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Meath V Dublin

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The tactical illiteracy of many fellow of my fellow countymen is astounding. It's like a broken record stuck on play. Year in, year out. Big lad up front, kick through the laces, early ball, fight for it, hungrier, we have the beating of them up front, just bizarre. One day these lads will wake up and we'll not have won an All-Ireland in 30 years and they'll still live in cuckoo land.

I too admire the optimism of the original poster and dont mean to offend. It's a good thing that there isnt too much negativity out there but there is a limit to what can be considered sensible as well. We can of course dare to dream and speculate about games.

We are a very long way off. Getting to a Leinster final, if the championship even goes ahead, is a *great* acheivement for this squad of players. Everything else is a write-off in my view. The inclusion of McBride, possibly at midfield, is exciting. Could be a gamechanger for how we play, and how we work scores. If we are to be competitive with the big guns, we simply need to find more dangerous attacking players and more ballwinners in the middle.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 595 - 14/10/2020 05:59:10    2297429


Replying To Young_gael:  "The tactical illiteracy of many fellow of my fellow countymen is astounding. It's like a broken record stuck on play. Year in, year out. Big lad up front, kick through the laces, early ball, fight for it, hungrier, we have the beating of them up front, just bizarre. One day these lads will wake up and we'll not have won an All-Ireland in 30 years and they'll still live in cuckoo land.

I too admire the optimism of the original poster and dont mean to offend. It's a good thing that there isnt too much negativity out there but there is a limit to what can be considered sensible as well. We can of course dare to dream and speculate about games.

We are a very long way off. Getting to a Leinster final, if the championship even goes ahead, is a *great* acheivement for this squad of players. Everything else is a write-off in my view. The inclusion of McBride, possibly at midfield, is exciting. Could be a gamechanger for how we play, and how we work scores. If we are to be competitive with the big guns, we simply need to find more dangerous attacking players and more ballwinners in the middle."
Once again we are it looks like pinning hopes on a youngster. McBride was a decent U17 but in that big game v Galway he didn't show up. Last year his performances for Ultans where average possibly his mind was elsewhere. His club in Oz letting him play here is not a good omen. I hope I'm wrong but can't see him having a big part in switching Meaths fortunes around

glenny (Meath) - Posts: 1110 - 14/10/2020 11:36:49    2297488


Replying To glenny:  "Once again we are it looks like pinning hopes on a youngster. McBride was a decent U17 but in that big game v Galway he didn't show up. Last year his performances for Ultans where average possibly his mind was elsewhere. His club in Oz letting him play here is not a good omen. I hope I'm wrong but can't see him having a big part in switching Meaths fortunes around"
He wasn't decent under 17. He was a great under 17, both in 2017 and 2018 albeit he was quiet in that Galway game. But the quarter-final against Armagh in Derry he was very good. Didn't see him for the Ultans but I agree with you he isn't ready to turn around Meath's fortunes YET. He is very raw, still pretty lanky and definitely needs to get stronger and become a better kick passer. But the raw materials are there he is 6 foot 6, has an enormous leap. Glides over the ground and is incredibly fit. Also, his club letting him play is a bad omen for his AFL career but a great omen for us. The AFL clubs are starting to struggle financially and also I believe Essendon are a bit of a disaster this year. So for 2020, I think he won't feature all that much maybe 15 mins off the bench to try win ball around midfield. But if he plays next year and beyond then he could be a massive player for us. Remember he is under 20 again next year (Would be unbelievable if he could play that age). We haven't had a tall athletic fetching midfielder that I can remember. Menton is a great player on the ground but not when the balls in the air. Jones is really good in the air but is only about 6 foot, McBride would be the type of player we need but probably not ready this year

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1492 - 14/10/2020 12:00:45    2297493


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "He wasn't decent under 17. He was a great under 17, both in 2017 and 2018 albeit he was quiet in that Galway game. But the quarter-final against Armagh in Derry he was very good. Didn't see him for the Ultans but I agree with you he isn't ready to turn around Meath's fortunes YET. He is very raw, still pretty lanky and definitely needs to get stronger and become a better kick passer. But the raw materials are there he is 6 foot 6, has an enormous leap. Glides over the ground and is incredibly fit. Also, his club letting him play is a bad omen for his AFL career but a great omen for us. The AFL clubs are starting to struggle financially and also I believe Essendon are a bit of a disaster this year. So for 2020, I think he won't feature all that much maybe 15 mins off the bench to try win ball around midfield. But if he plays next year and beyond then he could be a massive player for us. Remember he is under 20 again next year (Would be unbelievable if he could play that age). We haven't had a tall athletic fetching midfielder that I can remember. Menton is a great player on the ground but not when the balls in the air. Jones is really good in the air but is only about 6 foot, McBride would be the type of player we need but probably not ready this year"
Folks - did anyone see Daithi McGowan play this year? Same height as McBride but has another year of Senior Football behind him. He is in the squad - but in fairness to Andy he is not throwing him in at the deep end. I saw both McGowan and McBride play for the Meath under 20's in 2019 - neither played in midfield incidently and I though McGowan looked better!
McBride would be another great prospect - but that is what he would be just yet. But it would be better have him than not I suppose !

