putting a huge focus over the next 24 months on S&C and the county board are aware that immediate success is not guaranteed. I mentioned to you before Tiobraid i think the sheedy appointment put Tipp back about 6 or 7 years.

daveboy (Limerick) - Posts: 1197 - 23/07/2022 14:41:45    2433713


Replying To tiobraid:  "Genuinely think there's nothing to see here. Cahill has worked with 2 of them before and Paudie Maher was probably desperate to get involved in hurling again.
Even if something did happen like some are suggesting then I'm not sure there's much wrong with it anyway as he's a tipp man and people have even said some Waterford players weren't happy with him last year so I actually don't see it as a big deal. It's an amateur game at the end of the day."
Tipp Probably regret hiring Cahill now because Cody is available. Lol

Newyorkkat (Kilkenny) - Posts: 156 - 23/07/2022 14:44:40    2433716


Replying To daveboy:  "Very true. I personally don't see anything wrong either and as Shane mcgrath said on OTB no one in Tipp cares bar bonnar and his club etc. They got the man they wanted and the rest is irrelevant.

I think Padraic Maher is an interesting one. I'm all for ex players being involved but you'd like them to be a bit removed from the current player pool. Cahill will be retiring some of his mates in the next few weeks.

I've already heard that Cahill will be putting a huge focus over the next 24 months on S&C and the county board are aware that immediate success is not guaranteed. I mentioned to you before Tiobraid i think the sheedy appointment put Tipp back about 6 or 7 years."
Cant disagree with any of that post to be honest. I was one of the view at the time who didn't think Sheedy was the right man for the job and there's no question he left Tipp in a far worse place than the team he got.
The Tipp county board are putting in structures for S&C for all levels which was announced earlier this year. It'll be interesting to see where that goes as by all accounts it's going to be a serious set up and investment. I've also heard they're trying to poach Clare's man for a full time role.
I still think there's plenty of talent in Tipp but it's going to take time and hopefully Cahill can bring them to the next level. Time will tell

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 23/07/2022 15:17:31    2433728


Replying To Newyorkkat:  "Tipp Probably regret hiring Cahill now because Cody is available. Lol"
Haha ya We slipped up there!
I often wondered would Tipp have gotten a few more all Irelands if Cody was in charge. We will never know

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 23/07/2022 15:18:57    2433729


Replying To Tiger1:  "Wouldn't agree about the surface it's like playing in a bog in the winter and I would know played on it in the national league often enough."
Funny I have had players from several counties say it is not just a good surface but one of the best in the country. One happened to be a Clare player in the middle of winter. Describing it as the only pitch you could play on that year. Some years ago they discovered a natural drain and that changed how the pitch took water when they crossed to it with drains. It has short comings but the playing surface is not one of them.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2800 - 23/07/2022 15:22:51    2433731


Replying To Viking66:  "
Replying To Bon:  "[quote=countyman2022:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "[quote=baire:  "[quote=tiobraid:  "No All star from a Tipp man, quelle surprise! Jamsie O' Connor doesn't agree with you and he knows a thing or two about forwards!

This is what you said. How could I have misread your post in the way you said when I picked Thomas Monaghan on my team? I never claimed Whelan didnt score in the championship - blatant lies. Tony Kelly scored 12 points from play in the championship against Limerick - I forgot the side line was a placed ball. 13 insteand of 12 is hardly outrageous!

You have a serious chip on your shoulder about Tipperary. I'm not too sure why Tipp would come into a discussion about All Stars this year only for your hatred of us. It was a well known fact that Ollie was Eoins most difficult opponent but he did score 1-1 from play off him in Croke Park. You're obviously mixing it up with Pearse Stadium years before. Serious levels of immaturuty in your post. I'd consider Tipps rivalry with Limerick far greater than with Galway, yet I selected 13 Limerick players on my team of 2021. You have managed to turn a post about team of the year into Galway v Tipperary! Well done!"
Don't give me that trope about Galway hating Tipperary, that's well past its sell by date. My reply to you had nothing to do with Tipp. It had everything to do with you and your bullying tactics. When you asked me in your derogatory and condescending tone how old I was what type of answer did you expect?
You call this form of interaction a 'discussion'. You're not interested in a discussion, your game is one-upmanship, outsmarting, correcting, telling me that I have shot myself in the foot, that I have " Serious levels of immaturuty " etc. People who wish to engage in a discussion don't use that type of language.
Slán leat anois!"
By the way, I never once suggested Galway hate Tipp."]You didn't have to. Everybody hates Tipp."]And wexford ."]We just aren't successful enough for anyone to hate us Bon!!!!"]Wexford supporters are possibly the only ones that I've ever met who don't hate Tipp. It's probably because Wexford doesn't border Tipp. All the counties that do border it are hurling counties. I couldn't say whether Antrim or Dublin like Tipp or not, but suspect that the Dubs wouldn't hate them as you've so many Tipp fellas living in Dublin and involved in clubs there.

Personally, I don't mind Tipp at all. I generally like the Tipp style of hurling, and Tipp players in almost all cases don't fall to the ground feigning injury when hit a belt.

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2053 - 24/07/2022 11:47:40    2433860
