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Meath V Dublin

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Now that it looks certain that the league is to be finished what are people's views on this game, am I right in saying that Newman and harnan are our only two injuries, it be interesting to see what team andy picks because all this game is for both counties is a warm up for the championship, but it could be a chance to put in a good challenge to Dublin something we haven't done in league or championship for eight years. It's a pity all these games are going to be behind closed doors and no pubs to watch them in either, but it be still great to see inter county football back and hopefully it be completed this year, meath to beat Dublin by two points and to lift the mood in the county, hon the royals.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 11/10/2020 16:51:11    2296837


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Now that it looks certain that the league is to be finished what are people's views on this game, am I right in saying that Newman and harnan are our only two injuries, it be interesting to see what team andy picks because all this game is for both counties is a warm up for the championship, but it could be a chance to put in a good challenge to Dublin something we haven't done in league or championship for eight years. It's a pity all these games are going to be behind closed doors and no pubs to watch them in either, but it be still great to see inter county football back and hopefully it be completed this year, meath to beat Dublin by two points and to lift the mood in the county, hon the royals."
Did Newman get injured after the championship. Played all the games with Kilmainham didn't he? Shane Gallagher hasn't played this year either I don't think

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1492 - 11/10/2020 18:41:17    2296851


I heard Newman has retired from Inter-County football? Body won't allow him train and play at that level anymore

boeder (Meath) - Posts: 59 - 11/10/2020 19:30:25    2296859


Replying To boeder:  "I heard Newman has retired from Inter-County football? Body won't allow him train and play at that level anymore"
So it seems. Very disappointing for him. Injury always seemed to find him at the wrong times. After a brilliant first season as a starter in 2013 I can't remember him being injury free ever since. Let's hope Donal Lenihan and Shane Walsh can fill that void and with Walsh in particular carry on the scoring duties over the next few years

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1492 - 12/10/2020 21:46:06    2297136


Yeah Newman gone which is a shame. Barely ever played without injuries. A great servant to Meath and you could see that on the rare times when he played injury free, he was definitely one of the best forwards in the country for me - thinking back to his early days in green jersey and his performance in league final last year when he got himself super fit.

Hopefully likes of Walsh, Lenihan, Lynch, Mattimoe, Costello etc as you say can step up.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1326 - 13/10/2020 10:27:24    2297188


Think we can give the dubs are good rattle. I'm hearing reports from their camp that they think they just have to turn up. Meath need to hit them hard and fight for every ball. Let the ball in early, dont carry it into contact. Do that and I think we can win

LoyalRoyal66 (Meath) - Posts: 85 - 13/10/2020 12:10:27    2297219


Replying To Crinigan:  "Yeah Newman gone which is a shame. Barely ever played without injuries. A great servant to Meath and you could see that on the rare times when he played injury free, he was definitely one of the best forwards in the country for me - thinking back to his early days in green jersey and his performance in league final last year when he got himself super fit.

Hopefully likes of Walsh, Lenihan, Lynch, Mattimoe, Costello etc as you say can step up."
Mattimoe is in with Meath?

Meath32245 (Meath) - Posts: 75 - 13/10/2020 12:17:18    2297221


Replying To LoyalRoyal66:  "Think we can give the dubs are good rattle. I'm hearing reports from their camp that they think they just have to turn up. Meath need to hit them hard and fight for every ball. Let the ball in early, dont carry it into contact. Do that and I think we can win"
If anyone thinks that a month or so out from Championship that the Dubs are are going to 'Just turn up' they are in for a rude awakening No more than any other county players they are playing for a championship start But the key will be an early ball in and not the endless lateral passing that got no points in the league to date

ABK67 (Meath) - Posts: 62 - 13/10/2020 12:38:03    2297229


Replying To ABK67:  "If anyone thinks that a month or so out from Championship that the Dubs are are going to 'Just turn up' they are in for a rude awakening No more than any other county players they are playing for a championship start But the key will be an early ball in and not the endless lateral passing that got no points in the league to date"
I agree. If I see on the TV a meath man going sideways or going on solo runs I will turn it off. The ball should be drove into the full forward line at every opportunity. Punt kick down the laces. We have the beating of them inside!

LoyalRoyal66 (Meath) - Posts: 85 - 13/10/2020 12:51:24    2297236


Replying To LoyalRoyal66:  "Think we can give the dubs are good rattle. I'm hearing reports from their camp that they think they just have to turn up. Meath need to hit them hard and fight for every ball. Let the ball in early, dont carry it into contact. Do that and I think we can win"
Reports from their camp... LOL. Yeah I'd say they are going around telling people they just have to turn up on Saturday alright.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 915 - 13/10/2020 13:02:55    2297245


Replying To LoyalRoyal66:  "Think we can give the dubs are good rattle. I'm hearing reports from their camp that they think they just have to turn up. Meath need to hit them hard and fight for every ball. Let the ball in early, dont carry it into contact. Do that and I think we can win"
Good plan lad, why didn't we think of that 10 years ago and we might have the 5 in a row instead of them. How do we have the beating of them inside, just remind me? We scored 5 points against them last time we played, 1 of which came from play. Come on, be realistic please and less of the fantasizing

