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Kerry V Dublin

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Lots happened in that final but one thing stood out for me and cost Kerry the title - David Clifford.
He is without doubt a fantastic player but he had opportunities to bring other players into the game when in possession but most often tries to go for glory himself even though others are in a better position. His workrate in tracking back is also awful and he makes a half hearted jog between players to close them down. If you compare his workrate to that of Geaney, it's day and night!! He also missed two easy chances that could have been the difference.
All the talk is about how brilliant he is but tbh if I could transfer one player from Kerry to Donegal it would be Sean O' Shea. Very rarely makes poor decisions on the ball and is an all round better footballer than Clifford.
If Dublin can close O' Shea down from general play and if Fenton can make inroads on Moran in midfield then Dublin should and will win.

Tir Conaill Abu (Donegal) - Posts: 1675 - 03/09/2019 19:15:11    2232522


Kerry played over 40 minutes against 14 men, didn't score after 65 minutes, yet media are fawning all over how well the young Kerry team did. Why not call it what it is? They bottled it plain and simple!

jackmeyhoffer (USA) - Posts: 148 - 03/09/2019 22:33:12    2232582


Replying To Tir Conaill Abu:  "Lots happened in that final but one thing stood out for me and cost Kerry the title - David Clifford.
He is without doubt a fantastic player but he had opportunities to bring other players into the game when in possession but most often tries to go for glory himself even though others are in a better position. His workrate in tracking back is also awful and he makes a half hearted jog between players to close them down. If you compare his workrate to that of Geaney, it's day and night!! He also missed two easy chances that could have been the difference.
All the talk is about how brilliant he is but tbh if I could transfer one player from Kerry to Donegal it would be Sean O' Shea. Very rarely makes poor decisions on the ball and is an all round better footballer than Clifford.
If Dublin can close O' Shea down from general play and if Fenton can make inroads on Moran in midfield then Dublin should and will win."
Jesus I think you're being harsh enough on him, he had 3 bad misses alright but his general play is very good and he creates an unreal amount of space with his movement in my opinion. His 2 points were excellent which I suppose highlights the misses even more.

I love O'Shea as well but I'd take Clifford all day long. I love the way he carries the ball and the short hop he does to give himself a wee bit of space is brilliant. 2 special players Kerry have regardless.

JoeSoap (Donegal) - Posts: 1432 - 03/09/2019 23:01:26    2232593


What a match, what a match.
Kerry could nearly have been out of sight after 15 mins...Dublin could nearly have been out of sight at half time and the sending off gave us a boost.
We still found it tricky to make inroads until Tommy Walsh was sprung and himself and Spillane were immense. We totally over for the last 20 mins
I thought we might hold on but could never get that cruciual 2 points in front.
But Dublin showed why they are the champuons they are , totally dominated the last 5 mins of injury time and I was thankful at the end we held out for the draw.
Could have won, could have lost...let the replay decide!

woops (Kerry) - Posts: 2073 - 04/09/2019 10:05:32    2232654


Replying To jackmeyhoffer:  "Kerry played over 40 minutes against 14 men, didn't score after 65 minutes, yet media are fawning all over how well the young Kerry team did. Why not call it what it is? They bottled it plain and simple!"
If anything the Dubs bottled it - they dominated the last 10 mins had a host of chances to win it. Kerry tired badly and were lucky to hang on - that's the disadvantage of having young inexperienced guys who haven't yet been fully conditioned.
For Kerry its all about the goal chances..we had at least 5 and only took 1. Our forward unit is improving each game so I'd be confident we'll create chances again - it then boils down to taking them and getting out of sight from Dublin. Can't see us beating them if they're with us coming into the last 10 mins.

blacknamber (Kerry) - Posts: 267 - 04/09/2019 12:43:01    2232708


Replying To Defaulter1831:  "Point 4 is rubbish.

Clifford missed scores he never does. Geaney didn't play well. O'Brien has more in him. Kerry's kick outs were poor enough overall, 2 went over the sideline. Kerry young lads first Senior AI. Kerry have a good record in replays.

Both Kerry and Dublin have equal scope for improvement. Fenton in midfield can only improve. Kilkenny, Mannion and Scully, James McCarthy have more in them etc.

