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Replying To Lakecounty94:  "Any word on if the returning Fiona o'hara will link up with Westmeath squad this year?"
surely he has to prove himself at club level

mickcunningham (Westmeath) - Posts: 1886 - 28/11/2023 15:38:26    2514890


Replying To Claretandblue:  "Caulry underage strong but yet poor enough at 13 and 15 according to you? Explain?"
17s were ok and were strong last year, 19s strong and strong next year, have produced 2 x bakes, o Donovan, Shorthall, 2 x stuart trainors, 2 x murphys, Cloonan a few more at 17s level what i meant by that statement. thats why i made the point they have a few years to push it as will have maybe one 1 or 2 players coming in the following 6 years.

PowellJohn3 (Westmeath) - Posts: 69 - 28/11/2023 15:59:05    2514894


Replying To Lakecounty94:  "Any word on if the returning Fiona o'hara will link up with Westmeath squad this year?"
I believe Fionn is in university in Belfast and you'd imagine he'll be playing Sigerson for starters. He'll be in demand from the rugby brigade so no doubt Dessie will be in touch. He does have a lot of catching up to do but a lad of his talent will be well capable.

BigSur (Westmeath) - Posts: 1180 - 28/11/2023 16:18:38    2514902


Replying To mickcunningham:  "surely he has to prove himself at club level"
Be a massive addition if the rugby brigade don't get him. He looked as good as Heslin at underage!

Matthew (None) - Posts: 1050 - 28/11/2023 17:26:07    2514916


Replying To jamsie:  "u15s struggled in Division 3.
u13s were Division 4.
Minors were division 1. Struggled, but no shame in that. A few clubs who were in div 2, would be better following their lead for u18 next year. 6 teams is too few for div 1."
Caulry have plenty of players coming up at under age they had 2 teams at under 15 level last year to give all the players football so no shortage of players coming on great coaching been done out there

Undertheroad (Westmeath) - Posts: 70 - 29/11/2023 00:03:41    2514951


Replying To Lakecounty94:  "Any word on if the returning Fiona o'hara will link up with Westmeath squad this year?"
Word on the street is he will be trying to pursue a career. In rugby.Studying in college in Belfast and what I've been hearing is he will be trying to get into the ranks of ulster rugby

Westmeath213 (Westmeath) - Posts: 337 - 29/11/2023 10:56:52    2514967


Replying To Matthew:  "Be a massive addition if the rugby brigade don't get him. He looked as good as Heslin at underage!"
well thats way off the mark, Heslin at 14 kicking points off both feet from 40 years, lording the skies, at minor starting for the u21s, O hara was good at underage and midfield is a big problem area at westmeath so he could get a crack at it in the next 18months but as someone said sigerson and club he needs to prove him self.

PowellJohn3 (Westmeath) - Posts: 69 - 29/11/2023 13:15:00    2514979


Replying To PowellJohn3:  "Caulry will be senior for a good while yet, there underage is strong and have serious financial backing which makes a difference like it or not, add in there good u19 players into the squad it makes there bench a bit stronger, i think they are poor enough at 15s and 13s so they will probably have 6 or 7 years at a crack at senior but i cant seem them making it past the semi final unless the draw falls in there favour. Lomans will be the top team for the foreseeable future, The downs underage success has dryed up but will be lomans main threat, Kinnegad will Push maybe win 1 all going well in the next 6 years. After that who will contest ?, tyrllespass doing really well to be where they are considering underage, main players coming to an end, Tang are punching above there weight which is great to see but wont sustain it, no players coming through. Shandoangh could come good very strong 13s and 15s. Shamrocks i think in a few years will be back in contention. Garrycastle wont bounce back i dont think to where they were maybe back senior but thats about it.
Killucan i thought improved a lot last year but still the hurling hinders them, Malachys the same nearly junior now senior they wont contest. Athlone have a good age profile but no chance they will challenge, there underage has been operating in div 2 for most grades. Moate i think a team that will leap frog a lot, strong at every underage team and age profile is perfect. Tubberclare underage thriving but if they dont win an intermediate in 2 years they will just repeat history and lose players. Miltown and Miltownpass might win an intermdiate but dont have the underage numbers to make inroads at senior.
Someone will disagree with me here but i can see Lomans winning 6 out of the next 8."
Pat Flanagan going to be confirmed tonight for Caulry job

Undertheroad (Westmeath) - Posts: 70 - 01/12/2023 01:32:43    2515136


Replying To Undertheroad:  "Pat Flanagan going to be confirmed tonight for Caulry job"
Wow. Theyre queuing up to be the next Lord of the Mount. Dempsey, now Flan!!