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 493 - 14/10/2020 12:36:00    2297510


Replying To glenny:  "Once again we are it looks like pinning hopes on a youngster. McBride was a decent U17 but in that big game v Galway he didn't show up. Last year his performances for Ultans where average possibly his mind was elsewhere. His club in Oz letting him play here is not a good omen. I hope I'm wrong but can't see him having a big part in switching Meaths fortunes around"
It's ok to pin our hopes on a youngster - what you really need is 15-20 of them coming through over a 4 year period.
By 2022 Kerry will have had 9-10 senior starters from five All Ireland winning minor teams
Meath to return to football glory should ideally be looking at having 4 schools competing in Leinster A football grades in order to get to the standard and quantity of output

These could be
Pats (Navan)
Ashbourne / Ratoath / Dunshaughlin area

The benefit of schools is that players can train every day,coaches (teachers) can work with them every day at low cost - compared with huge effort and cost required to get development squads together twice a week

goosey (Meath) - Posts: 60 - 14/10/2020 13:11:54    2297525


Replying To goosey:  "It's ok to pin our hopes on a youngster - what you really need is 15-20 of them coming through over a 4 year period.
By 2022 Kerry will have had 9-10 senior starters from five All Ireland winning minor teams
Meath to return to football glory should ideally be looking at having 4 schools competing in Leinster A football grades in order to get to the standard and quantity of output

These could be
Pats (Navan)
Ashbourne / Ratoath / Dunshaughlin area

The benefit of schools is that players can train every day,coaches (teachers) can work with them every day at low cost - compared with huge effort and cost required to get development squads together twice a week"
and somewhere in East Meath - Drogheda?

goosey (Meath) - Posts: 60 - 14/10/2020 15:19:16    2297584


Replying To goosey:  "It's ok to pin our hopes on a youngster - what you really need is 15-20 of them coming through over a 4 year period.
By 2022 Kerry will have had 9-10 senior starters from five All Ireland winning minor teams
Meath to return to football glory should ideally be looking at having 4 schools competing in Leinster A football grades in order to get to the standard and quantity of output

These could be
Pats (Navan)
Ashbourne / Ratoath / Dunshaughlin area

The benefit of schools is that players can train every day,coaches (teachers) can work with them every day at low cost - compared with huge effort and cost required to get development squads together twice a week"
Assuming you have teachers who are prepared to work with them! Remember, it means teachers have to give of their own time to commit to managing and coaching a football team. Many of the schools above, certainly the community schools, have other sports to consider and also other extra curricular stuff going on outside of school hours (I guess pats do too but I don't know) Also, do the schools have a qualified GAA coach - not always! I know some clubs have a school link but again you are looking at volunteers giving of their own time - time they already give in the clubs!

Maybe if we were like the US - and could afford to pay for a GAA coach for each school (like the way US high schools do) we would get more out of them but till then we are relying on teachers who will give their time freely

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 493 - 14/10/2020 15:55:03    2297590


Replying To goosey:  "It's ok to pin our hopes on a youngster - what you really need is 15-20 of them coming through over a 4 year period.
By 2022 Kerry will have had 9-10 senior starters from five All Ireland winning minor teams
Meath to return to football glory should ideally be looking at having 4 schools competing in Leinster A football grades in order to get to the standard and quantity of output

These could be
Pats (Navan)
Ashbourne / Ratoath / Dunshaughlin area

The benefit of schools is that players can train every day,coaches (teachers) can work with them every day at low cost - compared with huge effort and cost required to get development squads together twice a week"
The issue for Dunboyne is that the school is essentially their club team with the odd Dub from their side of Clonee (Eric Lowndes for example). Unless Kilbride improves rapidly and the odd good Blackhall Gaels player then they won't compete. In Dunshaughlin, there's some Dunsany and Skryne in there. Ratoath have some Curragha, Ashbourne have some Dubs, Curragha and Vincents so all three would be better candidates to compete than Dunboyne school

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1492 - 14/10/2020 18:26:02    2297615


i think we have 3 schools in the leinster A of the ladies schools football

dickie10 (UK) - Posts: 725 - 14/10/2020 23:51:04    2297683


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "
Replying To goosey:  "It's ok to pin our hopes on a youngster - what you really need is 15-20 of them coming through over a 4 year period.
By 2022 Kerry will have had 9-10 senior starters from five All Ireland winning minor teams
Meath to return to football glory should ideally be looking at having 4 schools competing in Leinster A football grades in order to get to the standard and quantity of output

These could be
Pats (Navan)
Ashbourne / Ratoath / Dunshaughlin area

The benefit of schools is that players can train every day,coaches (teachers) can work with them every day at low cost - compared with huge effort and cost required to get development squads together twice a week"
The issue for Dunboyne is that the school is essentially their club team with the odd Dub from their side of Clonee (Eric Lowndes for example). Unless Kilbride improves rapidly and the odd good Blackhall Gaels player then they won't compete. In Dunshaughlin, there's some Dunsany and Skryne in there. Ratoath have some Curragha, Ashbourne have some Dubs, Curragha and Vincents so all three would be better candidates to compete than Dunboyne school"
Kilcock school in Kildare also has a lot of Meath guys going from Summerhill, Moynalvy , Na Fianna Clonard & longwood so we must not forget about these guys also as thet seem to regularly get to B leinster Finals

Bear10 (Meath) - Posts: 463 - 15/10/2020 10:31:33    2297716


Will game go ahead ??