You can look at that match which ever way you want to suit who you want to win, but the fact is whoever will learn the most from the first day and improve the most will win. Dublin in 2016 were expected to easily beat Mayo in the replay. They won because of Hennelly's meltdown really. I feel the Kerry keeper could have this in him too...

Are Dublin showing a little lack of hunger with the length they are on the road? Did the elevation of Connolly do something to the over all morale.

Look no one knows.."
Dublin in 2016 were expected to easily beat Mayo in the replay.

To add to one of the dub posters correction thats simply not true.
The replay was a 4/9 2/1 match with PP, much the same odds as the drawn game - even after Maurice Deegan was drafted in to ...
However the reason for this, I've recently learned on HoganStand, is that there are 4.5 times as many Dubs as Kerry people whereas in 2016 Dublin was only twice* as populous as Mayo.
Because thats how bookmaking works. Or something. ;-)

*This might also explian the recent housing crisis in the capital.

timmyhogan (UK) - Posts: 290 - 04/09/2019 14:51:26    2232759


Replying To KingdomBoy1:  "Like many dubs on here Superbluedub and catch22 are the same poster. 1 too many accounts I'm sure of it."
Are you still on with your nonsense ? What is your problem kid ? You are 100% wrong , I have one account on here , I am not catch22 ,get over yourself , this thread is for discussing Dublin v Kerry , please grow up .

superbluedub (Dublin) - Posts: 2842 - 05/09/2019 00:05:07    2232909


Wasn't on here pre or post game until today. Read over a few posts. Nothing much to add really other than the fact both sets of players and management ought to be extremely proud of themselves. The pressure on both sets of players going into the home straight there was incredible. 82,300 fans from all over Ireland in the ground, 1million watching a game that's dead supposedly at home, another 20k on sky. Its crazy when you think about it.

On one side you had Kerry. The team who were matched with Dublin's 4 in a row. The one team out of any who are more hell bent on stopping the drive for five, with a team full of fellas who are inexperienced on a big day like that, coming from 5 down albeit with a man advantage and showing the character, grit and determination of a team ready to take their spot at the top seat of the table. Refusing to wilt or bow down to their incredible opponents, a Dublin team who had the majority of players well marshalled/underperforming, struggling, with everyone watching, waiting for them to die on their sword, easy for lads who are weighed down by the weight of all Ireland medals to just fall at the final hurdle, and then you see the calm, you see the experience, the never die attitude with them firmly under the microscope, to put in a last 12 minutes like that in terms of intensity with a man disadvantage. The bravery and courage to lay it all on the line for history. Unbelievable stuff from everyone involved. Anyone using the term bottling about either team needs to get their act together. No bottling, just immense sporting drama from two superb teams.

A draw the right result. No question, and whats more is we all are lucky enough to be able to see it all happen again next week. The narrative is that both should be confident of a win next week for different reasons. Dublin will hopefully have 15 men on the pitch for the whole game and those who underperformed thanks in part to Kerry being fantastic, will have another chance, and Kerry of course will know they can put it up to Dublin and have that experience under their belt.

Whets the appetite.

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13654 - 08/09/2019 15:28:08    2233568


Replying To blacknamber:  "If anything the Dubs bottled it - they dominated the last 10 mins had a host of chances to win it. Kerry tired badly and were lucky to hang on - that's the disadvantage of having young inexperienced guys who haven't yet been fully conditioned.
For Kerry its all about the goal chances..we had at least 5 and only took 1. Our forward unit is improving each game so I'd be confident we'll create chances again - it then boils down to taking them and getting out of sight from Dublin. Can't see us beating them if they're with us coming into the last 10 mins."
The 14 men bottled it, now that's a stretch to say that even for a Kerry man!

jackmeyhoffer (USA) - Posts: 148 - 09/09/2019 19:37:15    2233945


Replying To jackmeyhoffer:  "The 14 men bottled it, now that's a stretch to say that even for a Kerry man!"
Absolutely didnt bottle that

kerryforsam19 (Kerry) - Posts: 95 - 09/09/2019 22:11:11    2233992


congrats Dublin.
Fantastic achievement

BeJasus (UK) - Posts: 383 - 14/09/2019 19:45:08    2235260
