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2022 All-Ireland Hurling Championship thread

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Replying To tiobraid:  "I think you both are being very harsh. In memory of half forwards being man marked tightly there was Brendan Maher against Kelly and Reid in 2019 - completely snuffed both out of those games. He also man marked Gillane that year who he had the most trouble with as he was close to goal. Corner or full forwards will likely receive a lot more ball when man marked than someone out the pitch. If you have a half forward or midfielder being marked like a corner forward - how much ball is he going to get? Kelly got no ball delivered to him against KK- none at all!
Matthew O'Hanlon has completely nullified both Canning and Reid on a number of occasions by sacrificing his own game.

He got a lot of his 12 points from play against Limerick inside in the full forward line - off 3 of the best backs around. The first day even Sean Finn was chasing shadows with him for sections of that game."
For the record I think Kelly is an incredible shooter and drifter in open space. His speed and ability to find that space and predict where the ball will pop up is very good. He is an excellent loose field hurler. He does for the most part stand peripheral and rely on others to create his opportunities and when that drys up hes predictable. Ive seen it too often now. I stand by the points I made however and I think he is just short of my all star team. I noticed this morning Anthony Daly didn't have him in his all star team also in case people were accusing some posters of arrogance or County bias.

daveboy (Limerick) - Posts: 1197 - 21/07/2022 10:57:18    2433298


Replying To tommy k:  "That is my take on it also - outside of Monaghan in most games who is a half forward and Mannion in certain games who played mainly around the midfield diamond area where he is usually most effective the other Galway forwards were not consistent and Conor Cooney was the biggest culprit in that regard so CW got very little support outside of Concannon popping up now and again with a score."
I agree Whelan is Galways most important forward and arguably best player and theres also far more to his game than scores but a quick look over the last 3 years shows he was top scorer from play in 3/10 games which suggests hes not a one man band. I'm not for a second arguing his quality but I do feel youre being slightly harsh on the rest. A one man forward line such as Eoin Kelly for Tipp for years or Declan Browne - I dont think Galway are in the same dire straits in terms of scoring or leading the forward line. I agrre the others are lacking levels of consistency but invariably one or two pop up with big scores on a given day.

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 21/07/2022 11:01:53    2433300


Replying To daveboy:  "For the record I think Kelly is an incredible shooter and drifter in open space. His speed and ability to find that space and predict where the ball will pop up is very good. He is an excellent loose field hurler. He does for the most part stand peripheral and rely on others to create his opportunities and when that drys up hes predictable. Ive seen it too often now. I stand by the points I made however and I think he is just short of my all star team. I noticed this morning Anthony Daly didn't have him in his all star team also in case people were accusing some posters of arrogance or County bias."
I take your points but is the almost all Limericks scores not like that? Particualrly Tom Morisseys? How many KK goals/points from the 4 in a row team were from the likes of players drifting into space?
I take your points and theyre well made but you could play kelly anywhere from 8-14 and he'd be the one player Limerick or any odd team would be watching every second? For me hes the second best hurler in Ireland after Cian Lynch.

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 21/07/2022 11:06:33    2433303


Replying To tiobraid:  "I think you both are being very harsh. In memory of half forwards being man marked tightly there was Brendan Maher against Kelly and Reid in 2019 - completely snuffed both out of those games. He also man marked Gillane that year who he had the most trouble with as he was close to goal. Corner or full forwards will likely receive a lot more ball when man marked than someone out the pitch. If you have a half forward or midfielder being marked like a corner forward - how much ball is he going to get? Kelly got no ball delivered to him against KK- none at all!
Matthew O'Hanlon has completely nullified both Canning and Reid on a number of occasions by sacrificing his own game.

He got a lot of his 12 points from play against Limerick inside in the full forward line - off 3 of the best backs around. The first day even Sean Finn was chasing shadows with him for sections of that game."
Thank you for that balanced piece I have watched Tony Kelly among other top forwards being so called man marked and by God the term is well earned pulling & dragging body checking stopping runs shouldering and that's what you see from the Stand the pinching walking on inch steps ect is more likely called the black arts of defending. TK got no chance V KK .

He is among one of the finest hurlers that we have been privileged to have seem.