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 915 - 13/10/2020 13:26:01    2297256


Replying To southmeathgael:  "Good plan lad, why didn't we think of that 10 years ago and we might have the 5 in a row instead of them. How do we have the beating of them inside, just remind me? We scored 5 points against them last time we played, 1 of which came from play. Come on, be realistic please and less of the fantasizing"
We have forwards that can score, they are very over-reliant on Rock, in my opinion. They are suspect under a high ball, if we play a target man and bombard high balls into him we could see a repeat of 2010. We also will be more hungry then them, they have done it all in the game whereas we have everything to play for

LoyalRoyal66 (Meath) - Posts: 85 - 13/10/2020 13:41:58    2297265


Replying To LoyalRoyal66:  "We have forwards that can score, they are very over-reliant on Rock, in my opinion. They are suspect under a high ball, if we play a target man and bombard high balls into him we could see a repeat of 2010. We also will be more hungry then them, they have done it all in the game whereas we have everything to play for"
In last year's championship, Rock scored 1-39, Costello 1-31, Mannion 0-28 and O'Callaghan 4-13. And that still only accounted for just over half of their scores. How on earth can you claim they're over reliant on Rock?

I admire your optimism but the same blind optimism was shared here in the week leading up to last year's Leinster final.
Unless Dublin play a severely weakened side, we won't win. I'd personally be happy if we put it up to them into the second half and kept them to within 10.
Hard to muster any enthusiasm for this year. Our main objective for the championship (if there even is one) would be to make it to a Leinster final where the same result awaits, I fear.

Ratoath Royal (Meath) - Posts: 1362 - 13/10/2020 14:38:24    2297290


Replying To LoyalRoyal66:  "We have forwards that can score, they are very over-reliant on Rock, in my opinion. They are suspect under a high ball, if we play a target man and bombard high balls into him we could see a repeat of 2010. We also will be more hungry then them, they have done it all in the game whereas we have everything to play for"
So the same line everyone has been saying for years.

Give me a break would ye.

If that's how you beat them how come no one has tried or done any of that in stopping them winning the 5 in a row.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 13/10/2020 15:30:17    2297297


Replying To boeder:  "I heard Newman has retired from Inter-County football? Body won't allow him train and play at that level anymore"
That's sad news, for player and team. No doubting his talent, just never got an injury free season of late to prove how good he could be. Echo's of O Rourke and Gillespie.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2160 - 13/10/2020 18:00:51    2297333


Good to see some semblance of normality resume....

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1794 - 13/10/2020 18:13:52    2297338


Some info on Newman, but better new on others.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2160 - 13/10/2020 18:19:57    2297342


Replying To seadog54:  "That's sad news, for player and team. No doubting his talent, just never got an injury free season of late to prove how good he could be. Echo's of O Rourke and Gillespie."
Very good point. I'd also throw Kevin Reilly's name in there as he never could get consistently injury free. If he had i think he'd all the makings of a superb leader.

When you look at some of the names lost in recent years this team could be so much stronger.

Newman, Gillespie, O'Rourke and add Nash and McBride could make some difference to the current team.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 13/10/2020 18:23:44    2297345


Oh for a day like spoke about on the main page with a leader like ken rennicks to power us on. What a day it was for all Meath people as a young Players on the Meath team Complemented the older players like Rennicks Pat Reynolds Jack Quinn Matt Kerrigan and Cormac Rowe. Meath had 5 U21s as we took down the All Ireland champions powered on by their super forwards Hanahoe, Keavney Doyle Hickey OToole (RIP) and McCarthy.
Louth knocked us out in Round 1 of the Leinster in 75 while Dublin bet us Narrowly in Leinster Finals of 76 & 77 as they went on to All Ireland glory.
I often wonder if we had Sean what may have happened

glenny (Meath) - Posts: 1110 - 13/10/2020 18:27:49    2297347


Replying To glenny:  "Oh for a day like spoke about on the main page with a leader like ken rennicks to power us on. What a day it was for all Meath people as a young Players on the Meath team Complemented the older players like Rennicks Pat Reynolds Jack Quinn Matt Kerrigan and Cormac Rowe. Meath had 5 U21s as we took down the All Ireland champions powered on by their super forwards Hanahoe, Keavney Doyle Hickey OToole (RIP) and McCarthy.
Louth knocked us out in Round 1 of the Leinster in 75 while Dublin bet us Narrowly in Leinster Finals of 76 & 77 as they went on to All Ireland glory.
I often wonder if we had Sean what may have happened"
Still one of my outstanding memories of watching Meath over many years, standing behind goals (cannot remember hill or canal) Was on my own and recall quite a few leaving early in second half, when Dublin looked like winners, nearly sure a ROI soccer match was on tv. Fantastic second half from Meath and Rennicks gave a performance as good as any I have witnessed. Not a lot between Meath and the much vaunted Dublin in 76/77 lady luck was not on our side.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2160 - 13/10/2020 22:38:27    2297409