A_Chairde (Westmeath) - Posts: 270 - 01/12/2023 10:34:26    2515155


Replying To Undertheroad:  "Pat Flanagan going to be confirmed tonight for Caulry job"
A great appointment but i think its a bit early for Caulry. Certainly he will improve them but it will not bring success for another few years in my opinion. They are a few players short. And there is no point in talking about U15's who wont be able to play for another 4 years or so and arguably wouldn't be up to the level for about 6 or 7 years.

Meridian (Westmeath) - Posts: 668 - 01/12/2023 12:24:17    2515176


Replying To A_Chairde:  "Wow. Theyre queuing up to be the next Lord of the Mount. Dempsey, now Flan!!"
I believe Jim Gavin has thrown his hat in the ring

Ban (Westmeath) - Posts: 1467 - 01/12/2023 15:05:17    2515215


Time to start filling in the gaps!!

Lomans - Paddy Dowdall
Kinnegad -Pascal Kellaghan/Jack Cooney
Caulry - Pat Flanagan
The Downs  - John Murray
Moate - Liam McNeill
Athlone - Eoin Jordan
St Malachys

Garrycastle - Gary Dolan
Milltownpass - David Martin
Ballymore - Mick Tumelty/James Galvin
Rosemount - Karl Dermody
Kilbeggan - Niall O Brien
Tubberclaire - Sammon/Connaughton
St Mary's

the21yardline (Westmeath) - Posts: 182 - 04/12/2023 17:57:52    2515510


Westmeath club underage still odd ages for 2024 or has it changed to 14s/16s/18s etc

GAAHQ1 (Westmeath) - Posts: 9 - 04/12/2023 21:45:09    2515534


Tommy Carr is coaching Shandonagh, not sure if Kevin Hickey is with him, Edward Boabbse is in charge of Rochfortbridge, Multy had a hurling man lined up but he's had a better offer apparently.

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 2001 - 05/12/2023 09:04:05    2515552


Very quiet from Springfield and the Tidy Towns village.
Come on Mick, what's the story ?
Thought Michael Ennis might step up but I see he is taking his home club Ballinagore which is great to see.
T'Pass and Shamrocks never shy to appoint big names so let's see !

BigSur (Westmeath) - Posts: 1180 - 05/12/2023 18:30:56    2515644


Replying To Claretandblue:  "Tommy Carr is coaching Shandonagh, not sure if Kevin Hickey is with him, Edward Boabbse is in charge of Rochfortbridge, Multy had a hurling man lined up but he's had a better offer apparently."
Apparently Darren Rigney is in with Multy for the year.

CilitBalinagore (Westmeath) - Posts: 2 - 06/12/2023 09:30:42    2515699


Replying To CilitBalinagore:  "Apparently Darren Rigney is in with Multy for the year."
Saw that .Where was he previously?

Jack_Sparrow (Westmeath) - Posts: 1031 - 06/12/2023 13:08:38    2515737


Replying To Jack_Sparrow:  "Saw that .Where was he previously?"
Looks like he is in as a joint manager with Graham Corcoran according to Multy Facebook page. Both were part of Keith Higgins management team with Tang last year. Both highly thought of and good appointments by Multy.

mintyfresh (Westmeath) - Posts: 251 - 06/12/2023 14:29:24    2515750


Rumor Mill well and truly in full swing. Hear Killucan have been in contact with a few Top dogs along with Tyrellspass.

Couple of spots still up for grabs. Corchrane and Rigney confirmed for Multy. Dermody should be good appointment for Rosemount.
Hear the coach that was with Rosemount last year linked to some senior clubs in County also as fell out with club
be interesting to see can Tumelty get something out of Ballymore.

iarmhi1234 (Westmeath) - Posts: 3 - 06/12/2023 20:55:02    2515793


Replying To Claretandblue:  "Tommy Carr is coaching Shandonagh, not sure if Kevin Hickey is with him, Edward Boabbse is in charge of Rochfortbridge, Multy had a hurling man lined up but he's had a better offer apparently."
Was Tommy Carr over Shandonagh before? or was it with some other Westmeath Club. He has a son on the Shandonagh team.

Meridian (Westmeath) - Posts: 668 - 07/12/2023 09:20:53    2515820