Limerick were fully deserving of the AI but next year will be harder again to win Tipp & Waterford will be back in the big time after disappointing year.

clooney (Clare) - Posts: 953 - 21/07/2022 11:08:28    2433305


this team subs and extended panel and bkroom team deserve every accolade they get.....what a performance. to me they were 6 or 7 points better than kilkenny but credit to kilkenny they just refused to go away. this team will go down as one of the greatest of all time and if they win another one or 2 could go down as the greatest. playing in 3 previous finals has shown the composure they have instilled in themselves . from nicky to graham plus all subs used they were absolutely outstanding. but i have to single out byrnes hannon hego kyle and tom as they gave perfomances of their lives. hego was just unmarkable . i also have to mention the support we had there on sunday ...there was definately up on 50 k limerick supporters there and when the parade was going on i have never heard noise like it. i thought 2018 was the greatest sporting day of my life but last sunday was up there beside it. i know i keep saying it every year if we only win one more but long may it last as its some feeling.

munsterchamps (Limerick) - Posts: 1127 - 21/07/2022 11:40:27    2433317


Replying To tiobraid:  "I take your points but is the almost all Limericks scores not like that? Particualrly Tom Morisseys? How many KK goals/points from the 4 in a row team were from the likes of players drifting into space?
I take your points and theyre well made but you could play kelly anywhere from 8-14 and he'd be the one player Limerick or any odd team would be watching every second? For me hes the second best hurler in Ireland after Cian Lynch."
Everyone of the limerick forwards bar mulcahy can win primary ball and engineer scores from same. They can also win dirty ball on the ground and their workrate is off the charts in support lines and tackles. That's the difference for me and why whelan right now is in my all star team. As I said kelly is a superb hurler but I'd take Hegarty/Hayes all day over him. Again it's opinions and there's no county bias to it just what I've seen. Lynch is the best hurler in the country you are correct and it must have been incredibly tough for the lad last weekend. A pity the country was robbed of his talents on the biggest day. I had heard he was definitely starting only for tearing ankle ligaments that Sunday.

daveboy (Limerick) - Posts: 1197 - 21/07/2022 11:41:43    2433319


Replying To tiobraid:  "I think you both are being very harsh. In memory of half forwards being man marked tightly there was Brendan Maher against Kelly and Reid in 2019 - completely snuffed both out of those games. He also man marked Gillane that year who he had the most trouble with as he was close to goal. Corner or full forwards will likely receive a lot more ball when man marked than someone out the pitch. If you have a half forward or midfielder being marked like a corner forward - how much ball is he going to get? Kelly got no ball delivered to him against KK- none at all!
Matthew O'Hanlon has completely nullified both Canning and Reid on a number of occasions by sacrificing his own game.

He got a lot of his 12 points from play against Limerick inside in the full forward line - off 3 of the best backs around. The first day even Sean Finn was chasing shadows with him for sections of that game."
Tony Kelly is an unbelievable forward I can't believe this debate is happening!!!
MOH is an awesome hurler at any level. I saw our club playing his in the Championship last weekend. Our manager, a Tipp fella, put our regular fullback at centre forward on him to try match his size. He was playing 6. He still scored 3 points and set up numerous attacks for them. We pushed on for the win as we scored 3 goals and could've scored more but we only scored 10 points all game and most of these were from frees! MOH is in the form of his life this year its noticeable the niggly injuries which were bothering him the last couple of years have cleared up and he looks trimmer and sharper as a result.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13072 - 21/07/2022 11:57:28    2433325


Roll on Sunday, great to see Galway back in the All Ireland Football Final, I'm sure all the fellow hurling posters here will be hoping Galway win the All Ireland!!

katser (Galway) - Posts: 2401 - 21/07/2022 11:58:52    2433326


Replying To clooney:  "Thank you for that balanced piece I have watched Tony Kelly among other top forwards being so called man marked and by God the term is well earned pulling & dragging body checking stopping runs shouldering and that's what you see from the Stand the pinching walking on inch steps ect is more likely called the black arts of defending. TK got no chance V KK .

He is among one of the finest hurlers that we have been privileged to have seem.

Limerick were fully deserving of the AI but next year will be harder again to win Tipp & Waterford will be back in the big time after disappointing year."
Not sure Tipp and Waterford will be much better tbh. It will be hard for Cahill to blend in the new with the old. He will probably go with the lads he knows from u20/1 but it will take time to get the S and C into them and make a Senior team out of them. He will have them very fit and motivated though.
Hard to see where Waterford go from here. They have talented hurlers for sure but if Cahill couldn't get them to play as a team come Championship who will? Alot of the players are in their peak years and if the Board fluff the managerial appointment this time maybe their window will be shut for years to come.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13072 - 21/07/2022 12:02:20    2433328


Replying To Viking66:  "Tony Kelly is an unbelievable forward I can't believe this debate is happening!!!
MOH is an awesome hurler at any level. I saw our club playing his in the Championship last weekend. Our manager, a Tipp fella, put our regular fullback at centre forward on him to try match his size. He was playing 6. He still scored 3 points and set up numerous attacks for them. We pushed on for the win as we scored 3 goals and could've scored more but we only scored 10 points all game and most of these were from frees! MOH is in the form of his life this year its noticeable the niggly injuries which were bothering him the last couple of years have cleared up and he looks trimmer and sharper as a result."
The only debate thsts going on is whether you'd have kelly in the all star team? I wouldn't. Tiobraid would. Even Anthony Daly doesn't have him in the team. I'm not sure what you find unbelievable about the debate?