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/10/2020 15:48:45    2297805


Replying To royaldunne:  "Will game go ahead ??"
Only if the country goes to level 5 will inter county football and hurling be stopped royaldunne, so it seems were good to go for the next week or two anyway.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 15/10/2020 18:14:31    2297841


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Only if the country goes to level 5 will inter county football and hurling be stopped royaldunne, so it seems were good to go for the next week or two anyway."
Any news on a Meath squad? Any additions from earlier this year. Think alot of the backs positions are sewn up. Interested to see who will be in goals and the full forward line.

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 545 - 15/10/2020 19:14:00    2297856


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Only if the country goes to level 5 will inter county football and hurling be stopped royaldunne, so it seems were good to go for the next week or two anyway."
Yeah hopefully.
Bit of pressure coming from media though and some in other sectors.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/10/2020 19:18:36    2297859


Replying To Bear10:  "
Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "[quote=goosey:  "It's ok to pin our hopes on a youngster - what you really need is 15-20 of them coming through over a 4 year period.
By 2022 Kerry will have had 9-10 senior starters from five All Ireland winning minor teams
Meath to return to football glory should ideally be looking at having 4 schools competing in Leinster A football grades in order to get to the standard and quantity of output

These could be
Pats (Navan)
Ashbourne / Ratoath / Dunshaughlin area

The benefit of schools is that players can train every day,coaches (teachers) can work with them every day at low cost - compared with huge effort and cost required to get development squads together twice a week"
The issue for Dunboyne is that the school is essentially their club team with the odd Dub from their side of Clonee (Eric Lowndes for example). Unless Kilbride improves rapidly and the odd good Blackhall Gaels player then they won't compete. In Dunshaughlin, there's some Dunsany and Skryne in there. Ratoath have some Curragha, Ashbourne have some Dubs, Curragha and Vincents so all three would be better candidates to compete than Dunboyne school"
Kilcock school in Kildare also has a lot of Meath guys going from Summerhill, Moynalvy , Na Fianna Clonard & longwood so we must not forget about these guys also as thet seem to regularly get to B leinster Finals"]Edenderry and Maynooth PP have won major honors with good selection of future Meath players. Even Coolmine has produced a few.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1326 - 15/10/2020 19:22:43    2297860


Replying To royaldunne:  "Will game go ahead ??"
Saturdays game looks lightly to go ahead, however the way things are going rest of season must be hanging by a thread. Be interesting to see results of GPA survey. Personally I think we are asking way too much of amateur players. Wexford latest county to report a big outbreak.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2160 - 15/10/2020 19:29:52    2297862


Replying To winatallcost:  "Any news on a Meath squad? Any additions from earlier this year. Think alot of the backs positions are sewn up. Interested to see who will be in goals and the full forward line."
The only new additions i heard are McBride and the two Wallace brothers, plus we do have allot of injured players back so squad should be stronger then back in February, I'd imagine andy colgan will start in goals as he looked good in there for ashbourne this year.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 15/10/2020 21:37:21    2297899


Replying To seadog54:  "Saturdays game looks lightly to go ahead, however the way things are going rest of season must be hanging by a thread. Be interesting to see results of GPA survey. Personally I think we are asking way too much of amateur players. Wexford latest county to report a big outbreak."
Yeah. Looking very unlikely for championship

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/10/2020 21:44:32    2297901


Replying To LoyalRoyal66:  "We have forwards that can score, they are very over-reliant on Rock, in my opinion. They are suspect under a high ball, if we play a target man and bombard high balls into him we could see a repeat of 2010. We also will be more hungry then them, they have done it all in the game whereas we have everything to play for"
"They're over-reliant on Rock"


I hope one day we don't over-rely on Rock.

Maybe if that changes, and we improve under a high ball, we might do it all in the ga.……..

Actually... never mind - Carry on.

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13654 - 16/10/2020 12:50:41    2298021


Replying To waynoI:  ""They're over-reliant on Rock"


I hope one day we don't over-rely on Rock.

Maybe if that changes, and we improve under a high ball, we might do it all in the ga.……..

Actually... never mind - Carry on."
You are correct sir, it was an absolutely shocking statement. Not sure what they have been watching for the last 5 years

Ed2010 (Meath) - Posts: 103 - 16/10/2020 15:08:23    2298094