daveboy (Limerick) - Posts: 1197 - 21/07/2022 12:08:29    2433330


Dalos team of the year

Finn Lawlor Nash
Byrnes Hannon Cooney
Fitz WoD
Hego Hayes SOD
Whelan Gillane TJ

I'd agree with nearly all of it but I'd have Mullen just ahead of WoD and Quaid just ahead of Murphy

daveboy (Limerick) - Posts: 1197 - 21/07/2022 12:15:34    2433332


Replying To katser:  "Roll on Sunday, great to see Galway back in the All Ireland Football Final, I'm sure all the fellow hurling posters here will be hoping Galway win the All Ireland!!"
absolutely me anyway two real football Counties

clooney (Clare) - Posts: 953 - 21/07/2022 12:18:49    2433334


Replying To clooney:  "Thank you for that balanced piece I have watched Tony Kelly among other top forwards being so called man marked and by God the term is well earned pulling & dragging body checking stopping runs shouldering and that's what you see from the Stand the pinching walking on inch steps ect is more likely called the black arts of defending. TK got no chance V KK .

He is among one of the finest hurlers that we have been privileged to have seem.

Limerick were fully deserving of the AI but next year will be harder again to win Tipp & Waterford will be back in the big time after disappointing year."
if tipp and waterford will be back stronger next year and cork also with a new manager is it a possability that clare may not get out of munster next year.

munsterchamps (Limerick) - Posts: 1127 - 21/07/2022 12:19:08    2433335


Replying To tommy k:  "Galway troubled them too and should have won only for shooting 19 wides."
Tommy. If Lynch, Pete Casey and an improving O'Neill are all there in full flow next year, they might still be hard to stop

Oldtourman (Limerick) - Posts: 4433 - 21/07/2022 12:25:43    2433338


Replying To baire:  "Sílim go bhfuil OTM in éineacht leis le sólás a thabhairt dó! Bhí seisean cinnte go mbuafadh na cait freisin!"
Nil focal ar bith le rath agam air gheall an fear sin. Silim go bfuil se, cosuil leis na duine go leir, den 'Tribes' ag feachaint amach go dti an Cluich Mor san Domnach seo ciuin. Ta an Katsar fear an- cluise, an cneasta ar fad. Nil droc cnamh ar a chorp.

Oldtourman (Limerick) - Posts: 4433 - 21/07/2022 12:36:32    2433342


Replying To daveboy:  "The only debate thsts going on is whether you'd have kelly in the all star team? I wouldn't. Tiobraid would. Even Anthony Daly doesn't have him in the team. I'm not sure what you find unbelievable about the debate?"
Ok my all star team for the year would be as follows-

That's picking lads as close to the positions they played over the season. And picking lads for the primary job of their position. Hence Butler over Nash for example.
And bottom line picking the best team. If that team lined out against my second best team, I know that's impossible as 14 of those lads would be on my second best team, that team would win.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13072 - 21/07/2022 12:49:10    2433347


Replying To munsterchamps:  "if tipp and waterford will be back stronger next year and cork also with a new manager is it a possability that clare may not get out of munster next year."
Its hard to see Tipp getting close to Clare next year, never mind Limerick so getting out of Munster doesnt look likely for Tipp anyway

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 21/07/2022 12:58:17    2433352


Replying To daveboy:  "Dalos team of the year

Finn Lawlor Nash
Byrnes Hannon Cooney
Fitz WoD
Hego Hayes SOD
Whelan Gillane TJ

I'd agree with nearly all of it but I'd have Mullen just ahead of WoD and Quaid just ahead of Murphy"
Theres no way Quaid can be robbed yet again! Personally I cant see WOD getting in. Not as good as he was last year and too many candiates around that area of the pitch. I'd be surprised if he gets 12.

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 21/07/2022 13:00:49    2433355


Replying To daveboy:  "Everyone of the limerick forwards bar mulcahy can win primary ball and engineer scores from same. They can also win dirty ball on the ground and their workrate is off the charts in support lines and tackles. That's the difference for me and why whelan right now is in my all star team. As I said kelly is a superb hurler but I'd take Hegarty/Hayes all day over him. Again it's opinions and there's no county bias to it just what I've seen. Lynch is the best hurler in the country you are correct and it must have been incredibly tough for the lad last weekend. A pity the country was robbed of his talents on the biggest day. I had heard he was definitely starting only for tearing ankle ligaments that Sunday."
We will agree to differ on this one. I undertand though where your points are coming from.

But can you go to 1min 20 seconds into this youtube video and tell me was this the score of the championship - at least up to Hegartys goal last Sunday? He demonstrated a lot more than loose hurling in this..

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 21/07/2022 13:10:54    2433360


Quaid & TK have to be on the All Star team. There are plenty more definites but there my first two on the team sheet.

Seeking_silver (Limerick) - Posts: 411 - 21/07/2022 13:50:01    2433365
